Version 4 of Variable substitution in -command scripts

Updated 2003-07-10 18:37:09

ramsan says: A typical problem when trying to define the command script is when you want to mix variables that need to be substituted now and others that need to be substituted later. Some examples:

  • If variables need to be substituted now:
        button $b -command [list $b configure -background red]
        button $b -command "[list $b configure -background red] ; [list puts \
           "pressed $b"]"
  • If variables need to be substituted later:
       button $b -command {
           set aa $some_global_var
  • If there is a mixure:
       button $b -command [list some_function $b] ;# recommended solution
  • If you really want to avoid to create new functions and want an inline solution, there are some possibilities:
       button $b -command [string map [list %W [list $b]] {
           set aa $some_global_var
           %W configure -background red


      set cmd {
           set aa $some_global_var
           %W configure -background red
      button $b -command [string map [list %W [list $b]] $cmd]

it is the same but different disposition.

There are other solutions that become easily complex and error prone:

       button $b -command "
           set aa \$some_global_var
          $b configure -background red

DGP Actually, your last three examples are all buggy. They will all fail if the value of $b contains white space. Avoid Quoting Hell. Stick with the helper proc.

ramsan The two examples with string map should be OK now.

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