Version 3 of Twofish in Tcl

Updated 2006-07-18 02:00:49

FPX: Twofish is a cryptographic algorithm for encryption and decryption using a common key.

This implementation supports the encryption and decryption of individual 16 byte blocks (Electronic Codebook mode) as well as the stream-oriented Cipher Block Chaining mode.

In Electronic Codebook (ECB) mode, the Twofish algorithm is initialized with a key. It can then be used to encrypt a 16 byte clear text block into a 16 byte cipher text block (using the encryptBlock method) or vice versa (using the decryptBlock method). Block mode should only be used for very short messages (on the magnitude of a few blocks). Because block mode always encrypts the same clear text block to the same cipher text block, long encrypted messages might be subject to frequency attacks.

In Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode, the Twofish algorithm is initialized with a key and a "salt" (also known as Initialization Vector). It can then be used to encrypt messages of arbitrary length. The salt, which mutates between blocks, avoids the potential for frequency attacks.

To encrypt a stream in CBC mode, the encrypt method can be called multiple times. Each time but the last, the clear text message passed to encrypt must be a multiple of 16 bytes in length. The returned cipher text is of equal length. Cipher text returned from multiple invocations to encrypt can be concatenated. On the last invocation, the clear text message is padded to be a multiple of 16 bytes; the encrypted cipher text will have the padded length and must not be truncated.

To decrypt a stream in CBC mode, the algorithm must be initialized with the same key and salt that were used for encryption. The decrypt method can then be called multiple times; each time, the cipher text must be a multiple of 16 bytes in length. The returned clear text is of equal length. Because the cipher text for a full message is always a multiple of 16 bytes, there are no padding issues.

Because of the padding that may occur upon encryption, some protocols embed the length of the message into the stream, so that the decrypted message can be truncated to the original length.

The "salt" is 16 bytes of binary data. It must be shared between encryption and decryption. However, knowing the salt by itself is useless, and does not help in attacking the cipher as long as the key remains protected. Therefore, the salt need not be secret. When encrypting a message, the software usually generates a random salt, and prepends it, in plaintext, to the encrypted payload.

For more information on ECB and CBC, see Block Cipher Modes.

Now for the implementation. It uses incr Tcl for convenience. It requires Tcl 8.4 for its 64 bit support. (The implemantation is called itwofish because I wanted to avoid a name clash with any other twofish package; I had this issue with Blowfish in Tcl, which conflicted with Trf's blowfish package.)

See much farther below for test vectors.

This implementation is being used by Password Gorilla.

This is the itwofish::itwofish abstract base class. It does not have public methods. It is initialized by a derived class with an arbitrary-length key "string" (may be binary data).

 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Pure-Tcl implementation of the Twofish algorithm.
 # Written by Frank Pilhofer. Released under BSD license.
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 # See below for more information on the interface.
 # See for information about the
 # Twofish algorithm.
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

 package require Tcl 8.4
 package require Itcl

 itcl::class ::itwofish::itwofish {
    # Constants

    private common SK_STEP 0x02020202
    private common SK_BUMP 0x01010101
    private common SK_ROTL 9

    private common BLOCK_SIZE 128
    private common BLOCK_WORDS [expr {$BLOCK_SIZE / 32}]
    private common MAX_KEY_BITS 256
    private common MIN_KEY_BITS 128
    private common MAX_KEY_WORDS [expr {$MAX_KEY_BITS / 32}]

    private common INPUT_WHITEN 0
    private common OUTPUT_WHITEN [expr {$INPUT_WHITEN + $BLOCK_SIZE / 32}]
    private common ROUND_SUBKEYS [expr {$OUTPUT_WHITEN + $BLOCK_SIZE / 32}]

