Version 45 of Visual REGEXP

Updated 2015-10-30 06:07:49 by aspect

Visual REGEXP , by Laurent Riesterer, is a program that illustrates the mechanics of regular expressions, quickly build efficient regular expressions, etc. Currently at


current version
release time
mailto:[email protected]

See Also



See Also


My raving was deleted, but I reiterate it: never mind similar tools: this app can be improved, but it can't be beaten.

RLH: I use this app all the time. I have tweaked it (wider buttons and a quit button) but other than that I really like it.

aspect: as of 2015-02-26 I have made some tiny tweaks for this so I don't have to be this guy . Eventually it will get into a chiselapp repo. Ping me if you want to hurry that process along.

LW: Can you elaborate on the tweaks you made? I maintain this app's package for the Gentoo Linux distribution and may be interested in some of your changes.

aspect: pretty trivial stuff so far. My notes say:

#  - remove stale manual undo code (handled by text widgets)
#  - collapse delete/insert into a single replace to leave undo clean
#  - get rid of extra newline from [.t get 1.0 end]
#  - change select buttons in replace mode (only) to insert \\$x in replace.text
#  - tag/colour inserted \\$x in replace.text
#  - default to replace mode
#  - change help font to TkFixedFont (and bold version of same)
#  - bump version number to 3.2.  filename said 3.1; source said 3.0