**TkObject js Object** ***Parameters:*** * interp * name * widget_obj Container for a [Tk] [widget]. This is the instantiated command object, which is created when a [Tk] [widget] like a [button] for example is instantiated. It contains a [TkWidget js Object], which holds the specific info for that instance of the widget. Also all the specific option values for that widget are collected here and can be modified and fetched using the configure and cget sub command of the widget. When setting an option with the configure command, the option name and value are mapped from the [Tk] values to the the style or attribute name and the appropriate value for javascript. For example the [Tk] option -foreground is mapped to the javascript style attribute “color” and the -text option of a Tk button is mapped to the “textContent” field when using Firefox. That is still a different field name for IE, which has yet to be implemented. (Part of [Tk Widgets in Javascript Paper]) <>Category Tcl Implementations | Categiry GUI