Version 4 of Wizard

Updated 2003-08-04 22:03:39

An interactive help utility that guides the user through a potentially complex task, such as configuring a PPP driver to work with a new modem. Wizards are often implemented as a sequence of dialog boxes which the user can move forwards and backwards through, filling in the details required. The implication is that the expertise of a human wizard in one of the above senses is encapsulated in the software wizard, allowing the average user to perform expertly.

 What: TkWizard
 Description: tkwizard is a megawidget for creating wizards. It is
  written in pure tcl and runs on any version of tcl/tk from 8.0 onward.
  Included with the distribution is a wizard for building wizards. While
  not a full fledged wizard IDE, it is sufficient to create the initial
  framework for a wizard. Plus it serves a dual purpose as an example of
  a simple wizard. I hope to add additional wizards when I release the
  final 1.0 product some day.
 Version: 1.0a1
 Author: Bryan Oakley
 Updated: 2003/08/03

(Bryan Oakley 04-Aug-2003: I'm a bit embarrassed that I've let that project go without an update for almost two years. But, truth be told, in that two years I've only had perhaps a half-dozen comments, so it seems there's not a whole lot of interest. If interest picks up I'll take the time to make my latest changes available. So, the project isn't dead, I just haven't felt motivated to complete the docs and update the examples to work with the latest bits).

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