Purpose: collect information and pointers to what mega[widget]s are, how to write them, etc. ---- Occasionally these have been called ''meta-widgets'' rather than megawidgets. ---- A mega widget is NOT an attempt to create new, unique, widgets. Instead, it is an effort to combine existing widgets in ways that are commonly needed (or at the very least interesting to the person who is writing the megawidget). ---- See also [Composite fields megawidgets]. See [Adding User Data to Widgets the Megawidget Way]. Steve Uhler's 1996 Tcl workshop presentation slides on the search for the perfect megawidget can be found at http://www.best.com/%7Esau/mega/. 282. Chengye Mao mailto:chengye.geo@yahoo.com has a web page which discusses building combined widgets (aka mega widgets) in pure Tcl at http://www.geocities.com/%7Echengye/comb.html. ---- Here are some of the megawidget frameworks of which I ([LV]) am aware. Please add to the following list. * [tkBuilder] What: tkBuilder Where: http://sawpit.iwarp.com/ Description: Tool to facilitate building and testing Tcl/Tk interfaces and applications. Simplifies management of widget hierarchies, files, namespaces, and procedures. Generates Tcl/Tk code to be used by programmers in applications of their own making. Supports creation of Tk megawidgets. Requires Tcl/TK 8.x and distributed under GPL. Currently at version 1.0.2. Updated: 03/2002 Contact: mailto:sawpit@yahoo.com * [MegaWidget package] What: MegaWidget package Where: http://www.purl.org/net/hobbs/tcl/script/widget/widget-0.9.tar.gz Description: Tk 8.x megawidget capability. While tested thru Tk 8.0b2, some problems still remained under Windows with Tk 8. Megawidgets included in this package are combobox, console, hierarchy list display, progressbar, tabnotebook, validating entry widget, and scrolledtext. Also, support for balloon help and paned window management are included. Updated: 03/2001 Contact: mailto:jeff@hobbs.org * [Miscellaneous Tcl procs (Kraus)] What: Miscellaneous Tcl procs (Kraus) Where: http://mkextensions.sf.net/ Description: mkGeneric - a collection of Tcl 8 commands that contact found missing. Includes a variety of math functions, list functions programming constructs, output options, etc. mkClasses - a Tcl object class and methods mechanism, mkTables - a collection of Tcl scripts that treat lists as if they were 'tables' (a list whose elements are themselves lists), mkThreads - thread support for Tcl/Tk scripts, mkWidgets - megawidget support for Tk, with MDI widget and other goodies. Updated: 11/2002 Contact: mailto:mmg_kraus@csi.com (Michael Kraus) * [MIT otcl megawidget system] What: MIT otcl megawidget system Where: From the contact Description: A simple otcl megawidget system. Unsupported. Contact: mailto:andrewm@ccfadm.eeg.ccf.org (Martin Andrews) * [mwidx] What: mwidx Where: http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~fellowsd/tcl/mwidx.html Description: Megawidgets using cavnas windows as the framework. Updated: 08/2001 Contact: mailto:fellowsd@cs.man.ac.uk (Donal K. Fellows) * [obTcl] What: obTcl Where: ftp://ftp.dynas.se/pub/tcl/obTcl.tar.gz ftp://ftp.procplace.com/pub/tcl/sorted/packages-7.6/devel/obTcl-0.56.tar.gz Description: A Tcl 7.[45] object and megawidget extension, supporting multiple inheritance, three new storage classes, and fully transparent Tk megawidgets. If you need a Tab/Notebook widget or a Paned Window widget, but only want to use standard Tk, this extension might be for you. Now has an optional loadable accelerator module (which requires use of Tcl 7.5) . Current version is 0.56. Updated: 10/1998 Contact: mailto:patrik@dynas.se (Patik Floding) * [Pool] * [scwoop] * [Snit] * [Richard Suchenwirth] * [tablelist] What: tablelist Where: http://www.nemethi.de/ Description: This is a Multi-Column listbox designed for Tcl/Tk 8.x as well as a general utility module for other megawidgets like tablelist. This widget allows each column to be dynamically sized and has several alignments. It supports a variety of listbox like commands. It also comes with bindings so that it acts like a listbox. Currently at version 1.6 . Updated: 08/2001 Contact: mailto:csaba.nemethi@t-online.de * [TkMegaWidget] What: TkMegaWidget Where: http://www.ignoranceisbliss.com/htdocs/tkmegawidget.html ftp://ftp.procplace.com/pub/tcl/sorted/packages-7.6/devel/TkMegaWidget3.6g.tar.gz ftp://ftp.procplace.com/pub/tcl/sorted/packages-7.6/devel/TkMegaWidget4.0b.tar.gz Description: Support new Tcl/Tk widgets allowing you to attach minor commands and options to a widget, or even a private interpreter. Version 4.0b is available from the WWW page. Updated: 07/2000 Contact: mailto:Unknown (Sven Delmas) * [incr Tk] * [incr widgets] What: [incr Tk] Slate megawidget Where: http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/%7Ejohnr/code/slate/ Description: The Slate is an [incr Tcl] megawidget layered over the Tcl/Tk canvas. It contains visual hierarchy, symbolic item aspects and interaction support. Release 3.0alpha supports Tcl 8.0 or [incr Tcl] 3.0. Updated: 07/1998 Contact: mailto:johnr@EECS.Berkeley.EDU (John Reekie) * [Pmw] What: Pmw Where: http://www.dscpl.com.au/pmw/ ftp://ftp.dscpl.com.au/pub/pmw/Pmw.0.8.tar.gz http://www.dejanews.com/getdoc.xp?AN=423519318 http://pmwcontribd.sourceforge.net/ Description: A megawidget framework for constructing high-level compound widgets in Python 1.5.2 using Tk 8.x. Contains of a set of base classes for building megawidgets and a library of megawidgets such as ComboBox, Dialog, ButtonBox, etc. Also contains a python interface to BLT2.1's busy, graph and vector commands. The PmwContribD web site provides several Pmw based Tkinter widgets, including a ProgressMeter, basic TreeNavigator, and a GUI application framework for creating simple GUI apps quickly. Updated: 10/1999 Contact: mailto:gregm@iname.com (Greg McFarlane) mailto:doug@hellfly.net (Doug Hellmann) ---- [Category GUI]