Version 8 of Webadmin for Metakit with Tclhttpd

Updated 2003-10-23 08:22:55

10/22/2003 Stefan Vogel

I just wanted to get familar with metakits. So I build up a very simply but still useful (at least for me) Webadministration-Interface for MetaKit.

This webadministration Metakit@Web works with Tclhttpd.

With Metakit@Web you can:

  • create metakit-database-files
  • create, modify, delete views
  • create, edit, delete rows
  • view binaries
  • test queries ...

Installation is quite simple (as always with Tclhttpd):


This Webadmin-interface was developed only for me and my local installation of Tclhttpd.

  • Currently there is no security implemented! Everyone who can access your webserver can access your metakits!!
  • Only one user at a time should access Metakit@Web because the configuration-values are globally set (no sessions). Maybe someone wants to make this script session-aware?
  • Be sure that no spider follows the links on the page (the delete-operation is available as a link, so be careful).

Next steps/Missing features:

  • subviews are not handled correctly
  • make it session-aware

You've been warned. But now ... have fun:

 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Metakit@Web -- Webadministration-interface for Metakit with Tclhttpd
 # * Simply copy this file to <tclhttpd-path>/custom
 # * Adapt "databaseDir"
 # * Restart Tclhttpd and go to "http://your.domain/mkweb"
 # * Because of security-reasons you should be sure that  nobody has 
 #   access to your Tclhttpd :-) 
 # 10/22/2003: Revision 0.2 by Stefan Vogel (stefan at vogel-nest dot de) 
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 package require Mk4tcl
 package require html

 # -------------------------------------------------------
 # | db                     | main
 # | execute/listdb         | execute/listmain (db/view)
 # | ------------------------
 # | views                  |
 # | execute/listviews (db) |
 # |_______________________
 # | config
 # | execute/listconfig
 # |_______________________
 namespace eval  metakit::web {
     variable aConfig 
     array set aConfig {
         prefix mkweb
         databaseDir /metakits
         maxRows {50}
         maxChars {250}
         rowColsTexts {10 20}
         displayBinary 0
         title "Metakit@Web"
     ::html::init [list input.size 15]
     ::html::headTag [subst {link rel="stylesheet" href="/$aConfig(prefix)/mkweb.css"}]
     ::html::headTag [subst {script language="JavaScript" src="/$aConfig(prefix)/mkweb.js" type="text/javascript"></script}]

 # tricky little hack to get the sock-value for this request
 # Cgi_SetEnvAll ist called in direct.tcl from DirectDomain, so I simply
 # link into this call (or you may say: overload this method :-)
 catch {rename Cgi_SetEnvAll _Cgi_SetEnvAll}
 proc Cgi_SetEnvAll {sock path extra url var} {
     upvar 1 $var env
     set env(sock) $sock
     return [::_Cgi_SetEnvAll $sock $path $extra $url $var]

 # plug the given path to Metakit@Web into Tclhttpd
 Direct_Url /$metakit::web::aConfig(prefix) metakit::web::execute

 # Main-method which builds the html-frames
 proc metakit::web::execute {} {
     variable aConfig
     return [generateHtml [subst {<frameset rows="*,70">
 <frameset cols="30%,60%">
   <frameset rows="40%,60%">
     <frame src="$aConfig(prefix)/listdb" name="db" scrolling="yes">
     <frame src="$aConfig(prefix)/listviews" name="views" scrolling="yes">
     <frame src="$aConfig(prefix)/help" name="main" scrolling="yes">
   <frame src="$aConfig(prefix)/listconfig" name="config" scrolling="yes">
   <h2>Frame Alert</h2>
   <p>This document is designed to be viewed using the frames feature. If you see this message, you are using a non-frame-capable web client.</p>
 </noframes>}] 0]

