Version 9 of VisualRegExp

Updated 2014-08-21 12:27:47 by arjen

Wojciech Kocjan's "little tool" [L1 ] is "a small piece of software that allows checking regular expressions against a text".

escargo 1 Dec 2003 - Compare this to Kodos [L2 ].

escargo 15 Dec 2006 - The download link for the "little tool" was broken today.

male 2003-12-01:

Don't forget about VisualREGEXP from Laurent Riesterer Visual REGEXP or [L3 ]

AMG: Is that a different program?

rovf - 2014-08-21 08:35:14

I don't see a download link for this tool.

arjen Look at the [...] markings. You can download at least Laurent's tool from the above.