** Tk Package ** see [Tk Package] ** Tk Command ** '''tk''' is also the name of a Tk command. See: http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl/TkCmd/tk.htm : '''[tk appname]''' ?''newName''? : '''[tk busy]''' ''subcommand ...'' : '''[tk caret]''' ''window'' ?'''-x''' ''x''? ?'''-y''' ''y''? ?'''-height''' ''height''? : '''[tk inactive]''' ?'''-displayof''' ''window''? ?'''reset'''? : '''[tk fontchooser]''' ''subcommand ...'' : '''[tk scaling]''' ?'''-displayof''' ''window''? ?''number''? : '''[tk useinputmethods]''' ?'''-displayof''' ''window''? ?''boolean''? : '''[tk windowingsystem]''' ** Articles ** * [Tk Sets The Standard by Cameron Laird and Kathryn Soraiz] * [Intro to Tk], describes what Tk is and why it is so unique. ** Introductions ** * [An Overview of Tcl and Tk] ** Tutorials ** * [online Tcl and Tk tutorials] [an overview of tcl and tk]; [Tcl Tutor] is quite popular as a desktop computer aided instruction application for the base Tcl language. ** See also ** * [tktoolkit] * [In the beginning - first stop for someone new to Tcl and Tk] * [How Tk compares to other GUI toolkits] * [Mark Roseman]'s valuable [TkDocs] site focuses on "the latest modern Tk features ...". * [History of Tk] * [Coming to Tcl/Tk from an IDE environment] * [built-in visual elements] * [taming wild windows] * [addinput] * [Category Tk Library] for discussions on various functions in the Tk C [API]s. * [Tk examples] * [Tcl/Tk games] * [The TK GUI - Q&A] * tkGUIs of various applications [http://www.subdude-site.com/WebPages_Local/RefInfo/Computer/TclTk/others_tkGUIs/others_tkGUIs.htm] <> ---- [[Insert here pointers and discussions regarding Tk features]] * drag and drop support * [Tk's copy and paste support] * support for unicode display * support for multiple monitors ---- As is well known, most [Tcl] distributions provide two interpreters, [tclsh] and [wish]. The main differences between these are that wish automatically starts Tk and on Windows doesn't pop up a DOS console window ([puts] commands to standard output just don't go anywhere). Until recently, for technical reasons using wish had to be the only way to get at Tk. However, in later versions by [using Tk as a loadable package] you can use it via tclsh and still have full console access on all platforms. ---- Many other languages have Tk packages; some of which work by loading all of Tcl in and then executing Tk commands. [Perl/Tk], on the other hand, rewrote all of Tk in a way that wasn't bound to Tcl, for example. See [Tcl and other languages]. ---- Among other topics in "Tcl/Tk for Rapid Web Services Development" [http://cedar.intel.com/cgi-bin/ids.dll/content/content.jsp?cntKey=Generic%20Editorial%3a%3aws_tcl&cntType=IDS_EDITORIAL], [CL] hints at the advantages Tk interfaces enjoy over both Web applications and traditional Visual Basic form-oriented GUIs. He's published dozens of other articles [http://phaseit.net/claird/comp.lang.tcl/tk.html] on various aspects of Tk (without more than scratching the surface of all that can be written). For instance, see http://www.itworld.com/AppDev/1243/UIR000804tk/ as a nice intro to Tk. ---- Look here to find tutorials for Tk in Tcl [http://www.geocities.com/binnyva/code/tcl/tutorial/tk.html] and in Perl [http://www.geocities.com/binnyva/code/perl/perl_tk_tutorial/]. ---- [TV] Where does the name come from, ToolKit? Yes. ---- Tk has an [X]lib Emulation Layer [XLEL], which is one part in making Tk work across different platforms. That there is such a level is an important reason why [Tk generation when X11 headers are missing] can be an issue: the Tk source uses X11 headers even when Tk at runtime uses some other windowing system. ---- [[Things to explain: Bryan Schofield's posting on multiple Tk interpreters; double-buffering examples; ...]] ---- Has anyone been thinking adding a tutorial for Tk into the Tk source code distribution, similar in concept to the Tcl tutorial being added in Tcl 8.5? [DKF]: Thinking? Yes. Doing anything about it? No. A set of lessons for Tk would be a ''very'' welcome addition! <> Tk syntax help | Arts and Crafts of Tcl-Tk Programming | Command | Package