WJG (23/Jun/2006) The default bindings of the text widget does allow for word selections: a Double-Button-1 event will place the selection tag around a word. In this case a word is any group of printable characters surrounded by whitespace. This is a valid "progammer's" definition of a word but not for those working with natural languages. The following simple proceedure will create a selection without any puncutation.

 # wordselect.tcl
 # William J Giddings, 2006
 # Notes:
 # -----
 # The default <Double-Button-1> binding in the text widget
 # creates a selection around a word delimited by whitspace.
 # In practice however, a word is also delimted by punctuation marks.
 # This package provide a simple way of selecting the literal word alone rather
 # than any surrounding punctuation.
 # Args:
 # ----
 # w   the text widget with active focus
 # Comments:
 # --------
 # none

 # adjust selection to remove any leading/trailing punctuation
 proc select {w} {

  # cut away the extras
  set str [$w get "insert wordstart" "insert wordend"]
  if { $str == {} } {return}

  set str2 {_<>,.!\/£$%^&*-+=~@?;:'(){}[]\"}

  set str [string trimright $str $str2]
  set str [string trimleft $str $str2]

  # reset selection range, search within selection
  set a [$w search -forwards $str "insert wordstart" "insert wordend"]
  set b [split $a .]

  # reposition the tag
  $w tag remove sel 1.0 end
  $w tag add sel $a [lindex $b 0].[expr [lindex $b 1] + [string length $str]]


 # the ubiquitous demo
 proc demo {} {

  console show
  pack [text .t1 -font {Times 12} -height 7] -fill both -expand 1
  pack [text .t2 -font {Times 12} -height 7 -bg #ffffdd] -fill both -expand 1

  set tmp {An umberella lay alongside the door.\n"Who's is that?" Said Ellie, suprised by it all.\n"Whose what?" Snapped George.\n"No, 'who's'! You deaf old fool!"}

  .t1 insert end $tmp
  .t2 insert end $tmp

  # modify the bindings for the top widget only  
  bind .t1 <Double-Button-1> { 
    select %W
    # prevent default binding selecting to the whitespace



MG You can also achieve the same effect by setting the tcl_wordchars and tcl_nonwordchars global variables:

  catch {tcl_endOfWord} ; # make sure Tcl already has the vars set
  set tcl_wordchars {\w}
  set tcl_nonwordchars {\W}

(In this case, I believe \w matches a-z, A-Z and underscores (_). You can also set more explicit ranges of characters with something like

  set tcl_wordchars {[a-zA-Z0-9_'-]}
  set tcl_nonwordchars {[^a-zA-Z0-9_'-]}

which will include apostrophes and hyphens.