[Wikit] (and [sdx] for that matter) has, in the past 2+ years, evolved even farther. Some of the command line arguments available at this time are: * -readonly - wikit is browse only * -images - see [Adding images to local mode wikis] for details * -update http://mini.net/tclhist - fetch a newer version of the tclers' wikit.tkd * -httpd - start the wikit internal httpd on the specified port , enabling one to run a wiki web server with just [tclkit] and wikit. * -nolock - don't use a lock file, in some cases useful in combination with -readonly ---- ''''October 2002''' - Is the current Tcler's wiki the new, post-VFS, starkit version? Yes - it's the same Starkit that you can download from http://www.equi4.com/pub/sk/wikit.kit - [stevel] ---- See [wikitool] http://www.equi4.com/pub/sk/wikitool.tcl for a tool to list and extract the contents of the Tcl'ers Wiki. ---- '''Obsolete data on the remainder of this page has been removed (11feb03 -[jcw])''' If you have an old pre-VFS or pre-starkit version of wikit.tkd, consider upgrading. It is a matter of getting a new tclkit, wikit.kit, and using your wikit.tkd file as datafile. All necessary conversion will be done automatically when access with the new wikit code, using Metakit's on-the-fly file restructuring. ---- '''Can't seem to get my Wiki into write/edit mode''' Hi, just downloaded the lastest tclkit, wikit and wikit.tkd. It all runs beautifully and I get the pages up fine. But when I chmod the wikit.tkd to allow world writes it doesnt seem to make a difference and the 'Edit' button doesnt appear any of the pages. my command lines: wikit.kit -httpd 8000 (copied wikit.kit to /usr/bin) ./wikit.kit -httpd 8000 (locally chmod'd 777 copy of wikit.kit, wikit.tkd was 777 chmod'd aswell) ./wikit.kit test.tkd -httpd 8000 (test.tkd was chmod'd 777) I'm on a vanilla suse 8.0 linux installation, have tried it as a regular user on 8000 and as root on 80 in and outside of home directories. In all cases it runs fine but I never get the 'Edit' button. I have tried making both wikit.kit and wikit.tkd world writtable with no effect. Any help would be appreciated, thanks. Chad Thatcher (08 May 2003) ''Have a look at [How to grow your own Wiki], "-httpd" does not support editing, right now -[jcw]'' ''Thanks, got it all sorted out now. Do my editting via an x server and then put it up in -httpd mode :) -ct'' ---- [[ [Category Wikit] | [Category Tcler's Wiki] ]]