Version 11 of Timing Photo Image Loading under Pixane

Updated 2011-05-28 14:20:23 by gold

Timing Photo Image Loading under Pixane Example

This page is under development. Comments are welcome, but please load any comments in the comments section at the middle of the page. Thanks,gold

gold Here is an eTCL script to estimate timing photo image loading under Pixane. The timing statements were pulled from the program below after the timing info was calculated. There was a question in ask9 about "loading single image ... nultiple threads".

In planning any software, there is a need to develop testcases.

 Testcase 1.
  Output of timing statements.
photo size of bird.jpg 1.6 m
loading 1595970 microseconds per iteration
Scaling (1944 x 2592) => (180 x 240)pixels
resizex 68 microseconds per iteration
blanking 4283 microseconds per iteration
rescale 230934 microseconds per iteration
saving 14458 microseconds per iteration
proc time 1863222 microseconds per iteration

Screenshots Section

Comments Section

Please place any comments here, Thanks.


Appendix TCL programs and scripts

* Pretty Print Version

        # Pretty print version from autoindent
        # and ased editor
        # program of image load under pixane
        # written on Windowws XP on eTCL
        # working under TCL version 8.5.6 and eTCL 1.0.1
        # gold on TCL WIKI , 25may2011
  package require Tk  
  package require pixane
    console show
        global targetpix photox
    proc jackpix {} {
        global targetpix photox
        set fin [file join [file dirname [info script]] bird6.jpg]
        set fout [file rootname $fin]_new[file extension $fin]
        set p [pixane create]
        pixane load $p -file $fin 
        set w [pixane width $p]
        set h [pixane height $p]
        set maximumwidth 240
        set maximumheight 240
        set ratiopicture 1
        if {$ratiopicture} {
            set sourcewidth [pixane width $p]
            set sourceheight [pixane height $p]
            if {$maximumwidth*$sourceheight<$maximumheight*$sourcewidth} {
                set virtualwidth $maximumwidth
                set virtualheight [expr {($sourceheight*$maximumwidth)/$sourcewidth}]
            } else {
                set virtualwidth [expr {($sourcewidth*$maximumheight)/$sourceheight}]
                set virtualheight $maximumheight
        } else {
                set virtualwidth $maximumwidth
                set virtualheight $maximumheight
        set targetpix [pixane create]
        pixane resize $targetpix $virtualwidth $virtualheight 
        pixane blank $targetpix  
        pixane scale $targetpix $p 
        pixane save $targetpix -file $fout -format jpg 
        set photox [pixane create]
        set tkpicturex [pixcopy $targetpix]
        pack [button .pixanes -image $tkpicturex -bd 30 -bg tan] -fill both -expand true
        tkwait window .

Code scraps, timing statements

        puts " loading [time {pixane load $p -file $fin} ]"        
        puts "Scaling ($sourcewidth x $sourceheight) => ($virtualwidth x $virtualheight)"
        puts " resizex [time {pixane resize $targetpix $virtualwidth $virtualheight } ]"
        puts " blanking [time {pixane blank $targetpix } ]"
        puts " rescale [time {pixane scale $targetpix $p } ]"
        puts " saving [time {pixane save $targetpix -file $fout -format jpg } ]"
        puts " proc time [time { jackpix } ]"