 proc metakit::web::execute/listdb {args} {
     array set _args $args
     variable aConfig
     set result ""
     set redirect ""
     if {![info exists _args(mode)]} {
         set _args(mode) select
     switch -- [string tolower $_args(mode)] {
         new {
             set result [subst {[::html::h1 "Create metakit"]
 <form action="listdb" method="get">
 [::html::textInputRow "Filename:" filename]<input type="submit" class="button" name="mode" value="Create">
         create {
             if {![info exists _args(filename)] || $_args(filename) == ""} {
                 error "Invalid filename in listdb - create"
             OpenDb $_args(filename)
             set redirect listdb
         delete {
             if {![info exists _args(db)] || ![file exists [file join $aConfig(databaseDir) $_args(db)]]} {
                 error "Invalid filename in listdb - delete"
             file delete -force [file join $aConfig(databaseDir) $_args(db)]
             set redirect listdb
         select -
         "" {
             append dbList [subst {<tr><th>Filename</th><th>Size</th><th><a href="listdb?mode=new">New</a></th></tr>}]
             if {![file isdirectory $aConfig(databaseDir)]} {
                 set result "<h1>Error</h1>Database-directory: '$aConfig(databaseDir)' does not exist. Please create it or modify <code>mkweb.tcl metakit::web::execute::aConfig(databaseDir)</code>."
             } else {
                 foreach db [set lDb [glob -nocomplain -- $aConfig(databaseDir)/*]] {
                     set _db [file tail $db]
                     append dbList [subst {<tr><td><a href="listviews?db=$_db" target="views">$_db</a></td><td align="right">[format "%.2f kB" [expr [file size $db]/1024.0]]</td>
 <td><a href="listdb?mode=delete&db=$_db" onclick="return linkClick('Really delete complete metakit: $_db?');">Delete</a></td></tr>}]
                 set result [subst {[::html::h1 "Files"]
         default {
             error "Unknown mode '$_args(mode)' for listdb"
     ReturnResult $result $redirect

 proc metakit::web::execute/listviews {args} {
     variable aConfig
     array set _args $args
     if {![info exists _args(mode)]} {
         set _args(mode) select
     if {[info exists _args(db)]} {
         set db $_args(db)
     } else {
         return [generateHtml "<body></body>"]
     set result ""
     set redirect ""
     # set result "<b>$args</b><br>"
     OpenDb $db
     switch -- [string tolower $_args(mode)] {
         select {
             set viewList [subst {<tr><th>View</th><th>Columns</th><th>Datatype</th><th colspan="2"><a href="listviews?db=$db&mode=newview">New View</a></th></tr>}]
             foreach view [set lView [mk::file views db]] {
                 append viewList [subst {<tr><td><a href="listmain?db=$db&view=$view&mode=browse" target="main">$view</a></td><td></td><td></td>
 <td><a href="listviews?db=$db&view=$view&mode=modifyview">Modify</a></td>
 <td><a href="listviews?db=$db&view=$view&mode=delete" onclick="return linkClick('Really delete complete view: $view?');">Delete</a></tr>}]
                 foreach col [mk::view layout db.$view] {
                     foreach {colName datatype} [split $col ":"] {break}
                     append viewList [subst {<tr><td></td><td>$colName</td>
                         <td>[expr {$datatype != "" ? $datatype : "S"}]</td><td></td><td></td></tr>
                 append viewList {<tr><td colspan="5"></td></tr>}
             mk::file close db
 append result [subst {[::html::h1 "Views of metakit: '$db'"]
 <table class="dml">$viewList</table>
 <form action="listviews" method="get" target="views">
 <input type="hidden" name="db" value="$db">
         newview {
             append result [subst {
 <form action="listviews" method="get">
 <input type="hidden" name="db" value="$db">
 Viewname:<br><input type="text" name="viewname" size="30"><br>
 Structure:<br><input type="text" name="structure" size="30"><br>
 <input type="submit" class="button" name="mode" value="Create">
 Structure: e.g. id:I name:S street:S salary:F<br>
 :S string<br>:I integer<br>:L long<br>:F float<br>:D double<br>:B binary<br>}]
         create {
             mk::view layout db.$_args(viewname) $_args(structure)
             mk::file commit db
             set redirect "listviews?db=$db"
         delete {
             mk::view delete db.$_args(view)
             mk::file commit db
             set redirect "listviews?db=$db"
         modifyview {
             append result [subst {
 <form action="listviews" method="get">
 <input type="hidden" name="db" value="$db">
 <input type="hidden" name="view" value="$_args(view)">
 [::html::textInputRow "Structure:<br>" structure [mk::view layout db.$_args(view)]]
 <input type="submit" class="button" name="mode" value="Modify">
 <b>Modifying a structure may delete the whole content!</b><br>
 Structure: e.g. id:I name:S street:S salary:F<br>
 :S string<br>:I integer<br>:L long<br>:F float<br>:D double<br>:B binary<br>}]
         modify {
             mk::view layout db.$_args(view) $_args(structure)
             mk::file commit db
             set redirect "listviews?db=$db"
         default {
             error "No such mode '$_args(mode)' in listviews"
     ReturnResult $result $redirect

