[http://mini.net/files/torus_1.gif] ---- [Arjen Markus] (11 september 2002) I have had this idea fro some time now: create a set of procedures that will allow me to draw mathematical shapes like a torus or even a knot, colour them in ingenious ways, in short, play with 3D space. The script below is just a start. It is not perfect, it is not flexible, but it does give you some sense of what I want. ''Notes:'' * The sorting of the polygons must be improved * The viewpoint is now hidden in the construction of the torus's polygons - this is a quick hack to avoid the work involved with the first note. * The viewpoint is not easily changed, well, you can change the angle around the y-axis, but that is all. ---- # solids3d.tcl -- # # Package for displaying 3D solid bodies # (sample Workbench module) # # Notes: # This package is a quick hack to get started only # # Version information: # version 0.1: initial implementation, september 2002 package provide Solids3D 0.1 namespace eval ::Solids3D { namespace export func deriv variable display_options # pointOnTorus -- # Return the coordinates of a point on a torus, as given by # two parameters (angles) # # Arguments: # phi Angle with respect to x-axis # theta Angle with respect to "inner" axis of torus # # Result: # Point {x,y,z}, the coordinates of the point # proc pointOnTorus {phi theta} { set cosphi [expr {cos($phi)}] set sinphi [expr {sin($phi)}] set costh4 [expr {0.25*cos($theta)}] set sinth4 [expr {0.25*sin($theta)}] set x [expr {$cosphi*(1.0+$costh4)}] set y [expr {$sinphi*(1.0+$costh4)}] set z [expr {1.0+$sinth4}] return [list POINT $x $y $z] } # constructTorus -- # Return a list of polygons, together forming an approximation to a # torus # # Arguments: # nophi Number of steps along main perimeter # notheta Number of steps along secondary perimeter # # Result: # List of polygons # proc constructTorus {nophi notheta} { variable angle set pi 3.1415926 set dphi [expr {2.0*$pi/double($nophi)}] set dtheta [expr {2.0*$pi/double($notheta)}] set polygons {POLYGON-LIST} for { set iphi 0 } { $iphi < $nophi } { incr iphi } { set phi1 [expr {$dphi*double($iphi)}] set phi2 [expr {$dphi*double($iphi+1)}] for { set itheta 0 } { $itheta < $notheta } { incr itheta } { set theta1 [expr {$dtheta*double($itheta)}] set theta2 [expr {$dtheta*double($itheta+1)}] set point1 [pointOnTorus $phi1 $theta1] set point2 [pointOnTorus $phi1 $theta2] set point3 [pointOnTorus $phi2 $theta2] set point4 [pointOnTorus $phi2 $theta1] set red [expr {int(125*(1.0+cos($phi1)))}] set green [expr {int(125*(1.0+sin($phi1)))}] set blue [expr {int(125*(1.0+sin($theta1)))}] set colour [format "#%2.2X%2.2X%2.2X" $red $green $blue] set zdepth [lindex [rotateY $angle $point1] 3] lappend polygons \ [list POLYGON $colour $zdepth $point1 $point2 $point3 $point4] } } return $polygons } # rotateY -- # Rotate around the y axis # # Arguments: # angle Angle over which to rotate # point Point to rotate # # Result: # New coordinates # proc rotateY {angle point} { foreach {dummy x y z} $point break set xr [expr {$x*cos($angle)-$z*sin($angle)}] set yr $y set zr [expr {$x*sin($angle)+$z*cos($angle)}] return [list POINT $xr $yr $zr] } # projectOnYZ -- # Project a point on the YZ-plane (and scale as we do this) # # Arguments: # point Point to rotate # # Result: # XY coordinates (for the screen) # proc projectOnYZ {point} { variable scale variable yoffset variable zoffset foreach {dummy x y z} $point break set xp [expr {int($scale*($y-$yoffset))}] set yp [expr {int($scale*($zoffset-$z))}] return [list $xp $yp] } # display -- # Quick and dirty implementation to display a set of polygons # # Arguments: # polygons List of 3D polygons # # Result: # None # # Side effect: # Display of polygons in the canvas # proc display {polygons} { variable angle # # Sort the polygons first # Note: # The comparison is too simple, but for now it should work # set plane_polygons [lrange $polygons 1 end] set sorted_polygons [lsort -real -index 2 $plane_polygons] foreach polygon $sorted_polygons { set colour [lindex $polygon 1] set points [lrange $polygon 3 end] set coords {} foreach point $points { set coords [concat $coords [projectOnYZ [rotateY $angle $point]]] } .cnv create polygon $coords -fill $colour -outline black } } # # Initialise the variables # variable angle [expr {0.25*3.1415926}] variable scale 100.0 variable yoffset -1.5 variable zoffset 2.0 } ;# End of namespace # # Run the program # canvas .cnv -width 300 -height 300 -background white pack .cnv -fill both set torus [::Solids3D::constructTorus 16 16] ::Solids3D::display $torus ---- [[ [Category Mathematics] | [Category Graphics] ]]