    private common P8x80 {
        0xA9 0x67 0xB3 0xE8 0x04 0xFD 0xA3 0x76 
        0x9A 0x92 0x80 0x78 0xE4 0xDD 0xD1 0x38 
        0x0D 0xC6 0x35 0x98 0x18 0xF7 0xEC 0x6C 
        0x43 0x75 0x37 0x26 0xFA 0x13 0x94 0x48 
        0xF2 0xD0 0x8B 0x30 0x84 0x54 0xDF 0x23 
        0x19 0x5B 0x3D 0x59 0xF3 0xAE 0xA2 0x82 
        0x63 0x01 0x83 0x2E 0xD9 0x51 0x9B 0x7C 
        0xA6 0xEB 0xA5 0xBE 0x16 0x0C 0xE3 0x61 
        0xC0 0x8C 0x3A 0xF5 0x73 0x2C 0x25 0x0B 
        0xBB 0x4E 0x89 0x6B 0x53 0x6A 0xB4 0xF1 
        0xE1 0xE6 0xBD 0x45 0xE2 0xF4 0xB6 0x66 
        0xCC 0x95 0x03 0x56 0xD4 0x1C 0x1E 0xD7 
        0xFB 0xC3 0x8E 0xB5 0xE9 0xCF 0xBF 0xBA 
        0xEA 0x77 0x39 0xAF 0x33 0xC9 0x62 0x71 
        0x81 0x79 0x09 0xAD 0x24 0xCD 0xF9 0xD8 
        0xE5 0xC5 0xB9 0x4D 0x44 0x08 0x86 0xE7 
        0xA1 0x1D 0xAA 0xED 0x06 0x70 0xB2 0xD2 
        0x41 0x7B 0xA0 0x11 0x31 0xC2 0x27 0x90 
        0x20 0xF6 0x60 0xFF 0x96 0x5C 0xB1 0xAB 
        0x9E 0x9C 0x52 0x1B 0x5F 0x93 0x0A 0xEF 
        0x91 0x85 0x49 0xEE 0x2D 0x4F 0x8F 0x3B 
        0x47 0x87 0x6D 0x46 0xD6 0x3E 0x69 0x64 
        0x2A 0xCE 0xCB 0x2F 0xFC 0x97 0x05 0x7A 
        0xAC 0x7F 0xD5 0x1A 0x4B 0x0E 0xA7 0x5A 
        0x28 0x14 0x3F 0x29 0x88 0x3C 0x4C 0x02 
        0xB8 0xDA 0xB0 0x17 0x55 0x1F 0x8A 0x7D 
        0x57 0xC7 0x8D 0x74 0xB7 0xC4 0x9F 0x72 
        0x7E 0x15 0x22 0x12 0x58 0x07 0x99 0x34 
        0x6E 0x50 0xDE 0x68 0x65 0xBC 0xDB 0xF8 
        0xC8 0xA8 0x2B 0x40 0xDC 0xFE 0x32 0xA4 
        0xCA 0x10 0x21 0xF0 0xD3 0x5D 0x0F 0x00 
        0x6F 0x9D 0x36 0x42 0x4A 0x5E 0xC1 0xE0

    private common P8x81 {
        0x75 0xF3 0xC6 0xF4 0xDB 0x7B 0xFB 0xC8 
        0x4A 0xD3 0xE6 0x6B 0x45 0x7D 0xE8 0x4B 
        0xD6 0x32 0xD8 0xFD 0x37 0x71 0xF1 0xE1 
        0x30 0x0F 0xF8 0x1B 0x87 0xFA 0x06 0x3F 
        0x5E 0xBA 0xAE 0x5B 0x8A 0x00 0xBC 0x9D 
        0x6D 0xC1 0xB1 0x0E 0x80 0x5D 0xD2 0xD5 
        0xA0 0x84 0x07 0x14 0xB5 0x90 0x2C 0xA3 
        0xB2 0x73 0x4C 0x54 0x92 0x74 0x36 0x51 
        0x38 0xB0 0xBD 0x5A 0xFC 0x60 0x62 0x96 
        0x6C 0x42 0xF7 0x10 0x7C 0x28 0x27 0x8C 
        0x13 0x95 0x9C 0xC7 0x24 0x46 0x3B 0x70 
        0xCA 0xE3 0x85 0xCB 0x11 0xD0 0x93 0xB8 
        0xA6 0x83 0x20 0xFF 0x9F 0x77 0xC3 0xCC 
        0x03 0x6F 0x08 0xBF 0x40 0xE7 0x2B 0xE2 
        0x79 0x0C 0xAA 0x82 0x41 0x3A 0xEA 0xB9 
        0xE4 0x9A 0xA4 0x97 0x7E 0xDA 0x7A 0x17 
        0x66 0x94 0xA1 0x1D 0x3D 0xF0 0xDE 0xB3 
        0x0B 0x72 0xA7 0x1C 0xEF 0xD1 0x53 0x3E 
        0x8F 0x33 0x26 0x5F 0xEC 0x76 0x2A 0x49 
        0x81 0x88 0xEE 0x21 0xC4 0x1A 0xEB 0xD9 
        0xC5 0x39 0x99 0xCD 0xAD 0x31 0x8B 0x01 
        0x18 0x23 0xDD 0x1F 0x4E 0x2D 0xF9 0x48 
        0x4F 0xF2 0x65 0x8E 0x78 0x5C 0x58 0x19 
        0x8D 0xE5 0x98 0x57 0x67 0x7F 0x05 0x64 
        0xAF 0x63 0xB6 0xFE 0xF5 0xB7 0x3C 0xA5 
        0xCE 0xE9 0x68 0x44 0xE0 0x4D 0x43 0x69 
        0x29 0x2E 0xAC 0x15 0x59 0xA8 0x0A 0x9E 
        0x6E 0x47 0xDF 0x34 0x35 0x6A 0xCF 0xDC 
        0x22 0xC9 0xC0 0x9B 0x89 0xD4 0xED 0xAB 
        0x12 0xA2 0x0D 0x52 0xBB 0x02 0x2F 0xA9 
        0xD7 0x61 0x1E 0xB4 0x50 0x04 0xF6 0xC2 
        0x16 0x25 0x86 0x56 0x55 0x09 0xBE 0x91

