[MG] starts this page on June 12th 2005, to list some of the Tcl applications or extensions for working with Digital Cameras or Webcams. I wanted to capture some footage from a webcam (or at least see if it was possible) for embedding it in a webpage (I have a program that converts most common movie formats into Flash movies files at the touch of a button), and thought I'd see about doing it in Tcl. There seem to be several extensions (generally aimed at MS Windows, it seems) for working with web cams, so below is a list of all the ones I've found, after a very brief search. If anyone has any more extensions, or info on using webcams or digital still cameras with Tcl and/or Tk, please post it here! ---- [QuickTimeTcl] provides a webcam capture facility, according to its homepage, which I believe runs on MS Windows and MacOS (and requires that Quicktime be installed, on both). ---- [Pat Thoyts] wrote a Tk widget for displaying streaming video from a webcam. It can also take still images from the webcam, but can't save the video to a file/pipe it through a channel, at present. See [http://developer.berlios.de/projects/tkvideo] and [http://tkvideo.berlios.de/] for more info. [PT]: 13-Jun-2005: I can look into streaming to a file if you'd like. The [tkvideo] widget basically wraps the DirectShow API so it's mostly a matter of constructing the correct filter graph and deciding how this should be presented to the Tk programmer. [MG] That would be really great. The two main things I'd like to be able to achieve with webcams myself are * record "movies" - basically, save to a file in any recognised movie format (that being, whatever's possible will be great, not that I want 'em all:) * pipe the video through a channel - basically for displaying in a widget just like your code does now, Pat, but on a different computer (for instant messaging-type programs, etc). Whether those two things would basically be the same (for instance, piping AVI-movie data down a channel, and a widget at the other end reading it and displaying it) or not, I don't know - beyond using things from Tcl, I'm completely clueless. QuickTimeTcl is apparantly capable of doing it, but I've had problems myself with it crashing my application - and all the extra features, plus the dependance on Quicktime itself (which you now can't download without 'iTunes', I don't believe), are let-downs, IMHO. So.. yeah, anything you do if you get time would be absolutely brilliant :) ---- The AviCapTcl package on Sourceforge (at [http://sourceforge.net/projects/avicaptcl/], and apparantly also [http://avicaptcl.sourceforge.net/], though the second is down due to a work at present) also supports webcam video (and audio) capture to an AVI movie file. ---- And finally, though I haven't looked at it yet (and taken straight from the [Applications in Tcl and Tcl/Tk] page: Audela is a free and open source astronomy software intended for digital observations (CCD cameras, Webcams, etc.). Audela is fully customizable and reprogrammable using simple Tcl-Tk scripts. It enables not only camera control, but also full telescope control, locally or at long distance via a network. It has been written for both Windows and Linux platforms and is available in 6 languages (fr,uk,es,it,de,dk). See [http://software.audela.free.fr/english.htm] ---- [SRIV] June 12th 2005 I wrote a v4l (video for linux) tcl extension to capture frames from a framegrabber (bt848), but it's been tested with a Phillips/Logitech USB webcam and Logitech USB notebook cam. It doesnt require Tk, so it can be easily used in server-side and cgi applications. It grabs a frame, then converts it to jpeg and returns the jpeg file data, which could then be streamed back to a client as stills or a mjpeg stream. I'll get a page assembled for it here in the next day or so. ---- ''[MG] today (June 13 05) tested [PT]'s tkvideo and the AviCapTcl package on Win XP SP2, just by running their demos. PT's tkvideo works great. The AviCapTcl package displays the webcam on-screen fine, but running their 'test-avicap' demo, to record to an AVI file, only recorded a very (less than 1 second) brief clip, though it should've recorded