Version 4 of The NexTcl Project

Updated 2023-08-06 13:15:41 by a13cui

A13: I am officially creating The NexTcl Project ( ). I have a dream (as Martin Luther King would say)... or rather, a goal I want to achieve: I want to improve the developer experience and the tooling around Tcl. We all know that Tcl is a simple and wonderful language, but we have to show beginners that too. You (or more likely all detractors) might argue that Tcl has gone past its prime time, but I have several contraexamples:

Why not Tcl? Objectively speaking, most if not all beginners in a programming language will gravitate towards having autocompletion, code suggestions, symbol renaming etc. All of these things usually happen because of LSP servers which makes it easy to have a single server communicating with all LSP-capable editors instead of supporting every single editor individually with various levels of support. As it stands, people gravitate, whether we like it or not, to Visual Studio Code.

As a case study, let's go to Visual Studio Code right now and see what options I, as a beginner, have for Tcl support. I go to the extensions page, write "Tcl", now let's see what the landscape is.

See the problem? As a beginner, I am really stuck with an old experience. Vim isn't better, although it has Expect and Tcl syntax highlighting OOTB. Emacs also has it (and from my experience the syntax highlighting is almost accurate, here a tree-sitter Tcl plugin). Luckily, lewis6691 is working on it: . The truth is that the tooling is old and antiquated. This is also a detriment to OpenACS or Fossil or SQLite users too, as well as people who use Expect.

The second thing that I feel Tcl is missing is a proper package manager and build system (okay, maybe not build, I might experiment with compiled Tcl too, but that's besides the point). I have found myself in situations where I have to dig for certain packages that people over here have created, but either nobody has bothered to put together or, worse, are dead now. It's a real shame because Tcl has a rich history and we should do our best to preserve it for future Tclers. My project is ambitious, but I feel like it's going to benefit the language in the long run. We can't go back to ActiveState and Komodo Edit, but we can dream bigger, we can envision a future where you can use the same server across all major IDEs and editors. We CAN do it!

I have learned many languages that are otherwise great, but suffer from a lack of (organized) documentation, lack of advertising or the community is just slowly letting the language die. For me, the hugest contender is Pascal and Oberon, but Tcl fits the description too. I don't want Tcl to be like this, especially when this wiki is quite active (so Tcl still has some heartbeats left).

I am going to also make a separate Mastodon account to promote all things Tcl-related and maybe make a bot that dumps topics from comp.lang.tcl. I truly believe that this language *can* gain new followers with just enough love given to it. Heck, even Perl can do it (I'm living proof!).

I think I'll coin a temporary motto: "NexTcl: Scripting Tomorrow, Today!". I'll deal with the LSP first and the necessary Visual Studio Code extension and make sure that works first and then maybe we can discuss what to do with the other rough edges of Tcl support.

What do you think? :)

NR - 2023-08-06 10:14:58

Excellent idea !!

  • For Visual Studio Code I totally agree with you, the Tcl extension is poor, but I don't know how you're going to avoid creating another extension that won't be duplicated and won't be in the top list of Tcl extensions. Maybe Tcl/Tk Core Development could (should) support you, by highlighting your extension on their page (just a thought).
  • A package manager, my dream, I also think it's a missing function, there are a lot of packages in Tcl/Tk , but they're hidden... For example, my first work with Tcl , I wanted to create an image , I searched on Google, which gave me a first link to the Wiki , on the wiki , I searched (many links are obsolete), difficult to find, I left the page , I finally found a link , on a StackOverflow question , which sent me back to the wiki , many roads to find a package !

A13: Well, I can always go with using a better or more descriptive name such as "Tcl" (although I feel that would be a plugin that only a big company like ActiveState or Xilinx would dare making... also rashwell took that name, slightly), "tcls"/"Tcl Language Server" (I have "clangd" and "Perl Navigator" as examples) or just "NexTcl" (but that would imply a different dialect/language than proper Tcl).

I considered forking rashwell's extension, but... how can I put it... the repo simply doesn't exist, it's been deleted some time between 2016 and 2023. I am not sure if this is the only remaining copy: . I could even ask the Tcl/Tk Core Development to let me post a package on their behalf so people can see that it's The Official Package(tm), although that's not required. There is, it seems, a way to transfer ownership. I'll contact him and see if I can at least make him point to a normal repo that I can fork or something, since for all intents and purposes the package is abandoned (and this is supposed to be the first package beginners consider...). But my purpose is to make the LSP so it's general (and I'd really love if Tcl/Tk Core Development would support me). You know, I am surprised FlightAware or ActiveState or Xilinx didn't make a package for VS Code already since they're companies with more resources than I'll ever possibly have. FlightAware would be the most likely contender since they have a Tcl Bounty Program already. Oh, and while searching I discovered that people have decoupled Tcl and Expect in the VSCode sphere, so I have to win over the Expect crowd too (by which I mean only which only supports colorization and snippets, that's honestly enough for many use cases).

Update: seems to be worked on even nowadays and has a pretty good codebase already and has a decent amount of downloads (46K) I can perhaps work together with bitwisecook (or even convince them to transfer the repo to my organization, but that would happen after I have a decent LSP and formatter in place). It's also the best rated extension and has a photo unlike rashwell's extension. Also unlike rashwell's extension, bitwisecook's has pretty good snippets in place, so it would be pretty bad if I reduplicated that effort.