10/22/2003 [Stefan Vogel] I just wanted to get familar with metakits. So I build up a very simply but still useful (at least for me) ''Webadministration-Interface'' for [MetaKit]. This webadministration '''Metakit@Web''' works with [Tclhttpd]. With ''Metakit@Web'' (Version 0.2) you can: * create metakit-database-files * create, modify, delete views * create, edit, delete rows * view binaries * test queries ... Installation is quite simple (as always with Tclhttpd): * Extract the following script or download it from http://www.vogel-nest.de/tcl * Copy the script "mkweb.tcl" to your tclhttpd-custom-directory (may be you have to patch your Tclhttpd so that custom-files are read: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=635083&group_id=12884&atid=112884 ) * Create a directory where you place your metakits (let's say: /metakits or c:/metakits) * Adapt the directory in mkweb.tcl (e.g. set the array aConfig(databaseDir) to /metakits or c:/metakits) * restart Tclhttpd * Go to http:///mkweb '''Attention''' This Webadmin-interface was developed only for me and my local installation of Tclhttpd. * Currently there is no security implemented! Everyone who can access your webserver can access your metakits!! * Only one user at a time should access Metakit@Web because the configuration-values are globally set (no sessions). Maybe someone wants to make this script session-aware? * Be sure that no spider follows the links on the page (the delete-operation is available as a link, so be careful). Next steps/Missing features: * subviews are not handled correctly * make it session-aware You've been warned. But now ... have fun: ... '''Script removed''' ... 10/23/2003 [Stefan Vogel] O.k. even though the complete Webadministration of Metakits was only about 600 LoC, it's a little bit to much for the Wiki. You can download the script "mkweb.tcl" (currently Version 0.2) from: http://www.freewebs.com/vogel-nest/tcl/ ---- ''Wow! -[jcw]'' [http://mini.net/pub/mkweb.png] ---- [rmax] - This looks very nice indeed! But I keep getting the following error whenever I invoke a link, that changes anything (creating/deleting databases, modifying views, adding rows, etc.): can't read "::env(sock)": no such variable while executing "Httpd_RedirectSelf /$aConfig(prefix)/$redirect $::env(sock)" (procedure "ReturnResult" line 4) invoked from within "ReturnResult $result $redirect" (procedure "metakit::web::execute/listdb" line 51) invoked from within "metakit::web::execute/listdb mode delete db test" invoked from within "catch $cmd result" invoked from within "DirectRespond $sock $code $result $type" (procedure "DirectDomain" line 29) invoked from within "DirectDomain metakit::web::execute sock8 /listdb" ("eval" body line 1) invoked from within "eval $Url(command,$prefix) [list $sock $suffix]" And may I suggest to remove the actual code from this page and just leave a link to the Tcl file on your page. To me it feels a bit too large for a wiki page. This would also save you the work of updating the wiki page every time you improve the script. Do you have an actual version of tclhttpd? (3.4.2). This script relies on a call to Cgi_SetEnvAll (which is called from cgi.tcl#Cgi_SetEnv which is called everytime when a direct-url is called (from direct.tcl#DirectDomain)). If there is a better way to retrieve the current "sock"-value in a direct domain please tell me. (See also comp.lang.tcl http://groups.google.de/groups?dq=&hl=de&lr=&ie=UTF-8&threadm=e50b2925.0310192200.306530e0%40posting.google.com&prev=/groups%3Fdq%3D%26num%3D25%26hl%3Dde%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8%26group%3Dcomp.lang.tcl%26start%3D75 ) I think the usual way to do redirects inside direct-urls should be something like: error /path "" 302 Unfortunately there is a bug in "direct.tcl" which does not allow to issue a redirect by simply generating an error with code 302 (see Bug 828806 in http://sourceforge.net/projects/tclhttpd ). ---- [[ [Category Tclkit] | [Category Database] | [Category Internet] ]]