more. I'll see if I can find out why later...'' ''I haven't looked at QuickTimeTcl's webcam features yet - I tried them once before, and it crashed, but I now have reason to believe the crash was from my drivers, not QuickTimeTcl, so will re-try it later on...'' ---- Harm Olthof June 13 2005 - I am not much of a programmer (Windows or Tcl), but this worked for me, using tcom to interface Windows XP's WIA (Windows Image Acquisition). package require tcom ::tcom::import c:/WINDOWS/system32/wiascr.dll set WIAobj [::WIALib::Wia] set WIAdevice [$WIAobj Create] set WIAcoll [$WIAdevice GetItemsFromUI] for {set i 0} {$i<[$WIAcoll Count]} {incr i} { set WIAitem($i) [$WIAcoll Item $i] $WIAitem($i) Transfer d:/pic_${i}.bmp 0 } This works only for stills, but video should also be possible. More info at [http://www.codeproject.com/dotnet/wiascriptingdotnet.asp?target=wia] I could not getting to work transfering to "clipboard" or using "TakePicture". [MG] I haven't looked at the link you gave, but running that code (on Win XP Home SP2), I got errors: % package require tcom 3.9 % ::tcom::import c:/WINDOWS/system32/wiascr.dll WIALib % set WIAobj [::WIALib::Wia] ::tcom::handle0x00E034E0 % set WIAdevice [$WIAobj Create] 0x80210015 {Unknown error} And then it failed b/c $WIAdecide hadn't been set. Harm Olthof June 14 2005 - It still worked yesterday on my Win XP pro SP2 system, but I should have mentioned that the code above assumes that there's only one image device attached. If you have more than one you should adapt the code to choose the device. I cant't remember the details (it was a few months ago), but I think it's all in the link above or on MSDN. Also, unfortunatedly it starts a build-in GUI. I hoped to get the TakePicture method to work, and then transfer the picture to the clipboard and consequently copying it to a canvas every few seconds... I'll try make a better example, but that will no be until next week. ---- [PWE] I tried some of the above systems on various windows versions without too much success. I finally got something working with a vb control called ezVidCap [http://www.shrinkwrapvb.com/vbctrls.htm] and [optcl]. With these installed, the following should give a very basic program: package require optcl proc FileSave { filename } { global cal $cal SaveDIB $filename } proc setdriver { number } { global cal $cal : DriverIndex $number } frame .f button .f.form -command {$cal ShowDlgVideoFormat} -text Format button .f.sourc -command {$cal ShowDlgVideoSource} -text Source set cal [optcl::new -window .cal vbVidC60.ezVidCap] .cal config -width 256 -height 192 set nrdevs [$cal NumCapDevs] for { set n 0 } { $n < $nrdevs } { incr n } { lappend drivers [$cal GetDriverName $n] } if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "macintosh"} { set modifier Command } elseif {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} { set modifier Control } else { set modifier Meta } set base "" menu $base.menu set m $base.menu.file menu $m $base.menu add cascade -label File -menu $m -underline 0 $m add command \ -label SaveImage -underline 0 -accelerator $modifier+S -command {FileSave [tk_getSaveFile -defaultextension bmp ]} $m add command \ -command exit -label Exit -underline 1 -accelerator Alt+x set m $base.menu.options menu $m $base.menu add cascade -label Options -menu $m -underline 0 for { set n 0 } { $n < $nrdevs } { incr n } { $m add radio -label [lindex $drivers $n] -variable drivernumber \ -value $n -command "setdriver $n" } . configure -menu .menu pack .f pack .f.form -side left pack .f.sourc -side left pack .cal -fill both -expand 1 $cal : StretchPreview 1 #tlview::viewtype [optcl::class $cal] ---- dzach 2005-9-8: I tried tkvideo and it works fine on WinXP and tcl 8.4.9, thank you Pat Thoyts. Running ''pathName devices'' (or ''pathName source 0'') however, without a device connected, craches tcl. [PT] 2005-Sep-09: Raised as bug #4992 [https://developer.berlios.de/bugs/?func=detailbug&bug_id=4992&group_id=1738] on the berlios project. [dzach] 2005-9-19: Any docs for the new features besides the demo code? Is it possible to use frames to seek a video position instead of time? ---- [Category Multimedia]