10Nov2004 [Pascal Scheffers] We need a new chatroom. There have been discussions of replacing the CGI version in the past, but the current effort by [Reinhard Max] and me seems to come closest to actually providing all we need. '''How?''' We are using a Jabber server as the chatserver. We have also added jabber client support to [TkChat], this means that you can keep on using tkchat, including all of its features. ---- '''Using the new chat''' Just use the latest tkchat.kit from sdarchive [http://mini.net/sdarchive/tkchat.kit] and on the login screen select 'use jabber server (experimental)', hit logon and you will be prompted to create an account (first time only...). For other jabber clients like [tkabber] and [coccinella]: Server: all.tclers.tk, port 5222 Conference Room: tcl@tach.tclers.tk ''Please go and try it out!'' We need feedback. [[Instructions for jabber over a proxy to follow (hint use jabber80.com port 443 and enable SSL/TLS)]] ---- '''Requirements for the new chat''' We set ourselves a number of basic requirements for the new chat: * Must work for people with really nasty firewalls/proxies (only CONNECT on port 443, or worse, only HTTP) * Must have a log of what has been said, kept for a few days * Must work with tkchat and its commonly used features * Must allow the irc.freenode.net#Tcl chatters to join us * Preferably have a web interface from day one * It should allow us to extend tkchat to do interesting things, like the [World-wide whiteboard], without visual noise for other chatters. * Scale better: during the 2004 Tcl Conference, the chat almost died from having 30 chatters at the same time. ---- '''Why Jabber?''' We chose jabber for a number of reasons. The obvious other choice would have been IRC, but jabber seemed to match our requirements better. I'll elaborate on that later. No time for it today, sorry. ---- '''What about the IRC people?''' You come next - we have ijchain, which is similar to irc/azbridge, we will be running this from day 1. The next step is to make jabber users appear as true IRC users and vice-versa. We have some ideas, it will be done. Nobody will come second in the Tcl community! Jabber and IRC are a much closer match to one and another than chat.cgi and IRC were, so we can solve this rather elegantly. ---- '''Known issues in tkchat (1.210)''' * History loading is slightly enthusiastic - when you get disconnected and it reconnects again, it will reload the entire history. * Userinfo doesn't work yet. * '''Warning:''' /me actions ARE '''LOGGED'''! There is a menu option and a /log /nolog command pair to prevent your words from entering the logs. The menu allows you to set the old default where /me actions are not logged. Use /nolog/me for a single, not logged action - please suggest a good alternative command name for that (someone suggested /snide, I'd like something more positive...) whisper? [ps] hmm. /msg is called a whisper at the moment too... * Logout does not work! Trying that gives 100% CPU usage. ---- [LV] I have a problem trying to use the experimental jabber code. I select the login menu. I get the dialog box. I selected jabber experimental. This gave me a jabber server site of Scheffers.net . I left that, selected logon and get this error: couldn't open socket: connection refused couldn't open socket: connection refused ... '''[PS]''' Whups! No, that is the wrong server - which would have still worked had my server not crashed today. The right servername for the jabber server is 'all.tclers.tk', same port (5222). ---- '''Suggestions?''' ''Yes, please.'' ---- [[ [Category Internet] | [Category Tcler's Wiki] ]]