    # Functions

    private common MDS_GF_FDBK 0x169

    protected proc f32 {x k32 keyLen} {
        set b0 [expr {$x & 255}]
        set b1 [expr {($x >> 8) & 255}]
        set b2 [expr {($x >> 16) & 255}]
        set b3 [expr {($x >> 24) & 255}]

        set kl [expr {(($keyLen + 63) / 64) & 3}]

        if {$kl == 0} {
            set k323 [lindex $k32 3]
            set b0 [expr {[lindex $P8x81 $b0] ^ ($k323 & 255)}]
            set b1 [expr {[lindex $P8x80 $b1] ^ (($k323 >> 8) & 255)}]
            set b2 [expr {[lindex $P8x80 $b2] ^ (($k323 >> 16) & 255)}]
            set b3 [expr {[lindex $P8x81 $b3] ^ (($k323 >> 24) & 255)}]

        if {$kl == 0 || $kl == 3} {
            set k322 [lindex $k32 2]
            set b0 [expr {[lindex $P8x81 $b0] ^ ($k322 & 255)}]
            set b1 [expr {[lindex $P8x81 $b1] ^ (($k322 >> 8) & 255)}]
            set b2 [expr {[lindex $P8x80 $b2] ^ (($k322 >> 16) & 255)}]
            set b3 [expr {[lindex $P8x80 $b3] ^ (($k322 >> 24) & 255)}]

        if {$kl == 0 || $kl == 3 || $kl == 2} {
            set k320 [lindex $k32 0]
            set k321 [lindex $k32 1]

            set t0 [expr {[lindex $P8x80 $b0] ^ ($k321 & 255)}]
            set t1 [expr {[lindex $P8x81 $b1] ^ (($k321 >> 8) & 255)}]
            set t2 [expr {[lindex $P8x80 $b2] ^ (($k321 >> 16) & 255)}]
            set t3 [expr {[lindex $P8x81 $b3] ^ (($k321 >> 24) & 255)}]

            set t0 [expr {[lindex $P8x80 $t0] ^ ($k320 & 255)}]
            set t1 [expr {[lindex $P8x80 $t1] ^ (($k320 >> 8) & 255)}]
            set t2 [expr {[lindex $P8x81 $t2] ^ (($k320 >> 16) & 255)}]
            set t3 [expr {[lindex $P8x81 $t3] ^ (($k320 >> 24) & 255)}]

            set b0 [lindex $P8x81 $t0]
            set b1 [lindex $P8x80 $t1]
            set b2 [lindex $P8x81 $t2]
            set b3 [lindex $P8x80 $t3]

