Version 1 of Works with any Web Server

Updated 2006-01-31 16:46:08

httpd.conf file must have the following for the demo to work:

1. ServerRoot "c:/RedOlive/apache/apache2"

   this is where your apache is installed 

2. DocumentRoot "c:/RedOlive/dev/app/Docmgr/doc"

   if you have placed the 'RedOlive' folder on the root of the 
   'C' drive 

3. ErrorLog /tmp/Docmgr-error.log

   Server error logs 

4. CustomLog /tmp/Docmgr-access.log common

   Server access logs 


5. ScriptAlias /bin/ "c:/RedOlive/dev/app/Docmgr/bin/" 6. Alias /images/ "c:/RedOlive/dev/app/Docmgr/img/" 7. Alias /tk/ "c:/RedOlive/dev/tk/"