The page [Wiki Revision History Feature] provides a Tcl CGI script that adds a Wiki Revision History feature to [Wikit]. However, that script assumes the existence of a CVS repository containing the history of the pages of the Wiki. The script provided on this page, revhist.cgi, makes use of [The Tcler's Wiki] tclhist feature. The script relies on four other files. See [Wiki Revision History Feature] for more details. To deploy the script, make the following changes: * replace the initial "exec /usr/local/bin/tclkit $0" line with the path to your Tcl interpreter * replace the "set ScriptURL..." line to point to the URL of this script. * replace the "set StyleURL..." line to point to the CSS file. Then let 'er rip! ---- #!/bin/sh #\ exec /usr/local/bin/tclkit $0 source utils.tcl source format.tcl source worddiff.tcl package require http # ScriptURL defines the URL of this script set ScriptURL # TclhistURL defines the URL of the tclhist page set TclhistURL # WikiURL defines the URL of the Wiki whose history is being displayed set WikiURL # StyleURL defines the URL of the stylesheet used to display this page set StyleURL /wikihist.css # WikiName is the name of the Wiki to be displayed set WikiName "Tcler's Wiki" # This proc determines whether the specified page exists. # It does this by looking for the revision history from Tclhist. # If the returned page doesn't match the expected format, there is # no revision history for this page. # Note that this proc uses the revision history rather than the # actual page -- this is done because I'm guessing that the # revision history is a less taxing operation on the server. proc pageExists {PageNumber} { global TclhistURL set URL $TclhistURL/$PageNumber* set Token [::http::geturl $URL] set PageContents [::http::data $Token] ::http::cleanup $Token # The page contents returned should start with a revision number and date. # The call to regexp returns an indication of whether it does. regexp {^\d+ \d+} $PageContents - } # This proc returns the contents of the specified revision number # of the specified Wiki page. If no revision number is specified, # the latest revision is obtained. # As coded, this obtains it from the CVS repository. If desired, # this could be recoded to get it from a tclhist archive. proc getPageContents {PageNumber {RevNumber Latest}} { global TclhistURL if {[string equal $RevNumber "Latest"]} { set URL $TclhistURL/$PageNumber } else { set URL $TclhistURL/$PageNumber.$RevNumber } set Token [::http::geturl $URL] set PageContents [::http::data $Token] ::http::cleanup $Token return $PageContents } # This proc determines the title of the specified Wiki page. proc getPageTitle {PageNumber} { # Grab a copy of the latest version of the page from CVS. # The title is found on the first line of this page. set PageContents [getPageContents $PageNumber] set TitleLine [lindex [split $PageContents \n] 0] # Now, extract the title from the title line regexp {^Title:\s*(.*)$} $TitleLine junk Title return $Title } # This procedure splits long lines into lines no longer than 80 characters proc splitlongline { line } { set maxlen 80 set thisline "" set lines [list] set opentag 0 foreach word [split $line " "] { if { $opentag || [string first "<" $word] > -1 } { set opentag 1 append thisline " $word" if { [string last ">" $word] > [string last "<" $word] } { set opentag 0 } } else { if { [string equal $thisline ""] } { append thisline $word } else { if { [string length "$thisline $word"] > $maxlen } { if { [llength $lines] > 0 } { set thisline "... $thisline" } lappend lines $thisline set thisline $word } else { append thisline " $word" } } } } if { [llength $lines] > 0 } { set thisline "... $thisline" } lappend lines $thisline return [join $lines \n] } # This proc substitutes any special characters with their HTML equivalents. proc quoteHtml {s} { string map { & & < < > > } $s } # For the given Wiki page number, this proc examines Tclhist to determine # the revision number and check-in time of all revisions. The list # returned is ordered from latest revision to earliest revision. # Every revision results in two items in the list, the first being # the minor revision number, and the second being the time that # this revision was checked in, given as the number of # seconds since the Tcl epoch. proc getRevisionList {PageNumber} { global TclhistURL set RevisionList {} set URL $TclhistURL/$PageNumber* set Token [::http::geturl $URL] set AllRevs [::http::data $Token] ::http::cleanup $Token foreach RevisionEntry [split $AllRevs \n] { # Look for all lines with revision numbers. They start with the # revision number and the date in seconds since the Tcl epoch. if {[regexp {^(\d+) (\d+)} $RevisionEntry - RevNumber RevTime]} { lappend RevisionList $RevNumber $RevTime } } return $RevisionList } # This procedure generates the revision history HTML page # for the specified Wiki page number proc genRevisionHistory {PageNumber} { global WikiURL global ScriptURL global StyleURL # Generate the content type for the page (HTML) puts "Content-type: text/html" puts "Pragma: no-cache" puts "" # Determine the title of this page set PageTitle [quoteHtml [getPageTitle $PageNumber]] # Now, generate the page header. puts "" puts "" puts "" puts " Revision History of $PageTitle" puts " " puts " " puts " " puts "" puts "" puts "" puts "

" puts " $PageTitle" puts "

" puts " Revision History" puts "" puts "

" puts " Legend: (current) = difference with current version," puts " (last) = difference with preceding version," puts " date = that day's version" puts "