        # MDS_GF_FDBK/2 == 180
        # MDS_GF_FDBK/4 == 90

        set b0x [expr {$b0 ^ (($b0 >> 2) ^ (($b0 & 2) ? 180 : 0)) ^ (($b0 & 1) ? 90 : 0)}]
        set b0y [expr {$b0x ^ (($b0 >> 1) ^ (($b0 & 1) ? 180 : 0))}]

        set b1x [expr {$b1 ^ (($b1 >> 2) ^ (($b1 & 2) ? 180 : 0)) ^ (($b1 & 1) ? 90 : 0)}]
        set b1y [expr {$b1x ^ (($b1 >> 1) ^ (($b1 & 1) ? 180 : 0))}]

        set b2x [expr {$b2 ^ (($b2 >> 2) ^ (($b2 & 2) ? 180 : 0)) ^ (($b2 & 1) ? 90 : 0)}]
        set b2y [expr {$b2x ^ (($b2 >> 1) ^ (($b2 & 1) ? 180 : 0))}]

        set b3x [expr {$b3 ^ (($b3 >> 2) ^ (($b3 & 2) ? 180 : 0)) ^ (($b3 & 1) ? 90 : 0)}]
        set b3y [expr {$b3x ^ (($b3 >> 1) ^ (($b3 & 1) ? 180 : 0))}]

        return [expr {((($b0 ^ $b1y ^ $b2x ^ $b3x) | \
                            (($b0x ^ $b1y ^ $b2y ^ $b3) << 8) | \
                            (($b0y ^ $b1x ^ $b2 ^ $b3y) << 16) | \
                            (($b0y ^ $b1 ^ $b2y ^ $b3x) << 24)) + 0x100000000) % \

    private common RS_GF_FDBK 0x14d

    protected proc RS_rem {x} {
        variable RS_GF_FDBK
        set b [expr {$x >> 24}]
        set r [expr {$x & 0x00ffffff}]
        set g2 [expr {(($b << 1) ^ (($b & 0x80) ? $RS_GF_FDBK : 0)) & 255}]
        set g3 [expr {($b >> 1) ^ (($b & 1) ? ($RS_GF_FDBK >> 1) : 0) ^ $g2}]
        return [expr {($r << 8) ^ ($g3 << 24) ^ ($g2 << 16) ^ ($g3 << 8) ^ $b}]

    protected proc RS_MDS_Encode {k0 k1} {
        set r $k1

        set r [RS_rem $r]
        set r [RS_rem $r]
        set r [RS_rem $r]
        set r [RS_rem $r]

        set r [expr {$r ^ $k0}]

        set r [RS_rem $r]
        set r [RS_rem $r]
        set r [RS_rem $r]
        set r [RS_rem $r]

        return $r

    # Variables

    public variable keyLen
    public variable key32
    public variable sboxKeys
    public variable subKeys

    # Initialize with key

    constructor {key_} {
        makeKey $key_

    protected method makeKey {key_} {
        set kl [string length $key_]

        # Key must be at least 128 bits

        if {$kl < 16} {
            set padLen [expr {15-$kl}]
            set padding "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
            append key_ [string range $padding 0 $padLen]
            incr kl $padLen
            incr kl

        # Key must be a multiple of 8 bytes

        if {($kl % 8) != 0} {
            set padLen [expr {7-($kl%8)}]
            set padding "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
            append message [string range $padding 0 $padLen]
            incr kl $padLen
            incr kl

        set keyLen [expr {$kl * 8}]

        if {$keyLen > $MAX_KEY_BITS} {
            error "invalid key length $keyLen"

        binary scan $key_ i* key32s

        set key32 [list]

        foreach k $key32s {
            lappend key32 [expr {($k + 0x100000000) % 0x100000000}]

        while {[llength $key32] < $MAX_KEY_WORDS} {
            lappend key32 0


    protected method reKey {} {
        set subkeyCnt [expr {$ROUND_SUBKEYS + 32}]
        set k64Cnt [expr {($keyLen + 63) / 64}]
        set sboxKeys [list]

        for {set i 0} {$i < $k64Cnt} {incr i} {
            set ke [lindex $key32 [expr {2*$i}]]
            set ko [lindex $key32 [expr {2*$i+1}]]
            set sk [RS_MDS_Encode $ke $ko]
            lappend k32e $ke
            lappend k32o $ko
            set sboxKeys [linsert $sboxKeys 0 $sk]

        set subkeyCntDiv2 [expr {$subkeyCnt / 2}]

        for {set i 0} {$i < $subkeyCntDiv2} {incr i} {
            set A [f32 [expr {$i * $SK_STEP}] $k32e $keyLen]
            set B [f32 [expr {$i * $SK_STEP + $SK_BUMP}] $k32o $keyLen]
            set B [expr {(($B << 8) % 0x100000000) | ($B >> 24)}]

            set Ap2B [expr {($A + 2*$B) % 0x100000000}]
            lappend subKeys [expr {($A + $B) % 0x100000000}]
            lappend subKeys [expr {(($Ap2B << $SK_ROTL) % 0x100000000) | ($Ap2B >> (32 - $SK_ROTL))}]

