[Wojciech Kocjan]'s "little tool" [ftp://ftp.tcl.pl/pub/visualre/] is "a small piece of software that allows checking [regular expressions] against a text". ---- ''[escargo] 1 Dec 2003'' - Compare this to Kodos [http://kodos.sourceforge.net/]. ---- ''[escargo] 15 Dec 2006'' - The download link for the "little tool" was broken today. ---- [male] 2003-12-01: Don't forget about VisualREGEXP from Laurent Riesterer [Visual REGEXP] or [http://laurent.riesterer.free.fr/regexp/] [AMG]: Is that a different program? ---- [http://laurent.riesterer.free.fr/regexp/screenshot1.png] ---- '''[rovf] - 2014-08-21 08:35:14''' I don't see a download link for this tool. <> Dev. Tools