The Random.Org folks [] have some nice cgi-bin scripts that return truly random numbers based on atmospheric noise. Below is a TCL interface to that site. Possible uses: * games - use '''::RandomOrg::getIntList 1 6 100''' to get 100 dice rolls * lotto - use '''::RandomOrg::getSequence 1 40''' to get numbers jumbled up * if the range of your random number queries isn't the same each time, use '''::RandomOrg::getNumber min max''' as that uses an internal cache of random bytes to get the number so avoids HTTP calls for each request Enjoy! [BBH] ---- # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # # Tcl interface to random number generator # # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # # author: Bruce Hartweg # # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # # This creates a namespace called RandomOrg which exports 6 procs # # configProxy - allows configuration of HTTP proxy data # configCache - allows setting parameters for internal cacheing # # These 3 procs provide direct acces to cgi scripts at # they will block until data is complete # # getIntList min max howMany - return a list of random numbers in range # getSequence min max - return a random order list of non-duplicating numbers # getBytes format numBytes - get random bytes in specified format # formats: # raw - binary data # hexadecimal, decimal, octal, binary - list of ascii format numbers in each base # # getNumber min max - uses internal buffer of random bytes to calculate number in range # each call doesn't need to requery site usefull if requested ranges # are not the same each time # # ----------------------------------------------------------------- namespace eval RandomOrg { variable baseURL "" variable limits array set limits { maxNum 10000 intMin -1000000000 intMax 1000000000 maxBytes 16384 seqRange 10000 seqMin -1000000000 seqMax 1000000000 } variable proxy array set proxy { host "" port 8080 user "" pw "" haveBase64 1 } variable formats array set formats { raw f hexadecimal h decimal d octal o binary b } variable cache array set cache { maxSize 1024 minSize 128 data "" timeout 120000 token "" } namespace export configProxy namespace export configCache namespace export getIntList namespace export getSequence namespace export getBytes namespace export getNumber } package require http if {[catch {package require base64}]} { set ::RandomOrg::proxy(haveBase64) 0 } proc ::RandomOrg::configProxy {{host ""} {port 8080} {user ""} {pw ""}} { variable proxy foreach v {host port user pw} { set proxy($v) [set $v] } if {[string length $user] > 0 && ! $proxy(haveBase64)} { set proxy(user) "" error "Cannot use proxy authentication - base64 package not found!" } } proc ::RandomOrg::configCache {{minVal 128} {maxVal 1024} {timeout 120}} { variable cache # check args if {![string is int -strict $minVal]} { error "minVal must be an integer" } if {![string is int -strict $maxVal]} { error "maxVal must be an integer" } if {$maxVal <= $minVal} { error "maxVal must be greater than minVal" } if {$minVal < 0} { errpr "minVal cannot be negative" } if {![string is int -strict $timeout] || $timeout < 1} { error "timeout must be a positive integer" } set cache(minSize) $minVal set cache(maxSize) $maxVal set cahce(timeout) [expr {$timeout * 1000}] if {[string length $cache(data)] < $minVal} { _extendCache } return "" } proc ::RandomOrg::getIntList {minVal maxVal numItems} { # check args variable limits if {![string is int -strict $minVal] || $minVal < $limits(intMin)} { error "minVal must be an integer no less than $limits(intMin)" } if {![string is int -strict $maxVal] || $maxVal > $limits(intMax)} { error "maxVal must be an integer no greater than $limits(intMax)" } if {![string is int -strict $numItems] || $numItems < 1 || $numItems > $limits(maxNum)} { error "numItems must be an integer from1 to $limits(maxNum)" } if {$maxVal <= $minVal} { error "maxVal must be greater than minVal" } # build URL string set url "randnum?num=$numItems&min=$minVal&max=$maxVal&col=1" if {[catch { _getData $url } ret]} { error "Failed to get random numbers: $ret" } return [string map {"\n" " "} $ret] } proc ::RandomOrg::getSequence {minVal maxVal} { # check args variable limits if {![string is int -strict $minVal] || $minVal < $limits(seqMin)} { error "minVal must be an integer no less than $limits(seqMin)" } if {![string is int -strict $maxVal] || $maxVal > $limits(seqMax)} { error "maxVal must be an integer no greater than $limits(seqMax)" } if {$maxVal <= $minVal} { error "maxVal must be greater than minVal" } if {($maxVal - $minVal) > $limits(seqRange)} { error "sequence range must not exceed $limits(seqRange)" } # build URL string set url "randseq?min=$minVal&max=$maxVal" if {[catch { _getData $url } ret]} { error "Failed to get random sequence: $ret" } return [string map {"\n" " "} $ret] } proc ::RandomOrg::getBytes {format numBytes} { variable limits variable formats # check args if {![string is int -strict $numBytes] || $numBytes < 1 || $numBytes > $limits(maxBytes)} { error "numBytes must be an integer from1 to $limits(maxBytes)" } set key [array names formats $format*] if {[llength $key] != 1} { error "format must be one of [array names formats]" } set fmt $formats($key) # build URL string set url "randbyte?nbytes=$numBytes&format=$fmt" if {[catch { _getData $url } ret]} { error "Failed to get random sequence: $ret" } if {[string compare $fmt f]} { regsub -all {\s+} [string trim $ret] " " ret } return $ret } proc ::RandomOrg::getNumber {minVal maxVal} { variable cache # check args if {![string is int -strict $minVal]} { error "minVal must be an integer" } if {![string is int -strict $maxVal]} { error "maxVal must be an integer" } if {$maxVal <= $minVal} { error "maxVal must be greater than minVal" } if {[string length $cache(data)] < 4} { _extendCache set id [after $cache(timeout) set cache(data) Timeout] vwait [namespace which -variable cache](data) after cancel $id if {[string equal $cache(data) Timeout]} { set cache(data) "" error "Timeout while trying to get data" } } set chunk [string range $cache(data) 0 3] set cache(data) [string range $cache(data) 4 end] if {[string length $cache(data)] < $cache(minSize)} { _extendCache } # convert to int binary scan $chunk I num # clear sign bit set val [expr {$num & 0x7FFFFFFF}] # return number in specified range return [expr {round((($maxVal-$minVal)*($val / double(0x7FFFFFFF))) + $minVal)}] } # internal helper procs ----------------------------------------------------- proc ::RandomOrg::_getData {url} { variable baseURL variable proxy set cmd [list ::http::geturl $baseURL$url] # if proxy is set - configure it if {[string length $proxy(host)] > 0} { ::http::config -proxyhost $proxy(host) -proxyport $proxy(port) # see if proxy needs authentication if {[string length $proxy(user)] > 0} { set enc [base64::encode $proxy(user):$Proxy(pw)] set auth [list "Proxy-Authorization" [concat "Basic" $enc]] lappend cmd -headers $auth } } if {[catch $cmd tok]} { error "HTTP Request failed: $tok" } if {[::http::ncode $tok] != 200} { set msg "[::http::status $tok] : [::http::error $tok]" ::http::cleanup $tok error $msg } set ret [::http::data $tok] ::http::cleanup $tok return $ret } proc ::RandomOrg::_extendCache {} { variable baseURL variable proxy variable cache if {[string length $cache(token)] > 0} { # current request pending - don't send another return } set cmd [list ::http::geturl ${baseURL}randbyte?nbytes=$cache(maxSize)&format=f] # if proxy is set - configure it if {[string length $proxy(host)] > 0} { ::http::config -proxyhost $proxy(host) -proxyport $proxy(port) # see if proxy needs authentication if {[string length $proxy(user)] > 0} { set enc [base64::encode $proxy(user):$Proxy(pw)] set auth [list "Proxy-Authorization" [concat "Basic" $enc]] lappend cmd -headers $auth } } lappend cmd -handler [namespace which -command _addToCache] lappend cmd -command [namespace which -command _cacheComplete] if {[catch $cmd tok]} { error "Failed HTTP call : $tok" } set cache(token) $tok } proc ::RandomOrg::_addToCache {sock tok} { variable cache set chunk [read $sock] if {[set sz [string length $chunk]] > 0} { append cache(data) $chunk } return $sz } proc ::RandomOrg::_cacheComplete {tok} { variable cache ::http::cleanup $tok set cache(token) "" if {[string length $cache(data)] < $cache(minSize)} { _extendCache } } ---- [FPX]: Here's a shameless plug for [Combat], which allows you to pull random numbers from their server as simply as package require combat proc getRandomNumber {} { set obj [corba::string_to_object] set rand [$obj lrand48] corba::release $obj return $rand } Sorry, couldn't resist ... [[yeah, I know that the above code does much more than these lines]] ---- [Category Mathematics]