    # Encryption

    protected method intEncrypt {x0 x1 x2 x3} {
        # INPUT_WHITEN == 0..3

        set x0 [expr {$x0 ^ [lindex $subKeys 0]}]
        set x1 [expr {$x1 ^ [lindex $subKeys 1]}]
        set x2 [expr {$x2 ^ [lindex $subKeys 2]}]
        set x3 [expr {$x3 ^ [lindex $subKeys 3]}]

        set skie $ROUND_SUBKEYS
        set skio [expr {$ROUND_SUBKEYS + 1}]

        for {set r 0} {$r < 16} {incr r} {
            set t0 [f32 $x0 $sboxKeys $keyLen]
            set t1 [f32 [expr {(($x1 << 8) % 0x100000000) | ($x1 >> 24)}] $sboxKeys $keyLen]

            set x2 [expr {$x2 ^ (($t0 + $t1 + [lindex $subKeys $skie]) % 0x100000000)}]
            set x2 [expr {(($x2 << 31) % 0x100000000) | ($x2 >> 1)}]
            set x3 [expr {(($x3 << 1) % 0x100000000) | ($x3 >> 31)}]
            set x3 [expr {$x3 ^ (($t0 + 2*$t1 + [lindex $subKeys $skio]) % 0x100000000)}]

            if {$r < 15} {
                set tmp $x0
                set x0 $x2
                set x2 $tmp

                set tmp $x1
                set x1 $x3
                set x3 $tmp

                incr skie 2
                incr skio 2

        # OUTPUT_WHITEN==4..7

        set o0 [expr {$x0 ^ [lindex $subKeys 4]}]
        set o1 [expr {$x1 ^ [lindex $subKeys 5]}]
        set o2 [expr {$x2 ^ [lindex $subKeys 6]}]
        set o3 [expr {$x3 ^ [lindex $subKeys 7]}]

        return [list $o0 $o1 $o2 $o3]

    # Decryption

    protected method intDecrypt {x0 x1 x2 x3} {
        # OUTPUT_WHITEN==4..7

        set x0 [expr {$x0 ^ [lindex $subKeys 4]}]
        set x1 [expr {$x1 ^ [lindex $subKeys 5]}]
        set x2 [expr {$x2 ^ [lindex $subKeys 6]}]
        set x3 [expr {$x3 ^ [lindex $subKeys 7]}]

        set skie [expr {$ROUND_SUBKEYS + 30}]
        set skio [expr {$ROUND_SUBKEYS + 31}]

        for {set r 16} {$r > 0} {incr r -1} {
            set t0 [f32 $x0 $sboxKeys $keyLen]
            set t1 [f32 [expr {(($x1 << 8) % 0x100000000) | ($x1 >> 24)}] $sboxKeys $keyLen]

            set x2 [expr {(($x2 << 1) % 0x100000000) | ($x2 >> 31)}]
            set x2 [expr {$x2 ^ (($t0 + $t1 + [lindex $subKeys $skie]) % 0x100000000)}]
            set x3 [expr {$x3 ^ (($t0 + 2*$t1 + [lindex $subKeys $skio]) % 0x100000000)}]
            set x3 [expr {(($x3 << 31) % 0x100000000) | ($x3 >> 1)}]

            if {$r > 1} {
                set tmp $x0
                set x0 $x2
                set x2 $tmp

                set tmp $x1
                set x1 $x3
                set x3 $tmp

                incr skie -2
                incr skio -2

        # INPUT_WHITEN==0..3

        set o0 [expr {$x0 ^ [lindex $subKeys 0]}]
        set o1 [expr {$x1 ^ [lindex $subKeys 1]}]
        set o2 [expr {$x2 ^ [lindex $subKeys 2]}]
        set o3 [expr {$x3 ^ [lindex $subKeys 3]}]

        return [list $o0 $o1 $o2 $o3]

The itwofish::ecb class implements Twofish in Electronic Codebook (ECB) mode.

The constructor takes the key parameter, which must be less than 32 bytes of binary data.

