[Ro] 2005-11-29 No access to usenet, but I see a question about getting uptime in windows. Use [ffidl] to hook into win32 api. ====== ffidl::callout dll_GetTickCount {} long [ffidl::symbol kernel32.dll GetTickCount] (main) 2 % dll_GetTickCount 555431843 (main) 3 % dll_GetTickCount 555433390 ====== The way I do platform specific stuff in win32 is I search for VB ([Visual Basic]) people who have the same question I have, then I port their win32 calls to [ffidl]. From MSDN: GetTickCount returns the number of milliseconds since Windows started, and it resets to zero (0) if Windows is run continuously for approximately 49 days. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q113325/ <
> http://groups.google.ca/group/microsoft.public.vb.winapi/browse_thread/thread/8b064954e90e2ee5/ <
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/sysinfo/base/gettickcount.asp ---- [APN] 2006-07-04 Using [TWAPI], get_system_uptime [http://twapi.sf.net/osinfo.html#get_system_uptime] also provides this information. ====== set uptimeSeconds [get_system_uptime] ====== <> Windows