[Peter Newman] 8 January 2005 ------------------- [Unified Programming Language] The "Bootstrap File" is a plain ASCII text file that allows the script-level programmer to select the data types and command/functions they want, in their own personal or application specific programming toolkit. It looks like (for example):- module d:/UPL/lib/interpreters/Tcl.dll (.so on Linux) # module d:/UPL/lib/interpreters/C.dll (.so on Linux) # module d:/UPL/lib/interpreters/Perl.dll (.so on Linux) # module d:/UPL/lib/interpreters/Python.dll (.so on Linux) module d:/UPL/lib/interpreters/Lisp.dll (.so on Linux) # module d:/UPL/lib/interpreters/Scheme.dll (.so on Linux) module d:/UPL/lib/dataTypes/integers.dll (.so on Linux) module d:/UPL/lib/dataTypes/strings.dll (.so on Linux) module d:/UPL/lib/dataTypes/lists/basic.dll (.so on Linux) # module d:/UPL/lib/dataTypes/arrays.dll (.so on Linux) module d:/UPL/lib/io/files.dll (.so on Linux) module d:/UPL/lib/io/std.dll (.so on Linux) etc etc Where '''module''' functions pretty much like Tcl's load - and 'loads' the dll/so whoose path follows on the command line. ---- The "Bootstrap File" is loaded by [UPL: The Bootstrap Interpreter]. ---- [RS] As the script to be executed would know best which modules it needs, I'd propose to put such requirements (à la [package require]) in the beginning of each app script - but of course this makes boring reading, like a page full of #include in some C sources... Otherwise exchanging scripts between different sites will get difficult.