Purpose: accumulate notes about building, testing and installing Tcl from its source distribution. Tcl is frequently obtained by getting the C source code and compiling it. Tcl comes with generic code plus modules specifically designed to compile on Unix derived, Windows, and MacOS. [[Add something here about platforms other than these 3 do]]. The steps one takes to build a fresh copy of Tcl are frequently something like: * download a copy of the Tcl zip or source file * create a directory where you plan on compiling the code * determine where you want to install the binaries * cd into the tcl top level directory * read the README file (and possibly the ChangeLog and changes files). * cd into either the unix, win, mac, or macosx directory * execute ./configure --help to determine what flags are available to you on your platform and resolve any errors [[Note that this step is non-trivial to complete successfully on at least the Windows and MacOS platforms. Perhaps someone will add in a reference here regaling us with their horror stories.]] * execute ./configure --The --Appropriate --Flags --For --Your --Site [[where you replace these flags with the real ones you need]] * execute make and resolve any errors * execute make test and investigate errors. Contact people on http://tcl.sf.net/, news:comp.lang.tcl or http://wiki.tcl.tk/ for help. * execute make install and resolve any errors