|What:| TkTreeCtrl| | Where:| http://sourceforge.net/projects/tktreectrl <
> http://members.cox.net/tom.wilkason/tcl/tktreectrl.zip <
> http://hem.fyristorg.com/matben/download/tktreectrlMac.tar.gz | | Description:| Multi-column hierarchical listbox widget. C code, Stubs enabled, and requires Tcl/Tk 8.4 private headers to build. Tested on Windows and Linux. Currently at version 2.2.9. Included in [ActiveTcl] and [TclTkAqua].| | Updated:| 2009-05| | Contact:| See web site| Even though this is the real name of the package, the discussion in the past has taken place over at [TkTreeCtrl]. [apn%|%apn's] [fork%|%https://github.com/apnadkarni/tktreectrl] is currently the most recent/best-maintained fork. <> Package | GUI | Widget