Version 1 of To little endian

Updated 2012-01-28 07:25:46 by RLE

This shell script is useful for C defines or character arrays where you want a little-endian representation of some value in octal or hex. For example:

 $ tle 153

or if you're initializing a word:

 $ tle 70053 4

I hardlink it to tlex and it will output in hex format:

 $  tlex 153
 $ tlex 70053 4

 # don't exec tclsh from tclsh \
  exec tclsh $0 ${1+"$@"}

 proc to_little_endian {n {size 2}} {
     set lsb 0;
     for {set x $n; set s [expr {$size - 1}]} {$s >= 0}  {incr s -1} {
         set msb($s) [expr $x >> (8 * $s)]
         set x [expr $x - ($msb($s) << (8 * $s))]
     set out ""
     for {set s 0} {$s < $size} {incr s} {
         append out [format "\\%03o" $msb($s)]
     set out
 proc to_little_endian_hex {n {size 2}} {
     set lsb 0;
     array set msb {}
     for {set x $n; set s [expr {$size - 1}]} {$s >= 0}  {incr s -1} {
         set msb($s) [expr $x >> (8 * $s)]
         set x [expr $x - ($msb($s) << (8 * $s))]
     set out ""
     for {set s 0} {$s < $size} {incr s} {
         append out [format "\\x%02x" $msb($s)]
     set out
 proc tle {n {size 2}} {to_little_endian $n $size}
 proc tlex {n {size 2}} {to_little_endian_hex $n $size}
 if {$argc} {
     if {[string match *x  $argv0]} {
         set r [eval [concat tlex $argv]]
     } else {
         set r [eval [concat tle $argv]]
     puts $r
 } else {
     puts "usage:"
     puts "   Convert a decimal number to oct or hex in little endian format"
     puts "   tle output an octal value in little endian"
     puts "   tle output a hex value in little endian"
     puts "   tle <n> \[<size>\] where n is a decimal number and size is number of bytes"
     puts "   or tle x <n> \[<size>\] where n is a decimal number and size is number of bytes"