 # needs db, view-parameter
 proc metakit::web::execute/listmain {args} {
     variable aConfig
     array set _args $args
     if {[info exists _args(db)]} {
         OpenDb [set db $_args(db)]
     } else {
         return [generateHtml ""]
     if {![info exists _args(mode)]} {
         set _args(mode) browse
     if {![info exists _args(query)]} {
         set query ""
     } else {
         set query $_args(query)
     set lStdLink [list db=$db view=$_args(view)]

     set result ""
     set redirect ""
     switch -- [set mode [string tolower $_args(mode)]] {
         query -
         browse {
             # the following parameters are used to browse through content
             # index - startindex
             # count - number of rows to show
             # sort  - either sort or rsort
             # column - sort - column
             set view [mk::view open db.$_args(view)]
             foreach col [mk::view layout db.$_args(view)] {
                 if {[llength [set _col [split $col :]]] > 1} {
                     set aDatatype([lindex $_col 0]) [lindex $_col 1]
                 } else {
                     set aDatatype([lindex $_col 0]) S
             set lAddLink {}
             # attention, e.g for wikit-database we need to escape some html-chars
             set cmd "mk::select db.$_args(view)"
             if {[info exists _args(sort)]} {
                 append cmd " -$_args(sort) $_args(column)"
                 eval lappend lAddLink [list sort=$_args(sort) column=$_args(column)]
             if {[info exists _args(first)]} {
                 append cmd " -first $_args(first)"
                 lappend lAddLink "first=$_args(first)"
             } else {
                 set _args(first) 0
             set cursor ""
             if {[info exists aConfig(maxRows)] && $aConfig(maxRows) != ""} {
                 append cmd " -count $aConfig(maxRows)"
                 set cursor [AddCursor $_args(first) $aConfig(maxRows) [$view size] "listmain?[join $lStdLink &]&[join $lAddLink &]"]