The encryptBlock and decryptBlock methods can be used to encrypt and decrypt 128 bit (16 byte) blocks. Encryption and decryption is stateless.

 itcl::class itwofish::ecb {
    inherit itwofish::itwofish

    constructor {key} {
        itwofish::itwofish::constructor $key
    } {

    # Encrypt a 128 bit (16 octet) message block

    public method encryptBlock {block} {
        if {[binary scan $block iiii x0 x1 x2 x3] != 4} {
            error "block must be 16 bytes"
        set x0 [expr {($x0 + 0x100000000) % 0x100000000}]
        set x1 [expr {($x1 + 0x100000000) % 0x100000000}]
        set x2 [expr {($x2 + 0x100000000) % 0x100000000}]
        set x3 [expr {($x3 + 0x100000000) % 0x100000000}]
        set d  [intEncrypt $x0 $x1 $x2 $x3]
        return [binary format i4 $d]

    # Decrypt a 128 bit (16 octet) message block

    public method decryptBlock {block} {
        if {[binary scan $block iiii x0 x1 x2 x3] != 4} {
            error "block must be 16 bytes"
        set x0 [expr {($x0 + 0x100000000) % 0x100000000}]
        set x1 [expr {($x1 + 0x100000000) % 0x100000000}]
        set x2 [expr {($x2 + 0x100000000) % 0x100000000}]
        set x3 [expr {($x3 + 0x100000000) % 0x100000000}]
        set d  [intDecrypt $x0 $x1 $x2 $x3]
        return [binary format i4 $d]

The itwofish::cbc class implements Twofish in Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode.

The constructor takes two parameters, the password and a salt (also known as the Initialization Vector). The key must be at most 32 bytes long, the salt must be exactly 16 bytes long; it is usually chosen by the encrypting software at random. The encrypted message is of the same length as the cleartext message, but padded to the next multiple of 16 bytes.

To decrypt a message, an itwofish::cbc object must be initialized with the same password and the same salt that were used for encryption. A decrypted message has the same (padded) length as the encrypted message. Protocols usually embed information about the message length, so that the decrypted message can be properly truncated to the length of the original cleartext message.

An itwofish::cbc object can be used to encrypt/decrypt a stream (i.e., a sequence of messages), by calling the encrypt or decrypt method repeatedly, passing subsequent blocks of the stream. When encrypting a stream, all blocks but the last must be a multiple of 16 bytes in length. When decrypting a stream, all blocks, including the last, must be a multiple of 16 bytes in length. Again, truncation may be necessary if the original cleartext stream was not a multiple of 16 bytes in length.

Note that the salt changes over time (it is updated after 16 bytes each). To encrypt a new message with the same salt, or to switch between encryption and decryption, re-configure the salt variable, e.g.,

 set o [itwofish::cbc #auto MyPassword 0123456789abcdef]
 set cipher [$o encrypt "Hello World"]
 $o configure -salt 0123456789abcdef
 set clear [$o decrypt $cipher] ;# Hello World (plus padding)
 itcl::delete object $o

 itcl::class itwofish::cbc {
    inherit itwofish::itwofish

    public variable salt

    constructor {key salt_} {
        itwofish::itwofish::constructor $key
    } {
        set salt $salt_
        if {[binary scan $salt iiii s0 s1 s2 s3] != 4} {
            error "salt must be 16 bytes"

    public method encrypt {message} {
        if {[binary scan $salt iiii s0 s1 s2 s3] != 4} {
            error "salt must be 16 bytes"

        set mlen [string length $message]

        if {($mlen % 16) != 0} {
            set padLen [expr {15-($mlen%16)}]
            set padding "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
            append message [string range $padding 0 $padLen]
            incr mlen $padLen
            incr mlen

        set result ""

        for {set i 0} {$i < $mlen} {incr i 16} {
            if {[binary scan $message @[set i]iiii x0 x1 x2 x3] != 4} {
                error "oops"

            set x0 [expr {(($x0 ^ $s0) + 0x100000000) % 0x100000000}]
            set x1 [expr {(($x1 ^ $s1) + 0x100000000) % 0x100000000}]
            set x2 [expr {(($x2 ^ $s2) + 0x100000000) % 0x100000000}]
            set x3 [expr {(($x3 ^ $s3) + 0x100000000) % 0x100000000}]

            set d  [intEncrypt $x0 $x1 $x2 $x3]

            set s0 [lindex $d 0]
            set s1 [lindex $d 1]
            set s2 [lindex $d 2]
            set s3 [lindex $d 3]

