All website with weather information also show animations of for the changes in the last few hours. this is a simple way to use TCL and create your own personal animations. It could be used to create webcam time-lapse sequences. I am using it on Windows so it probably needs some fixes for Unix/Linux. Before you can see any amination you need to let the program collect some images for a few hours. # # sat_pics.tcl - download,show,save,animate weather images # # S.Mimmi 2007 # #################### Configuration ###################### # Web Proxy data (remove comment, configure if needed) #http::config -proxyhost hostname -proxyport port_num # URLs of the images to use, the index will be the filename array set Url { IR-enh Sat-sfc Visible Wat-vap Sfc-dT24h Sat-rad US-curr US-temp } # Initial image to load set Opt(cur_pic) US-curr # Init checkbutton to display on desktop background (1=display) set Opt(back) 0 # Minutes to wait before downloading new image set Opt(ref_rate) 20 # Milliseconds to wait before next image in slideshow set Opt(cyc_rate) 250 # How many pictures to cycle thru (all newer than cyc_hours) set Opt(cyc_hours) 60 # Number of days to store images set Opt(keep_days) 14 # Where to store images set Opt(img_path) "[pwd]/wea_img" # Start GUI set Opt(use_gui) 1 # Where is irfanView (if running on windows) set Opt(iview) "C:/Graphics/IrfanView/i_view32.exe" set Opt(screen_size) "(1280,1024)" # Where is xloadimage (if running on Unix) set Opt(xload) "/usr/bin/xloadimage" ###################### End configuration ############################# package require http # Load user defaults (remove file after changing Opt() defaults above) if {$::tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} { set ini_file "$env(HOME)/sat_pic.ini" } else { set ini_file "$env(HOME)/.sat_picrc" } catch {source $ini_file} if {$Opt(ref_rate) < 10} {set Opt(ref_rate) 10} if {[catch {set Url([set Opt(cur_pic)])}]} { set Opt(cur_pic) [lindex [array names Url] 0] } ####################### Procedures ################################### # Get image from web proc get_image { url } { for {set i 1} {$i < 4} {incr i} { set um [http::geturl $url -timeout [expr {1000 + $i * 3000}]] http::wait $um set ncode [http::ncode $um] if { $ncode == 200 } { break } else { http::cleanup $um } } if {$i == 4} { set htstat [http::status $um] wm title . "$htstat - code = $ncode" http::cleanup $um return {} } set pic [http::data $um] http::cleanup $um return $pic } # Get and save all images proc get_all_images { } { global Opt Url foreach img_id [array names Url] { set pic [get_image $Url($img_id)] if {$pic != {}} { save_img [get_file_name $img_id] $pic } } } # Filename used to store image proc get_file_name {img_id} { global Opt Url set ext [file extension $Url($img_id)] set secs [clock seconds] set mins [string index [clock format $secs -format "%M"] 0]0 return [clock format $secs -format "$Opt(img_path)/${img_id}_%Y%m%d_%H$mins$ext"] } # Get current image, display and save, # if repeat != 0 then start the timer for next download and get full set proc show_image { {repeat 0} } { global Opt Url set img_id $Opt(cur_pic) set url $Url($img_id) # Get the image set pic [get_image $url] # If picture found if { $pic != {} } { # Use our file identifiers since filenames from Web can change set filename [get_file_name $img_id] # Display in window if { $Opt(use_gui) } { wm title . [file tail $filename] catch {image delete wea_img} image create photo wea_img -data $pic wm sizefrom . program .l configure -image wea_img set Opt(cur_idx) 0 } # Save image: use our identifiers since filenames from Web can change set image_file [save_img $filename $pic] # After the image is saved check if need to change the background if {$Opt(back)} { load_background $image_file } } if { $repeat } { # get a new image after ref_rate min after [expr {$Opt(ref_rate) * 60000}] show_image 1 # get full set get_all_images } } proc show_img_file { f } { wm title . [file tail $f] set fd [open $f r] fconfigure $fd -translation binary -encoding binary set pic [read $fd] close $fd catch {image delete wea_img} image create photo wea_img -data $pic .l configure -image wea_img } # Cycle thru images previously downloaded proc cycle_img {} { global Opt set name $Opt(cur_pic) set files [lsort [glob -directory $Opt(img_path) ${name}*]] set cyctime [expr {[clock seconds] - $Opt(cyc_hours) * 3600}] # Show images from the last cyc_hours foreach f $files { if { [file mtime $f] > $cyctime } { show_img_file $f # wait before next image set state ok after $Opt(cyc_rate) set state tout vwait state } } set Opt(cur_idx) 0 } # View old images with the back/forward buttons proc prev_img { step } { global Opt set name $Opt(cur_pic) set files [lsort [glob -directory $Opt(img_path) ${name}*]] incr Opt(cur_idx) $step if {$Opt(cur_idx) >= [llength $files]} { set Opt(cur_idx) [expr {[llength $files] - 1}] } elseif {$Opt(cur_idx) < 0} { set Opt(cur_idx) 0 } show_img_file [lindex $files end-$Opt(cur_idx)] } # Save the image proc save_img { filename pic } { # skip if already present if {![file exists $filename]} { set fd [open $filename w] fconfigure $fd -translation binary -encoding binary puts $fd $pic close $fd set filename [dup_remove $filename] } return $filename } # Remove dup file (checking previous, return name of file kept) proc dup_remove { filename } { global Opt set file_glob [string range [file tail $filename] 0 end-9] set files [lsort [glob -directory $Opt(img_path) ${file_glob}* ]] set prev_file [lindex $files end-1] if {$prev_file == ""} { return $filename } set f_size [file size $prev_file] if {$f_size == [file size $filename]} { set fd [open $filename r] fconfigure $fd -translation binary -encoding binary set data1 [read $fd $f_size] close $fd set fd [open $prev_file r] fconfigure $fd -translation binary -encoding binary set data2 [read $fd $f_size] close $fd if {$data1 == $data2} { file delete $filename return $prev_file } } return $filename } # Use helper to show image on desktop wallpaper proc load_background { filename } { global Opt if {$::tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} { exec -- $Opt(iview) [file nativename $filename] /resize=$Opt(screen_size) /resample /aspectratio /sharpen=15 /wall=0 /killmesoftly & } elseif {$::tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} { exec -- $Opt(xload) [file nativename $filename] -onroot -colors 32 & } } # Remove files older than Opt(keep_days) proc cleanup_old_files { } { global Opt # 60 * 60 * 24 = 86400 s/day set oldtime [expr {[clock seconds] - $Opt(keep_days) * 86400}] # scan all files and remove files modified more than keep_days ago set files [glob -directory $Opt(img_path) *] foreach f $files { if { [file mtime $f] < $oldtime } { file delete $f } } # tomorrow again after 86400000 cleanup_old_files } # Save configuration on exit proc write_ini { filename } { global Opt set fd [open $filename w] foreach item [lsort [array names Opt]] { puts $fd "set Opt($item) \t\"$Opt($item)\"" } close $fd } ####################################################### # GUI ####################################################### if { $Opt(use_gui) } { package require Tk package require Img image create bitmap play_bm -data " #define play_width 12 #define play_height 13 static char play_bits = { 0x00,0x00,0x08,0x00,0x18,0x00,0x38,0x00,0x78,0x00,0xf8,0x00,0xf8, 0x01,0xf8,0x00,0x78,0x00,0x38,0x00,0x18,0x00,0x08,0x00,0x00,0x00 }" frame .b pack .b -side top -padx 2 -fill x image create photo wea_img -width 900 -height 650 label .l -image wea_img pack .l -side bottom -fill both foreach i [lsort [array names Url]] { set wn [string tolower $i] button .b.$wn -text $i -command "set Opt(cur_pic) $i; show_image" pack .b.$wn -side left } # Wallpaper checkbutton .b.b -text Wall. -variable Opt(back) pack .b.b -side right # History and Animation frame pack -side right -padx 2 button -text < -command {prev_img 1} button -text > -command {prev_img -1} label -text "Hrs" entry -width 3 -textvariable Opt(cyc_hours) button -image play_bm -command cycle_img scale -orient horizontal -width 10 -length 110 -showvalue 0 \ -from 4 -to 1000 -variable Opt(cyc_rate) -tickinterval 0 entry -width 4 -textvariable Opt(cyc_rate) pack -side left pack -side left wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW {write_ini $ini_file; exit} wm resizable . 0 0 } # Check if the image dir exists if {![file isdirectory $Opt(img_path)]} { file mkdir $Opt(img_path) } # Start periodic downloads and show image if enabled http::config -useragent "MSIE 5.0" show_image 1 # Check if old files need to be removed after 5000 cleanup_old_files --- [Category Application] [Category Science] [Category Animations]