             set sContent [subst {<tr><th><a href="#" onclick="setChecks(false); return false;">un</a>/ <a href="#" onclick="setChecks(true); return false;">mark</a> all</th><th>index&nbsp;<a href="listmain?[join $lStdLink &]">&uarr;</a></th>}]
             foreach col [mk::view layout db.$_args(view)] {
                 set queryLink "listmain?[join $lStdLink &]&[join $lAddLink &]&column=[lindex [split $col :] 0]&sort="
                 append sContent [subst {<th>$col&nbsp;<a href="${queryLink}sort">&uarr;</a>&nbsp;<a href="${queryLink}rsort">&darr;</a></th>}]
             append sContent [subst {<th><a href="listmain?[join $lStdLink &]&mode=newrow">New row</a></th></tr>}]
             append cmd " $query"
             set i 0
             foreach r [eval $cmd] {
                 append sContent [subst {<tr[expr {[incr i]%2 ? "":" class=\"scnd\""}]><td><input type="checkbox" name="delete_col_$r" value="$i"></td><td><a href="listmain?[join $lStdLink &]&index=$r&mode=edit">$r</a></td>}]
                 foreach {key value} [mk::get db.$_args(view)!$r] {
                     append sContent "<td>[prepareData $value $aDatatype($key) download.bin?db=$db&view=$_args(view)&index=$r&column=$key]&nbsp;</td>"
                 append sContent [subst {<td><a href="listmain?[join $lStdLink &]&index=$r&mode=delete" onclick="return linkClick('Really delete row: $r?');">Delete</a></tr>\n}]
             foreach {key value} $args {
                 lappend queryParam "$key=$value"
             set result [subst {[::html::h1 "Content of metakit: '$db' view: '$_args(view)'"]
 Total view-size: [$view size] rows<br>
 Query-Command: <em>$cmd</em><br>
 <form name="browse" action="listmain">
 <input type="hidden" name="db" value="$db">
 <input type="hidden" name="view" value="$_args(view)">
 <table class="cnt">$sContent</table><br>
 <input type="submit" class="button" name="mode" value="Delete marked" onclick="return linkClick('Really delete all marked rows?');">
 <p><input type="text" name="query" value="$query" size="30">
 <input type="submit" class="button" name="mode" value="Query"></p>
 E.g. -glob name stefan*<br>
 <tr><td><em>prop value</em></td><td>Numeric or case-insensitive match</td></tr>
 <tr><td><em>-min prop value</em></td><td>Property must be greater or equal to value (case is ignored)</td></tr>
 <tr><td><em>-max propvalue</em></td><td>Property must be less or equal to value (case is ignored) 
 </em><tr><td><em>-exact prop value</td><td>Exact case-sensitive string match</td></tr>
 <tr><td><em>-glob prop pattern</em></td><td>Match "glob-style" expression wildcard</td></tr>
 <tr><td><em>-globnc prop pattern</em></td><td>Match "glob-style" expression, ignoring case</td></tr>
 <tr><td><em>-regexp prop pattern</em></td><td>Match specified regular expression</td></tr>
 <tr><td><em>-keyword prop word</em></td><td>Match word as free text or partial prefix</td></tr>
         newrow - 
         edit {
             if {$mode == "newrow"} {
                 set msg [subst {<h1>New row in view '$_args(view)' in metakit '$db'</h1>
 <table class="cnt"><tr>}]
                 set index ""
             } else {
                 # mode == edit
                 set msg [subst {<input type="hidden" name="index" value="$_args(index)">
 <h1>Edit row $_args(index) in view '$_args(view)' in metakit '$db'</h1>
 <table class="cnt"><tr><th>index</th>}]
                 set index "<td>$_args(index)</td>"
             set layout [mk::view layout db.$_args(view)]
             append result [subst {<form action="saferow" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
 <input type="hidden" name="db" value="$db">
 <input type="hidden" name="view" value="$_args(view)">
             foreach col $layout {
                 if {[llength [set _col [split $col :]]] > 1} {
                     set aDatatype([lindex $_col 0]) [lindex $_col 1]
                 } else {
                     set aDatatype([lindex $_col 0]) S
                 append result "<th>$col</th>"
             append result </tr>\n<tr>$index
             if {$mode == "newrow"} {
                 foreach col $layout {
                     set col [lindex [split $col :] 0]
                     append result [subst {<td>[prepareInput $col $aDatatype($col)]</td>}]
                 append result {</tr></table><input type="hidden" name="mode" value="create"><input type="submit" class="button" value="Create"></form>}
             } else {
                 # mode == edit
                 set lRow [mk::get db.$_args(view)!$_args(index)]
                 foreach {col value} $lRow {
                     append result [subst {<td>[prepareInput $col $aDatatype($col) $value]</td>}]
                 append result [subst {</tr></table><br><input type="hidden" name="mode" value="safe"><input type="submit" class="button" value="Safe"></form>}]
         {delete marked} -
         delete {
             # action from delete
             if {[info exists _args(index)]} {
                 # delete a row (given by index from view)
                 mk::row delete db.$_args(view)!$_args(index)
             } else {
                 # marked multiple elements to delete (via checkboxes)
                 set lResult {}
                 foreach elem [array names _args delete_col_*] {
                     set i [string range $elem 11 end]
                     mk::row delete db.$_args(view)!$i
             set redirect "listmain?[join $lStdLink &]"
         default {
             error "No such mode '$_args(mode)' in listmain"
     ReturnResult $result $redirect 