            append result [binary format i4 $d]

        set salt [binary format iiii $s0 $s1 $s2 $s3]
        return $result

    public method decrypt {message} {
        if {[binary scan $salt iiii s0 s1 s2 s3] != 4} {
            error "salt must be 16 bytes"

        set mlen [string length $message]

        if {($mlen % 16) != 0} {
            error "message must be a multiple of 16 bytes"

        set result ""

        for {set i 0} {$i < $mlen} {incr i 16} {
            if {[binary scan $message @[set i]iiii x0 x1 x2 x3] != 4} {
                error "oops"

            set x0 [expr {($x0 + 0x100000000) % 0x100000000}]
            set x1 [expr {($x1 + 0x100000000) % 0x100000000}]
            set x2 [expr {($x2 + 0x100000000) % 0x100000000}]
            set x3 [expr {($x3 + 0x100000000) % 0x100000000}]

            set d  [intDecrypt $x0 $x1 $x2 $x3]

            set d0 [lindex $d 0]
            set d1 [lindex $d 1]
            set d2 [lindex $d 2]
            set d3 [lindex $d 3]

            set c0 [expr {(($d0 ^ $s0) + 0x100000000) % 0x100000000}]
            set c1 [expr {(($d1 ^ $s1) + 0x100000000) % 0x100000000}]
            set c2 [expr {(($d2 ^ $s2) + 0x100000000) % 0x100000000}]
            set c3 [expr {(($d3 ^ $s3) + 0x100000000) % 0x100000000}]

            set s0 $x0
            set s1 $x1
            set s2 $x2
            set s3 $x3

            append result [binary format iiii $c0 $c1 $c2 $c3]

        set salt [binary format iiii $s0 $s1 $s2 $s3]
        return $result

To ensure correctness, here are some test vectors:

 # Twofish ECB test vectors, from
 # key bytes, clear bytes, cipher bytes

 proc h2b {hex} {
    return [binary format H* $hex]

 proc b2h {bin} {
    binary scan $bin H* dummy
    return $dummy

 set testVectors {
    00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 9F589F5CF6122C32B6BFEC2F2AE8C35A
    0123456789ABCDEFFEDCBA98765432100011223344556677 00000000000000000000000000000000 CFD1D2E5A9BE9CDF501F13B892BD2248
    0123456789ABCDEFFEDCBA987654321000112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF 00000000000000000000000000000000 37527BE0052334B89F0CFCCAE87CFA20

    00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 9F589F5CF6122C32B6BFEC2F2AE8C35A
    00000000000000000000000000000000 9F589F5CF6122C32B6BFEC2F2AE8C35A D491DB16E7B1C39E86CB086B789F5419
    9F589F5CF6122C32B6BFEC2F2AE8C35A D491DB16E7B1C39E86CB086B789F5419 019F9809DE1711858FAAC3A3BA20FBC3
    D491DB16E7B1C39E86CB086B789F5419 019F9809DE1711858FAAC3A3BA20FBC3 6363977DE839486297E661C6C9D668EB
    019F9809DE1711858FAAC3A3BA20FBC3 6363977DE839486297E661C6C9D668EB 816D5BD0FAE35342BF2A7412C246F752
    6363977DE839486297E661C6C9D668EB 816D5BD0FAE35342BF2A7412C246F752 5449ECA008FF5921155F598AF4CED4D0
    816D5BD0FAE35342BF2A7412C246F752 5449ECA008FF5921155F598AF4CED4D0 6600522E97AEB3094ED5F92AFCBCDD10
    5449ECA008FF5921155F598AF4CED4D0 6600522E97AEB3094ED5F92AFCBCDD10 34C8A5FB2D3D08A170D120AC6D26DBFA
    6600522E97AEB3094ED5F92AFCBCDD10 34C8A5FB2D3D08A170D120AC6D26DBFA 28530B358C1B42EF277DE6D4407FC591
    34C8A5FB2D3D08A170D120AC6D26DBFA 28530B358C1B42EF277DE6D4407FC591 8A8AB983310ED78C8C0ECDE030B8DCA4

