[AMG]: This page is for [Wibble] news and announcements. Discussion is welcome, but if it gets lengthy it should be moved to the [Wibble discussion] page. Announcements prior to the 2010-11-06 are embedded in the [Wibble discussion] page. Detailed change reports are at [Wibble change log]. <> ---- **2010-11-13 - Non-blocking file transfers** Change log: [http://wiki.tcl.tk/27384#pagetocbe5fe0e5] [AMG]: I can't believe I didn't notice this problem before. The [[[chan copy]]] invocation blocks until it's complete. I changed it to use the '''-command''' option, instructing it to resume the connection's coroutine when it's done. Then I [[[yield]]]. The [[[llength]]] of [[yield]]'s return value shows why the coroutine was resumed: * '''llength = 0''': Socket became readable. Yield again. * '''llength = 1''': Copy completed. Break out of loop and go on to the next request. * '''llength = 2''': Copy failed. Error. Also I put in workarounds for the two bugs currently posted on the [Wibble bugs] page. I'll back these out again when they're no longer needed. ---- **2010-11-07 - Another new version, already!** Change log: [http://wiki.tcl.tk/27384#pagetoc80d97ce3] [AMG]: I guess I'm making up for lost time; it's been well over a year since my last big update. This update isn't nearly as big as yesterday's, but it's still progress. I added another zone handler called '''script''' that's meant as a companion to '''template'''. Previously they were combined into a single '''template''' zone handler. I made the '''vars''' zone handler much nicer, and error reporting is nicer too. They now share a common library routine to format the request data. I added a few more keys to the request dictionary (time, rawtime, port). PUT is gone. ---- **2010-11-06 - Reorganization, new version** Change log: [http://wiki.tcl.tk/27384#pagetoc4c207243] [AMG]: Tired of having one giant page for everything Wibble, I reorganized into several pages. This level of content shuffling would make [RA2] happy, but I figured I'd avoid one of his major mistakes and let the Wiki do the indexing work for me. All Wibble-related pages link to [Category Wibble], whose backrefs are conveniently repeated on the main [Wibble] page. But I can't have everything. Page history suffers, since it obviously doesn't carry over to the new pages. For history prior to today, see [http://wiki.tcl.tk/_/history?N=23626]. I took this opportunity to publish the latest version of Wibble, found at [Wibble implementation]. You may notice that I turned off syntax highlighting for that page. Trust me, the syntax highlighting made the code far ''less'' readable (scroll through [http://wiki.tcl.tk/_/revision?N=27377&V=1] to see what I mean). We need to fix that. :^( The new version digs deeper into the headers, breaking them into [list]s and [dict]s. Among other things, this made POST file uploads possible. That's another new feature I've added. I don't know if I'll ever support PUT; does anyone even use PUT? If no one speaks up, I'll drop it entirely. I think I have more writing to do: updated documentation, new examples, etc. Here's the detailed change list: [http://wiki.tcl.tk/27384#pagetoc4c207243] <> Wibble