Version 4 of The Backspace problem

Updated 2004-06-26 22:19:24

Robert Abitbol This is a real drag as we used to say in the seventies.:) With a TCL program I use the backspace key and instead of going backwards, the function stays still and I get the impression that letters are falling in a sort of hole.

How could I fix the problem?

Thanks once more teclers!

Instead of creating a new pages, how about asking questions here: Ask, and it shall be given # 2

RobertAbitbol Good point! I did hesitate between writing my question in Ask, and it shall be given # 2 or in a separate page. I opted for a separate page because this way, anyone who has a similar problem can enter the word backspace on the search for titles and he/she will get his/her answer to the problem right away instead of having the answer buried in a huge Ask, and it shall be given # 2 page. It's just a matter of being more efficient, more functional.

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