 # issued from edit/safe or new row/create
 proc metakit::web::execute/saferow {args} {
     set result ""
     set redirect ""
     foreach {n v} [ncgi::nvlist] {
         set _args($n) [lindex $v 1]
     OpenDb [set db $_args(db)]
     set lStdLink [list db=$db view=$_args(view)]
     switch -- [string tolower $_args(mode)] {
         create {
             # action from newrow
             foreach var [array names _args colvalue_*] {
                 lappend lNewRow [string range $var 9 end] [set _args($var)]
             append result "args: $args lNewRow: $lNewRow ncgi::value colvalue_data: [ncgi::value colvalue_data]"
             set vw [mk::view open db.$_args(view)]
             eval mk::row append db.$_args(view) $lNewRow
             set redirect "listmain?[join $lStdLink &]"
         safe {
             # action from clicking "safe" in edit-form
             foreach var [array names _args colvalue_*] {
                 set index [string range $var 9 end]
                 append result "index<br> info exists _args(bool_colvalue_$index): [info exists _args(bool_colvalue_$index)]<br>"
                 if {[info exists _args(bool_colvalue_$index)]} {
                     append result "_args(bool_colvalue_$index): $_args(bool_colvalue_$index)<br>"
                 if {![info exists _args(bool_colvalue_$index)] || $_args(bool_colvalue_$index) != 1} {
                     lappend lRow $index [set _args($var)]
             append result "lRow: $lRow"
             eval mk::set db.$_args(view)!$_args(index) $lRow
             set redirect "listmain?[join $lStdLink &]"
     ReturnResult $result $redirect

 proc metakit::web::execute/download.bin {args} {
     array set _args $args
     set ::metakit::web::execute/download.bin application/octet-stream
     OpenDb $_args(db)
     set result [mk::get db.$_args(view)!$_args(index) $_args(column)]
     return $result

 proc metakit::web::execute/listconfig {args} {
     variable aConfig
     array set _args $args
     set result ""
     set redirect ""
     if {[info exists _args(mode)] && $_args(mode) == "safe"} {
         # set retrieved values into config-array and go back
         foreach var {maxRows maxChars displayBinaries} {
             if {[info exists _args($var)]} {
                 set aConfig($var) $_args($var)
             } else {
                 unset -nocomplain aConfig($var)
         set aConfig(rowColsTexts) [list $_args(rowsText) $_args(colsText)]
         set redirect listconfig
     } else {
         # browse-mode
         set result [subst {<table><tr><td><b>Configuration:</b></td><td>
 <form action="listconfig" method="get"><input type="hidden" name="mode" value="safe">
 Rows/Cols for edit-textareas: <input type="text" name="rowsText" value="[lindex $aConfig(rowColsTexts) 0]" size="2">/
 <input type="text" name="colsText" value="[lindex $aConfig(rowColsTexts) 1]" size="2">
             Display Binaries? <input type="checkbox" name="displayBinaries" value="1"[expr {[info exists aConfig(displayBinaries)] && $aConfig(displayBinaries) == 1 ? " checked" : ""}]><br>
 Display max. rows of view/characters of view-content: <input type="text" name="maxRows" value="$aConfig(maxRows)" size="2">/
 <input type="text" name="maxChars" value="$aConfig(maxChars)" size="2">
 <input type="submit" class="button" value="Go">
 &nbsp; <a href="help" target="main">Help</a></form></td></tr></table>}]
     ReturnResult $result $redirect

