Version 2 of Why manhole covers are round

Updated 2002-09-22 05:12:27

KPV - Why are manhole covers round? One answer is that they are the simplest shape which won't fall in on themselves.

But what about other "non-simplest" shapes that meet this criteria? This program draws one family of those non-simplest shapes.

To visualize what the family of shapes looks like, take an odd-side polygon, place on point of a compass on a vertex, the other on an opposite vertex, and draw the arc to the other opposite vertex. Repeat for all vertices.

 # Manhole.tcl
 # Draws N-sided manhole covers
 # by Keith Vetter
 # Revisions:
 # KPV Mar 22, 1996 - initial revision
 # KPV Sep 22, 2002 - cleaned up for 8+
 proc Init {} {
     global sz

     set sz(n) 3                                 ;# Number of sides
     set sz(s) 400                               ;# Size of canvas
     set sz(cx) [expr {$sz(s) / 2}]              ;# Canvas center point
     set sz(cy) $sz(cx)
     set sz(r) [expr {$sz(cx) * 3 / 4}]          ;# Radius
     set sz(rot) 0                               ;# How much to rotate by
     set sz(anim) 0                              ;# No animation yet
     set sz(after) ""                            ;# No after yet
     set sz(a) 0                                 ;# Interior angle to fill in
     set sz(colored) 1                           ;# Colored or solid

     set colors "cyan green magenta blue deepskyblue hotpink aquamarine "
     append colors $colors
     for {set i 0} {$i < 13} {incr i} {
         set sz($i) [lindex $colors $i]

     canvas .c -width $sz(s) -height $sz(s) -bd 2 -relief raised
     .c config -bg black
     .c create oval [expr {$sz(cx)-$sz(r)}] [expr {$sz(cy)-$sz(r)}] \
         [expr {$sz(cx)+$sz(r)}] [expr {$sz(cy)+$sz(r)}] -tag circle \
         -fill [lindex [.c config -bg] 3]

     button .anim -text Animate -command {Animate 1}
     label .l -text "Sides: $sz(n)"
     scale .s -orient h -showvalue 0 -from 0 -to 5 -command MyScale

     pack .c -side top
     pack .anim -side right -expand 1
     pack .s .l -side bottom -expand 1
     wm resizable . 0 0
 # ngon
 # Compute the vertices for a n-gon
 proc ngon {n angle} {
     global v sz

     catch {unset v}
     set delta [expr {2*3.14159 / $n}]           ;# Angle of vertices on circle
     set sz(delta) [expr {360.0 / $n}]
     set sz(a) [expr {180.0 / $n}]               ;# Interior angle to fill in

     set angle [expr {$angle * 3.14159 / 180}]
     for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} {
         set a [expr {$angle + ($i*$delta)}]     ;# Angle in radians
         set v($i,x) [expr {$sz(cx) + $sz(r) * cos($a)}]
         set v($i,y) [expr {$sz(cy) + $sz(r) * sin($a)}]
         set i2 [expr {$i + $n}]
         set v($i2,x) $v($i,x)
         set v($i2,y) $v($i,y)

         lappend vertices $v($i,x) $v($i,y)

     set n2 [expr {$n/2}]                        ;# Opposite angle
     set x [expr {$v(0,x) - $v($n2,x)}]
     set y [expr {$v(0,y) - $v($n2,y)}]
     set sz(d) [expr {sqrt($x*$x + $y*$y)}]      ;# Length of opposite side

     for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} {
         set v($i,bb) [list [expr {$v($i,x)-$sz(d)}] [expr {$v($i,y)+$sz(d)}] \
                           [expr {$v($i,x)+$sz(d)}] [expr {$v($i,y)-$sz(d)}]]

         set i2 [expr {$i + 1}]
         set n2 [expr {($i + ($sz(n) / 2) + 1) % $sz(n)}]
         set xy [list $sz(cx) $sz(cy) $v($i,x) $v($i,y) $v($i2,x) $v($i2,y)]
         .c create poly $xy -fill $sz($n2) -outline $sz($n2) \
             -tag {poly poly_$i}

     return $vertices
 # DrawPie
 # Draws a single pie slice for vertex which.
 proc DrawPie {which} {
     global v sz

     if {$which == 0} {
         set n2 [expr {$which + ($sz(n) / 2) + 1}] ;# Opposite angle
         set x [expr {$v($n2,x) - $v($which,x)}]
         set y [expr {-($v($n2,y) - $v($which,y))}]
         set a [expr {atan2( $y, $x) * 180 / 3.14159}]
         set sz(atan) $a
     } else {
         set a [set sz(atan) [expr {$sz(atan) - $sz(delta)}]]

     eval .c create arc $v($which,bb) -start $a -extent $sz(a) -style chord \
         -fill $sz($which) -outline $sz($which) -tag {{pie pie_$which}}
 # DrawIt
 # Draws the n-side manhole cover w/ sz(n) sides at angle sz(rot).
 proc DrawIt {} {
     global sz

     .c delete pie poly
     ngon $sz(n) $sz(rot)                        ;# Get vertices for this angle
     for {set i 0} {$i < $sz(n)} {incr i} {      ;# Draw the pie slices
         DrawPie $i
 # Animate
 # Draw the figure rotated by a small amount, then if animation is on,
 # it schedules itself to be run again in the near future.
 proc Animate {toggle} {
     global sz

     if {$toggle} {                              ;# On/off toggle
         set sz(anim) [expr {1 - $sz(anim)}]     ;# Toggle to flag
         if {$sz(anim)} {set relief sunken} {set relief raised}
         .anim config -relief $relief

     if $sz(anim) {                              ;# Are we animating???
         incr sz(rot) 3                          ;# Rotate a bit
         DrawIt                                  ;# Redraw it

         after 1 {Animate 0}                    ;# Rerun in the future
 # MyScale
 # Command called when scale gets a new value
 proc MyScale {v} {
     set ::sz(n) [expr {$v*2+3}]
     .l config -text "Sides: $::sz(n)"

Category Graphics