    000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 EFA71F788965BD4453F860178FC19101
    000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 EFA71F788965BD4453F860178FC19101 88B2B2706B105E36B446BB6D731A1E88
    EFA71F788965BD4453F860178FC191010000000000000000 88B2B2706B105E36B446BB6D731A1E88 39DA69D6BA4997D585B6DC073CA341B2
    88B2B2706B105E36B446BB6D731A1E88EFA71F788965BD44 39DA69D6BA4997D585B6DC073CA341B2 182B02D81497EA45F9DAACDC29193A65
    39DA69D6BA4997D585B6DC073CA341B288B2B2706B105E36 182B02D81497EA45F9DAACDC29193A65 7AFF7A70CA2FF28AC31DD8AE5DAAAB63
    182B02D81497EA45F9DAACDC29193A6539DA69D6BA4997D5 7AFF7A70CA2FF28AC31DD8AE5DAAAB63 D1079B789F666649B6BD7D1629F1F77E
    7AFF7A70CA2FF28AC31DD8AE5DAAAB63182B02D81497EA45 D1079B789F666649B6BD7D1629F1F77E 3AF6F7CE5BD35EF18BEC6FA787AB506B
    D1079B789F666649B6BD7D1629F1F77E7AFF7A70CA2FF28A 3AF6F7CE5BD35EF18BEC6FA787AB506B AE8109BFDA85C1F2C5038B34ED691BFF
    3AF6F7CE5BD35EF18BEC6FA787AB506BD1079B789F666649 AE8109BFDA85C1F2C5038B34ED691BFF 893FD67B98C550073571BD631263FC78
    AE8109BFDA85C1F2C5038B34ED691BFF3AF6F7CE5BD35EF1 893FD67B98C550073571BD631263FC78 16434FC9C8841A63D58700B5578E8F67

    0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 57FF739D4DC92C1BD7FC01700CC8216F
    0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 57FF739D4DC92C1BD7FC01700CC8216F D43BB7556EA32E46F2A282B7D45B4E0D
    57FF739D4DC92C1BD7FC01700CC8216F00000000000000000000000000000000 D43BB7556EA32E46F2A282B7D45B4E0D 90AFE91BB288544F2C32DC239B2635E6
    D43BB7556EA32E46F2A282B7D45B4E0D57FF739D4DC92C1BD7FC01700CC8216F 90AFE91BB288544F2C32DC239B2635E6 6CB4561C40BF0A9705931CB6D408E7FA
    90AFE91BB288544F2C32DC239B2635E6D43BB7556EA32E46F2A282B7D45B4E0D 6CB4561C40BF0A9705931CB6D408E7FA 3059D6D61753B958D92F4781C8640E58
    6CB4561C40BF0A9705931CB6D408E7FA90AFE91BB288544F2C32DC239B2635E6 3059D6D61753B958D92F4781C8640E58 E69465770505D7F80EF68CA38AB3A3D6
    3059D6D61753B958D92F4781C8640E586CB4561C40BF0A9705931CB6D408E7FA E69465770505D7F80EF68CA38AB3A3D6 5AB67A5F8539A4A5FD9F0373BA463466
    E69465770505D7F80EF68CA38AB3A3D63059D6D61753B958D92F4781C8640E58 5AB67A5F8539A4A5FD9F0373BA463466 DC096BCD99FC72F79936D4C748E75AF7
    5AB67A5F8539A4A5FD9F0373BA463466E69465770505D7F80EF68CA38AB3A3D6 DC096BCD99FC72F79936D4C748E75AF7 C5A3E7CEE0F1B7260528A68FB4EA05F2
    DC096BCD99FC72F79936D4C748E75AF75AB67A5F8539A4A5FD9F0373BA463466 C5A3E7CEE0F1B7260528A68FB4EA05F2 43D5CEC327B24AB90AD34A79D0469151

 set testNum 0
 set passed 0
 set failed 0

 foreach {key clear cipher} $testVectors {
        incr testNum
        set engine [itwofish::ecb \#auto [h2b $key]]
        set encrypted [$engine encryptBlock [h2b $clear]]
        set decrypted [$engine decryptBlock $encrypted]
        itcl::delete object $engine
        if {![string equal -nocase $cipher [b2h $encrypted]]} {
            puts "varkey-$testNum: encryption failed: [b2h $encrypted] != $cipher"
            incr failed
        } elseif {![string equal -nocase $clear [b2h $decrypted]]} {
            puts "varkey-$testNum: decryption failed: [b2h $decrypted] != $clear"
            incr failed
        } else {
            puts "varkey-$testNum: passed"
            incr passed

[Category Cryptography]