 # Help
 proc metakit::web::execute/help {} {
     variable aConfig
     set result [subst {<center><h1>Welcome to Metakit@Web</h1></center>
 <p>Just to get myself familar with metakit I tried to locate a good "viewer".
 But unfortunately all those metakit-viewers around either don't work or they don't do what I want.</p>
 <p>That was the time I decided to write a little web-frontend (nowadays it's popular to have a web-frontend 
 for almost anything, e.g. MySql). But because the web-frontend should be as easy as possible 
 I chosed Tcl and the Tcl-Webserver (Tclhttpd) for this purpose.</p>
 <p>And what should I say? Tclhttpd is the coolest webserver I've ever seen :-)</p>
 Features of Metakit@Web are:
 <ul><li>easy installation in Tclhttpd (only one file)</li>
 <li>easy editing, manipulating metakit-files (useful for rapid-prototyping).</li></ul>
 Missing features are (resp. pay ATTENTION!!):
 <ul><li>no authorization, everybody can modify or delete the metakit-files (this tool is only meant to be
 used by you on your local-machine)</li>
 <li>no support for subviews</li>
 <li>only useful for one user (no sessions)</li>
 <li>Only Javascript-confirmation for deleting. Site should not be spidered, because if a spider follows
 a "delete"-link ... boom!!</li>
 <p>As you seem to be able to read this, you have successfully installed Metakit@Web.<br>
 Just to mention a few things:</p>
 <p>You should create a directory where you place your metakit-files which should be editable from
 Metakit@Web. This directory has to be configured in the <code>mkweb.tcl</code>-file 
 (Variable: <code>aConfig(databaseDir)</code> currently set to: <code>$aConfig(databaseDir)</code>).</p>
 <p>Furthermore you can set the <code>aConfig(prefix)</code> (currently: <code>$aConfig(prefix)</code>). 
 This variable sets the url-prefix under which you can access Metakit@Web, e.g. now it is:<br>
 <a href="http://$::env(HTTP_HOST)/$aConfig(prefix)">http://$::env(HTTP_HOST)/$aConfig(prefix)</a>.</p>
 <p>You can also configure some values via the configuration-frame below. Simply enter a different value
 and click "Go". Afterwards you should "reload" the pages in which you expect the changes.</p>
 <p>Configuration-options (see below in configuration-frame) are:
 <tr><td>Rows/Cols for edit-textareas</td><td>The size of the textarea when editing (:S - string)-values.
 If you have stored large strings it may make sense to enlarge the size. </td></tr>
 <tr><td>Max. rows of view</td><td>How many rows of a view should be displayed? If you set this to "" all
 rows will be shown (possibly only a good idea for small views).</td></tr>
 <tr><td>Max. characters of view-content</td><td>When viewing the content of a view, all string-values will
 be truncated to the size given here. If you want to see the full length, set this value to "".</td></tr>
 <h2>General remarks</h2>
 <p>The frames of Metakit@Web looks like this
 <table border="1" width="100%">
 <tr><td>DB-frame<br>This lists all the files from <code>aConfig(databaseDir)</code>. Be careful that you are using metakits here. Deleting a database will delete the file physically!</td><td rowspan="2">Main-frame<br>
 Not "mainframe" :-) This frame displays the content of the views (and the help).</td></tr>
 <tr><td>View-frame<br>If you select a file from the DB-frame, the views and the structure of the views will be shown here. You can modify the views.</td></tr>
 <tr><td colspan="2">configuration-frame<br>
 Common configuration-options to be changed globally.</td></tr>
 <p>In general the navigation (back, refresh, ..) is left to you and your browser, so you won't find any 
 "back"-buttons in Metakit@Web.<br>
 Normally the names of database-files, view-names, row-indices link to the content of the item.<br>
 The last column of the table (database, views or rows) contains the "New ..."-link for each row an editing link.</p>
 <p>Usually you go to the "File/database"-frame, select a file, go to the "View"-frame and select a view (the content
 is displayed in the main-area).
 <p>To Jean-Claude Wippler for his cool <a href="" target="_blank">Metakit</a>
 and the whole Tcl-community for their never-ending patience and helpfulness comments.
 You can find this script on the <a href="">Tcl'ers Wiki</a> or go to my <a href="" target="_blank">Homepage</a>.</p>
 <pre>This script is free software.
 But don't blame me if something get's wrong.
 <p>Suggestions or bug-fixes are always welcome, simply drop me an email or edit the script on the Wiki.<br>
 Stefan Vogel -- stefan at vogel-nest dot de</p>
     return [generateHtml $result]

 # CSS and JS

 proc metakit::web::execute/mkweb.css {} {
     set ::metakit::web::execute/mkweb.css text/css
     set result {body { font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:10pt; }
 h1 { font-size:14pt; color:#000080; }
 h2 { font-size:12pt; color:#000080; }
 td { font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:10pt; vertical-align:top; }
 th { font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:10pt; vertical-align:top; }
 .dml td,.cnt td { border:1px solid black; }
 .dml th { border:1px solid black; }
 .cnt th { border:1px solid black; background-color:#a4a4ff; color:#ffffff; }
 .scnd { background-color:#d9d9ff; }
 .button { background-color:#a4a4ff; color:#ffffff; border:1px solid black; font-weight:bold; }
     return $result

 proc metakit::web::execute/mkweb.js {} {
     set ::metakit::web::execute/mkweb.js application/x-javascript
     set result {
 function linkClick(msg) {
   return confirm(msg);
 function setChecks(check) {
   var form = document.browse;
   for (var c = 0; c < form.elements.length; c++)
     if (form.elements[c].type == 'checkbox')
       form.elements[c].checked = check;
     return $result
 # Helperfunctions

