Version 2 of Where to find the list of categories on this wiki?

Updated 2011-02-09 19:52:50 by Didier

Didier (2011-02-09)I see a category or a list of categories at the bottom of each page. This is essentially how Wikipedia works also.

I read the side bar with attention and I don't seem to find a list of categories.

I also fail to see instructions on how to write a new category therefore I assume it is essentially the same process as creating a new page.

Where can I find this list of categories? Is it possible to put a link to this list on the sidebar?


arjen - 2011-02-08 09:30:15

This Wiki is much less formal than Wikipedia. You create a category by creating a page that has a title like "Category Example" and add some text describing what the category is all about. The final step is to add the category "Category Category" and then anyone can refer to it as a new category.

If you click on the title of a page, you get a list of all the pages that refer to it. (But that is a general functionality!).

If you want a list of all categories, look for the pages with "Category" in their title or that refer to "Category Category"

Too many useless name of categories