Version 3 of Tk_Bugz

Updated 2002-10-05 02:07:50

Sparked by recent discussions of a Tk "game pack", I resurrected a Tk variation of the arcade classic "Galaxian" I wrote about a year ago. It could still use some serious polish, but it is playable and actually kind of fun. Currently, it shortcomings include: the graphics need an overhaul, better AI for the baddies, a high score table, baddies explode when shot (well, kind of...) but you do not. Like lots of things I start, I had high hopes for this but got pulled away before it was complete. Anyway, with the "game pack" discussion, I hope to find the energy to work on it some more, but I though I'd post it for comments anyway. It is currently packaged as a Starkit and can be downloaded from . There is also a screenshot available at .


  • Left and right arrows to move ship
  • Ctrl to fire

Your Mission:

  • Shoot everything!


Jeff Godfrey