 # TODO add different types
 proc metakit::web::prepareData {text datatype link} {
     variable aConfig
     set result $text
     # datatype: $datatype -- $text"
     if {[info exists aConfig(displayBinaries)] && $aConfig(displayBinaries) == 1} {
         # treat binaries as string
         set datatype S
     switch -- [string tolower $datatype] {
         b {
             # only set to "--" if there is anything in this binary column
             if {[string length $text]} {
                 set result [subst {<em>not displayed</em><br><a href="$link">Download</a>}]
         default {
             if {[info exists aConfig(maxChars)]
                 && $aConfig(maxChars) != ""
                 && [string length $text] > $aConfig(maxChars)} {
                 set result [string range $text 0 $aConfig(maxChars)]...
             set result [string map {< &lt;} $result]
     # avoid html-confusion
     return $result

 proc metakit::web::prepareInput {col datatype {value ""}} {
     variable aConfig
     if {[info exists aConfig(displayBinaries)] && $aConfig(displayBinaries) == 1} {
         # treat binaries as string
         set datatype S
     switch -- [string tolower $datatype] {
         i - l - f - d {
             set result [::html::textInput colvalue_$col $value]
         b {
             set result [subst {<input type="file" name="colvalue_$col">}]
             if {$value != ""} {
                 append result [subst {<br><input type="checkbox" name="bool_colvalue_$col" value="1" checked> Leave value as is.<p>There are 3 alternatives here:<ul>
 <li>You want to change the binary value of this row: Upload a new file and "deselect" the checkbox.</li>
 <li>Don't touch the binary value of this row: Select checkbox (default).</li>
 <li>Delete the value of this row: "Deselect" the checkbox and don't upload a file.</li></ul>
 The checkbox has priority, so if the checkbox is selected the binary value of this row won't be changed.</p>}]
         default {
             # S
             set result [::html::textarea colvalue_$col "rows=\"[lindex $aConfig(rowColsTexts) 0]\" cols\"[lindex $aConfig(rowColsTexts) 1]\"" $value]
     return $result

 proc metakit::web::OpenDb {filename} {
     variable aConfig
     catch {mk::file close db}
     mk::file open db [file join $aConfig(databaseDir) $filename]

 proc metakit::web::CloseDb {} {
     catch {mk::file close db}

 proc metakit::web::ReturnResult {result {redirect ""}} {
     variable aConfig
     if {$redirect != ""} {
         Httpd_RedirectSelf /$aConfig(prefix)/$redirect $::env(sock)
     } else {
         return [generateHtml $result]

 proc metakit::web::AddCursor {pos count maxCount link} {
     set result ""
     for {set i -1} {[expr $i+$count+1]<$maxCount} {incr i $count} {
         set str "[expr $i+1] - [set ipc [expr $i + $count]]"
         if {$pos>=$ipc || $pos<$i} {
             set str [subst {<a href="$link&first=[expr $i+1]">$str</a>}]
         append result "&nbsp;$str"
     return $result

 proc metakit::web::generateHtml {body {withBodyTag 1}} {
     variable aConfig
     if {$withBodyTag} {set body <body>$body</body>}
     return [::html::head $aConfig(title)]$body\n</html>

Wow! -jcw

rmax - This looks very nice indeed!

But I keep getting the following error whenever I invoke a link, that changes anything (creating/deleting databases, modifying views, adding rows, etc.):

 can't read "::env(sock)": no such variable
    while executing
 "Httpd_RedirectSelf /$aConfig(prefix)/$redirect $::env(sock)"
    (procedure "ReturnResult" line 4)
    invoked from within
 "ReturnResult $result $redirect"
    (procedure "metakit::web::execute/listdb" line 51)
    invoked from within
 "metakit::web::execute/listdb mode delete db test"
    invoked from within
 "catch $cmd result"
    invoked from within
 "DirectRespond $sock $code $result $type"
    (procedure "DirectDomain" line 29)
    invoked from within
 "DirectDomain metakit::web::execute sock8 /listdb"
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
 "eval $Url(command,$prefix) [list $sock $suffix]"

And may I suggest to remove the actual code from this page and just leave a link to the Tcl file on your page. To me it feels a bit too large for a wiki page. This would also save you the work of updating the wiki page every time you improve the script.

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