[WJG] (1st September 2005) There's probably something described in the small print of the Tcl man pages that will do something similar but... If I add new functionality to an app I like to pack buttons 'n' stuff on the fly in which case there is no guarentee as to what a widget name might be. Widget bindings allow us to know which item was clicked although the button -command switch has no such choice. To cross this gap we have to work with references. Because the 'bind all' take presidence over the individual button command we can use a binding to set a global variable which subsequent commands can access. The following code example allows us to create buttons and then allows the button command to make adjustments to itself. #---------------------------------------------------------------- # whoami.tcl #---------------------------------------------------------------- # # Making a button aware of just who it is. # This can be useful if wigets are built proceedurally and pathnames # are not defined explicitly. # #---------------------------------------------------------------- # set global array for where the last 2 B1 events occured array set ::widget { active "" last "" } bind all { set ::widget(last) $::widget(active) set ::widget(active) %W } #---------------------------------------------------------------- proc whoami {} { if {[$::widget(active) cget -text] == "Clickme!"} { $::widget(active) config -text "Clicked!" } else { $::widget(active) config -text "Clickme!" } puts "I am \"[winfo name ${::widget(active)}]\" and I live in \"[winfo parent ${::widget(active)}]\"." } #---------------------------------------------------------------- console show expr srand(1) set base .t2 toplevel $base button .b1 -text Clickme! -command { whoami # use randomly created path names set i [string trimleft [expr rand()] 0.] pack [button $base.b$i -text "Button $i" -command whoami] } pack .b1 bind .b1 {puts "I am %W -hello from my unique binding."} ---- [Brian Theado] - The value passed to -command isn't limited to being just a command name--arguments can be passed as well (see example on [button] page). It should work to add an argument to your button procedure: proc whoami button {...} and the pass the window name when -command is configured: pack [button $base.b$i -text "Button $i" -command [list whoami $i]]