"XPath is a language for addressing parts of an XML document, designed to be used by both [XSLT] and [XPointer]." That's the summary of version 1.0 of the [W3C] specification of the [XML] Path Language--XPath. You can read this standard (or "recommendation", in W3C vernacular) for yourself at http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath . One way to think about XPath is that it does for XML instances a bit of what [SQL] does for [RDBMS]s--it's a kind of query language. It complements XSLT in particular; XSLT describes what changes to make, and XPath tells where in a document to make them (very roughly). ---- Examples of XPath Tcler's Wiki Tcl Exchange OpenACS Given the example XML above we could extract all tags using the following XPath: //a We could also grab the "OpenACS" link with the following XPath: //a[@id="getme"] More examples can be found at: http://www.zvon.org/xxl/XPathTutorial/General/examples.html [JAC] [[Nice comments, JAC.]] ---- [[Explain XPath implementations in existing Tcl-XSLT bindings.]] ---- [tDOM] makes XPath queries on script level very easy. With the example from above: package require tdom set data { Tcler's Wiki Tcl Exchange OpenACS } set doc [dom parse $data] set root [$doc documentElement] set aNodes [$root selectNodes {//a[@id="getme"]}] foreach node $aNodes { puts "Visit [$node text] at [$node @href]" } $doc delete Two notes: The brackets '[[ ]]' have syntactical meaning both in tcl and in XPath expressions. Don't forget to protect the brackets in your XPath expressions. The XPath expression //a is not the best example one could choose. The '//' (which is the abbreviation for /descendant-or-self::node()/) is one of the most expensive XPath location steps for almost all known XPath engines. It means, that the XPath engine has to scan the whole tree beneath the node. Avoiding // - of course, if possible - could amazingly speed up your XPath queries or your XSLT stylesheets. [Rolf Ade].