[JOB] The following script shows, how [Gimp]'s script_fu language extension can be used to drive Gimp in batch mode to convert images. ====== #!/usr/bin/ksh # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Usage: # Convert PNG Images to gif using gimp and it's script-fu capabilities # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Revision History: # 18.08.05, Johann Oberdorfer, Initial Release. # johann.oberdorfer@gmail.com # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # See also: # the following script was found in a tip, but won't work directly... # (define (script-fu-png2gif num-colors infile outfile) # (let* ((img (car (file-png-load 1 "bgr.png" "bgr.png"))) # (drawable (car (gimp-image-active-drawable img)))) # (gimp-convert-indexed img FS-DITHER MAKE-PALETTE 64 FALSE FALSE "") # (file-gif-save 1 img drawable "bgr.gif" "bgr.gif" TRUE 0 0 0))) # # (script-fu-register "script-fu-png2gif" # _"/Xtns/Script-Fu/Utils/conv" # "CONV" # "Johann" # "Johann" # "2005-08-18" # "" # SF-VALUE "num-colors" "64" # SF-FILENAME "Infile" "test.png" # SF-FILENAME "Outfile" "test.gif" # ) # call gimp in batch mode: # gimp -c -i -d -b '(script-fu-png2gif 64 "plan.png" "plan.gif")' \ # '(gimp-quit 0)' # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # -------------------------------------------------------------------- source_fmt=png target_fmt=gif integer maxcnt=`ls *.${source_fmt} | wc -l` integer cnt=1 for i in `ls *.${source_fmt}` do echo "\nConverting image ($cnt/$maxcnt): $i ..." inp_file=$i # replace extension ... name=`echo $i | awk '{ n=split($0,a,"."); print a[1]; }'` out_file="${name}.${target_fmt}" # convert PNG images using gimp... # -------------------------------- gimp_script="(let* ((img (car (file-png-load 1 \"$inp_file\" \"$inp_file\"))) \n (drawable (car (gimp-image-active-drawable img)))) \n (gimp-convert-indexed img FS-DITHER MAKE-PALETTE 64 FALSE FALSE \"\") \n (file-gif-save 1 img drawable \"$out_file\" \"$out_file\" TRUE 0 0 0) \n (gimp-quit 0))" echo "" echo $gimp_script echo "" gimp -c -i -d -b "$gimp_script" # -------------------------------- ((cnt = cnt + 1)) done ====== ---- !!!!!! %| category image processing |% !!!!!!