" puts "" # Now, obtain a list of the revisions and the time that they were # checked in. set RevisionList [getRevisionList $PageNumber] # Now that we've got the list of revisions, we need to generate the # revision information to display on the page. puts " " puts "" puts "" puts "" puts "" } # This proc renders the specified revision of the specified page number proc renderPageRevision {PageNumber RevNumber} { global StyleURL global ScriptURL global WikiURL set PageContents [getPageContents $PageNumber $RevNumber] # Extract the page title and check-in date, # then strip off the title, date, and site # (first 4 lines of the contents). set TitleLine [lindex [split $PageContents \n] 0] regexp {^Title:\s*(.*)$} $TitleLine junk PageTitle set PageTitle [quoteHtml $PageTitle] set PageContents [join [lrange [split $PageContents \n] 3 end] \n] # Generate the content type for the page (HTML) puts "Content-type: text/html" puts "Pragma: no-cache" puts "" # Now, generate the page header. puts "" puts "" puts "" puts " Revision $RevNumber of $PageTitle" puts " " puts " " puts " " puts "" puts "" puts "" puts "

" puts " Revision $RevNumber of $PageTitle " puts "

" puts "" set HTMLContents\ [lindex [::Wikit::Format::StreamToHTML\ [::Wikit::Format::TextToStream $PageContents]\ "$WikiURL/"] 0] puts $HTMLContents puts "" puts "" puts "" puts "" } # This proc renders the page showing the difference between two revisions # of a page. If only one revision number is given, the difference between # the current page and the specified page is shown. proc renderPageDiff {PageNumber RevNumber {OldRevNumber "Unspecified"}} { global StyleURL global ScriptURL # If the old revision number isn't specified, we do a diff between # the current contents of the page and the specified revision. if { [string equal $OldRevNumber "Unspecified"] } { set PageContents [getPageContents $PageNumber] set OldContents [getPageContents $PageNumber $RevNumber] } else { set PageContents [getPageContents $PageNumber $RevNumber] set OldContents [getPageContents $PageNumber $OldRevNumber] } # Determine the title of the page set TitleLine [lindex [split $PageContents \n] 0] regexp {^Title:\s*(.*)$} $TitleLine junk PageTitle set PageTitle [quoteHtml $PageTitle] # Strip the page header information from the pages set PageContents [join [lrange [split $PageContents \n] 3 end] \n] set OldContents [join [lrange [split $OldContents \n] 3 end] \n] # Generate the HTML description of the differences set LongHtmlChanges [doHtmlDiff context $OldContents $PageContents] # Split long lines set HtmlChanges "" foreach line [split $LongHtmlChanges \n] { append HtmlChanges "[splitlongline $line]\n" } # Generate the content type for the page (HTML) puts "Content-type: text/html" puts "Pragma: no-cache" puts "" # Now, generate the page header. puts "" puts "" puts "" if { [string equal $OldRevNumber "Unspecified"] } { puts " Differences between latest version and version $RevNumber of $PageTitle" } else { puts " Differences between version $RevNumber and version $OldRevNumber of $PageTitle" } puts " " puts " " puts " " puts "" puts "" puts "" puts "

" if { [string equal $OldRevNumber "Unspecified"] } { puts " Differences between latest version and version $RevNumber of $PageTitle " } else { puts " Differences between version $RevNumber and version $OldRevNumber of $PageTitle " } puts "

" puts {


gray text: context matter
 red text: old text, or that which has been removed.
 green text: new text, interesting new knowledge.
 yellow text: new text, brand new page, interestly fresh knowledge.
} puts "

" puts " Differences:" puts "

" puts "" # Display the differences if { [string length $HtmlChanges] == 0 } { puts "

" puts " There were no differences between the two versions of the page." puts "

" puts "" } else { puts "
" puts "" } puts "" puts "" puts "" } catch { if { [info exists env(PATH_INFO)] } { set PathInfo [file tail $env(PATH_INFO)] } else { set PathInfo {} } set ShowInstructions false set NoSuchFile false if { [regexp {^(\d+)(\D)(\d*)$} $PathInfo - page sep rev] } { if { [pageExists $page] } { switch -- $sep { . { renderPageRevision $page $rev } - { renderPageDiff $page $rev } default { set ShowInstructions true } } } else { set NoSuchFile true } } elseif { [regexp {^(\d+)(\D)(\d*)(\D)(\d*)$} $PathInfo\ - page sep1 rev1 sep2 rev2] } { if { [pageExists $page] } { if { ( $sep1 == "-" ) && ( $sep2 == "-" ) } { renderPageDiff $page $rev1 $rev2 } else { set ShowInstructions true } } else { set NoSuchFile true } } elseif { [regexp {^(\d+)$} $PathInfo - page] } { if { [pageExists $page] } { genRevisionHistory $page } else { set NoSuchFile true } } else { set ShowInstructions true } if { $ShowInstructions } { puts "Content-type: text/plain" puts "Pragma: no-cache" puts " This is the historical archive of the $WikiName Examples: See the revision history of page 12: $ScriptURL/12 Retrieve version 5 of page 12: $ScriptURL/12.5 Compare version 5 of page 12 with latest version: $ScriptURL/12-5 Compare version 5 of page 12 with version 2: $ScriptURL/12-5-2 " } elseif { $NoSuchFile } { puts "Content-type: text/plain" puts "Pragma: no-cache" puts "" puts "There is no revision history for Wiki page $page." } } err if 0 { puts #################### puts $err puts $errorInfo } ---- 12may04 [jcw] - Shane, as always, your contributions are a delight to try out. I've installed it on this site as an experiment for now. Need to look into server load (and making sure bots don't clog it), but I can see no issues with it. Thanks also to Pascal for sharing the diff code. Try for example. Note that the latest version is there but revisions before it may lag by up to 24 hours, since CVS updates are merged only once a day. The mechanism also continues to be available. ---- [Category Wikit]