An Excel emulator written in Tcl, expanded from [A bigger spreadsheet]. Requires the code in [SYLK] to be included as a separate tcl file (as in this code - you could import that code directly into this). # TekSel A spreadsheet with options to set/change formulae. # The basic data structure of a cell is an array: # a Tk label with a formula, a value, a list of cells referred to by this cell. # An entry area for editing formula. # The list of traces causes referring cells to reevaluate. package require BWidget ;# for scrilledwindow proc changeformula {vn newv dbg} { ;# change cell variable vn to new formula upvar #0 $vn vloc set vloc(formula) [subst -nocommands $newv] foreach trac $vloc(links) { # unset traces on cell. eval trace remove $trac } set vloc(links) {} ;# clear record of cell links foreach var [regsub -all {[-+/*(), \]\[]} $vloc(formula) { }] { ;# set watch on each variable # if variable in formula changes then change this result (& so on) if {[uplevel #0 info vars $var]!=""} { set cmd "variable ::$var {write} \"evaluate $vn\"" eval trace add $cmd lappend vloc(links) $cmd } } subvariables $vn $dbg;# convert names of cells/vars to tcl form evaluate $vn } proc txlchangeform {v {dbg 0}} { ;# testing for newer txlchangeformula set bracks [matchbrackets $v] ;# get list of bracket/close pairs if {[llength $bracks]>-1} { ;# may need to analyse the brackets if preceded by function set in2 "" set cpos 0 set comit -1 set prevtoken "" set fn "" set in2 {} # puts "bracks in $v are $bracks" foreach part [regsub -all {([\^+\-*/\(\) ,])} $v { \1 }] { # each part is a token in the string - a cell name OR an operator incr cpos [string length $part] if {$cpos>$comit} { global slkdata if {$part!="*" && [array names slkdata "name,$part"]!=""} { regsub -all {R(\d*)C(\d*)} $slkdata(name,$part) {\1 \2} f1 set cellref [eval getreference $f1] set part $cellref } switch -- $part { "(" { set lpos [lsearch $bracks "$cpos *"] if {$lpos>=0} { set range [lindex $bracks $lpos] set cs [txlchangeform [eval string range "$v" $range] $dbg] set part "$part[join $cs " "])" #puts "Lbracket $lpos >>$range<< $v becomes >>$part<<" set comit [expr {[lindex $range 1]+2}] if {[string match $fn "power"]} { append in2 "pow($prevtoken,$part)" set fn "" set part "" } elseif {[string match $fn "date"]} { ;# split arguments at unused comma # allows complex dates set ags [split [string range $part 1 end-1] {@}] append in2 "$prevtoken\[$fn [join $ags]\]" set fn "" set part "" } elseif {[string match $fn "atan2"]} { ;# swap arguments set ags [split [string range $part 1 end-1] {@}] # split at @ as these are unused args. # eg function atan2(atan2(3,2),1) would # split at the comma in the first arg if split at comma. # this algorithm returns atan2(atan2(3,2)@1) append in2 "${prevtoken}$fn\([lindex $ags 1],[lindex $ags 0]\)" set fn "" set part "" } elseif {[string match $fn "pi"]} { } elseif {![string match $fn ""]} { append in2 "$prevtoken[eval $fn [split [string range $part 1 end-1] ":"]]" set fn "" set part "" } else { append in2 $prevtoken } } else { append in2 $prevtoken } } "," {# replace commas with character marking 'unchanged comma' append in2 "$prevtoken" set part "@" ;# make clear the commas at this level. } "^" { set fn "power" } atan2 - date - degrees - radians - laplacian - prod - sum - mean { set fn "$part" } pi { append in2 "$prevtoken[$part]" set comit [expr {$cpos+2}] set part "" } default { if {[string match $fn "power"]} { append in2 "pow($prevtoken,$part)" set fn "" set part "" } elseif {[string match $fn "date"]} { ;# split arguments at comma set ags [split [string range $part 1 end-1] ","] append in2 "$prevtoken\[$fn [join $ags]\]" } elseif {[string match $fn "atan2"]} { ;# swap arguments set ags [split [string range $part 1 end-1] ","] append in2 "${prevtoken}$fn\([lindex $ags 1],[lindex $ags 0]\)" puts "Atan2 == $in2" } elseif {[string match $fn "pi"]} { } elseif {![string match $fn ""]} { append in2 "$prevtoken[$fn $part]" set fn "" set part "" } else { append in2 $prevtoken } } } if {[string match $fn ""]} {set prevtoken $part} ;#else { puts "Not part $v at $part; $prevtoken"} } ;# cpos spreadsheet upvar #0 $cell vloc set vloc(rawformula) $v set in2 [txlchangeform $v $dbg] ;# append [expr {$cell=="e8"}] to set dbg flag for cell e8 changeformula $cell $in2 $dbg return $in2 } proc subvariables {vn {dbg 0}} { ;# change variables into Tcl variables, eg d12->$d12(value). upvar #0 $vn vloc upvar #0 vlist clist set form [regsub -all {([+\-*/\(\) ,\[\]])} $vloc(formula) { {\1} }] ;# the formula set i 0 foreach part $form { if {[lsearch -exact $clist $part]>=0} { set form [lreplace $form $i $i "\$${part}(value)"] } ;#else { puts "No good $part"} incr i } #this string map ensures division uses floating point arithmetic set vloc(tclformula) [string map {/ *1.0/} [join $form {}]] } proc evaluate {vn args} { ;# reevaluate the formula - args are sent by trace callbacks upvar #0 $vn vloc # evaluate the formula in top level (as accesses other cell values) # replace value for display if {[catch {set vloc(value) [uplevel #0 expr $vloc(tclformula)]}]} { set vloc(value) $vloc(rawformula) } return $vloc(value) } proc showformula {where tick cell} { ;# where is the input entry area. cell is where to copy formula from # copy formula from cell to change formula area. upvar #0 $cell vloc global slkdata $where delete 0 end; $where insert 0 $vloc(rawformula) # Change effect of Update button to send "where" to cell $tick config -command "txlchangeformula $cell \[$where get\]" -text "Update $cell" } proc matchbrackets {tsb {depth 0}} { ;# returns list of matching brace to Nth lh brace. # Or any other pair of letters, eg ( ); [ ] incr depth set rddepth 0 set cind 0 set cclos -1 set res "" set words [regsub -all {([\(\)\[\]])} $tsb { \1 }] ;# check each block for brackets catch { foreach block $words { if {$cind>$cclos} { if {$block== "\[" || $block== "\("} { set substring [string range $tsb [expr {$cind+1}] end] set match [matchbrackets $substring $depth] foreach p $match { set p [list [expr {[lindex $p 0]+$cind+1}] [expr {[lindex $p 1]+$cind+1}]] lappend res $p } set cclos [lindex [lindex $res end] end] ;# last character in bracket - already tested incr rddepth } elseif {$block== "\]" || $block== "\)"} { incr rddepth -1 if {$rddepth<0} { lappend res [list 0 [expr $cind-1]] return $res } } } if {$depth<=1 && $rddepth<0} {return $rddepth} incr cind [string length $block] } } if {$depth<=1 && $rddepth>0} {return $rddepth} if {![info exists res]} { return ""} return $res;#### try new method - below this works } # # create the cells. Lets call them A1, A2... b1,b2 etc like many other spreadsheets set vlist {} ;# list of cell names pack [frame .enterform] pack [button .enterform.tick -text "Update" -relief raised -width 8] -side left pack [entry .enterform.input -width 72] -side left pack [frame .rowtitle] pack [label .rowtitle.about -text "TXl" -width 4] -side left proc getcell {cell dc dr} { ;# cell relative to cell by dc, dr cols & rows set col [string index $cell 0] set newcol [format %c [expr [scan $col %c]+$dc]] return $newcol[expr {[string range $cell 1 end]+$dr}] } proc laplacian {cell} { # laplacian - mean of 4 surrounding cells. set row [string range $cell 1 end] set col [string index $cell 0] set sum "[getcell $cell -1 0]+[getcell $cell 1 0]" append sum "+[getcell $cell 0 -1]+[getcell $cell 0 1]" return "($sum)*.25" } proc debug {{cell b6}} { upvar #0 $cell cl puts "Cell $cell - $cl(rawformula)" puts " l1 $cell - $cl(formula)" puts " tcl $cell - $cl(tclformula)" } if 0 { Tcl math functions can be used and new functions such as pi. } proc pi {} { return 3.1415926535897} if 0 { Examples of extending the functions available: range is used internally to produce a list of cells in a rectangular region sum adds a range of cells mean the mean value of the range prod the product of all the values in the range. Note how these are inserted into cells, eg: txlchangeformula a7 "[mean e1 e4]" OR using the conversion procs above: txlchangeformula a7 "mean(e1:e4)" } proc range {cstart cend} { ;# return list of variables in range start to end set col [string index $cstart 0] while {$col <= [string index $cend 0]} { set row [string range $cstart 1 end] while {$row <=[string range $cend 1 end]} { lappend range $col$row incr row } set col [format %c [expr [scan $col %c]+1]] } return $range } proc sum {cstart cend} { # sum converts to sum of cell names. foreach vn [range $cstart $cend] { append res "+$vn"} return "(${res})" } proc mean {cstart cend} { # mean= sum of cell names divide by Ncells. return "([sum $cstart $cend]/[expr double([llength [range $cstart $cend]])])" } proc prod {cstart cend} { # prod converts to multiplication of cell names. set res "1" foreach vn [range $cstart $cend] { append res "*$vn"} return "(${res})" } proc radians {degs} { # converts cell or formula to radians. return "(($degs)/57.295779513082320876798154814105)" } proc degrees {rads} { # converts to degrees. return "(57.295779513082320876798154814105*($rads))" } proc date {year month day} { # converts to days since 1 Jan 1970. return "round(\[clock scan $year-$month-$day\]/86400.)" } pack [ScrolledWindow .sw] -expand t -fill both set grd [ScrollableFrame .sw.gridd] .sw setwidget $grd set grd [$grd getframe] catch { # auto_mkindex [pwd] # pkg_mkIndex [pwd] # package require Sylk 0.2 source rdslk.tcl proc getreference {irow icol} { ;# convert int I,J to B12 format return "[format %c [expr {96+$icol}]]$irow" } proc cellsub {form col row} { ;# sub RNNCMM to AB for SLK files only set fou "" foreach part [regsub -all {([\^+\-*/\(\) ,])} $form { \1 }] { regsub -all {R(\d*)C(\d*)} $part {\1 \2} rowcol if {$rowcol!=$part} { ;# format RnnCmm found if {[llength $rowcol]<2} { lappend rowcol $col } #puts "$part->$rowcol" append fou [eval getreference $rowcol] } else {append fou $part} } # set fou [regsub -all {R(\d*)C(\d*)} $form {[getreference \1 \2]}] return [string tolower $fou] } set slkfile sample.slk readSYLK $slkfile slkdata for {set ir 1} {$ir<=$slkdata(yMax)} {incr ir} { ;# for all the rows of data defined set rowlabel [label $grd.rlab$ir -text $ir -width 4] grid $rowlabel -column 1 -row [expr {$ir+1}] for {set jr 1} {$jr<=$slkdata(xMax)} {incr jr} { ;# for each cell that has been defined if {$ir==1} { ;# label the columns set colnam [format "%c" [expr [scan "a" %c]+$jr-1]] grid [label $grd.$colnam -text $colnam] -column [expr $jr+1] -row 1 } set column [format "%c" [expr [scan "a" %c]+$jr-1]] set vname $column$ir variable $vname lappend vlist $vname set ${vname}(rawformula) 0.0 set ${vname}(tclformula) 0.0 set ${vname}(formula) 0.0 set ${vname}(value) "" set ${vname}(links) {} set element [label $grd.$ir$column -textvar ${vname}(value) -relief raised -width 16] grid $element -column [expr {$jr+1}] -row [expr {$ir+1}] bind $element "showformula .enterform.input \ .enterform.tick $vname" } } for {set ir 1} {$ir<=$slkdata(yMax)} {incr ir} { ;# or <$slkdata(yMax) foreach name [array names slkdata *,$ir,value] { ;# for each cell that has been defined set formnam [string map {value formula} $name] set cellparts [split $name ","] set cellref [getreference [lindex $cellparts 1] [lindex $cellparts 0]] if {[array names slkdata $formnam]!=""} { ;# use the formula if {[catch { txlchangeformula $cellref [cellsub $slkdata($formnam) [lindex $cellparts 1] [lindex $cellparts 0]] } errmsg]} {puts "$cellref Error $errmsg in formula $slkdata($formnam)" catch { txlchangeformula $cellref [cellsub $slkdata($formnam) [lindex $cellparts 1] [lindex $cellparts 0]] 1} } } else { ;# constant value- no formula puts "$cellref Row $ir constant $slkdata($name) " txlchangeformula $cellref [cellsub $slkdata($name) [lindex $cellparts 1] [lindex $cellparts 0]] } set sep 0 foreach type {"format" "numformat" "pformindex"} { if {[array names slkdata [string map "value $type" $name]]!=""} { if {!$sep} { puts "=== cell $cellref"; set sep 1} puts "Format $type $slkdata([string map "value $type" $name])"} } } } wm title . "TXl $slkfile" } if {[array size slkdata]<2} { ;# could not find/read the file. Load some test formulae puts "File $slkfile was not loaded correctly." } Here is a small file to save as sample.slk - you may need to remove the indentation. ====== ID;PWXL;N;E B;Y16;X3;D0 0 15 2 O;L;D;V0;K47;G100 0.001 C;Y1;X1;K"X" C;X2;K"Y" C;X3;K"atan(xy)" C;Y2;X1;K10 C;X2;K1 C;X3;K0.099668652491162;EATAN2(RC[-2],RC[-1]) C;Y3;X1;K9;ER[-1]C-1 C;X2;K2;ER[-1]C+1 C;X3;K0.218668945873942;EATAN2(RC[-2],RC[-1]) C;Y4;X1;K8;ER[-1]C-1 C;X2;K3;ER[-1]C+1 C;X3;K0.358770670270572;EATAN2(RC[-2],RC[-1]) C;Y5;X1;K7;ER[-1]C-1 C;X2;K4;ER[-1]C+1 C;X3;K0.519146114246523;EATAN2(RC[-2],RC[-1]) C;Y6;X1;K6;ER[-1]C-1 C;X2;K5;ER[-1]C+1 C;X3;K0.694738276196703;EATAN2(RC[-2],RC[-1]) C;Y7;X1;K5;ER[-1]C-1 C;X2;K6;ER[-1]C+1 C;X3;K0.876058050598193;EATAN2(RC[-2],RC[-1]) C;Y8;X1;K4;ER[-1]C-1 C;X2;K7;ER[-1]C+1 C;X3;K1.05165021254837;EATAN2(RC[-2],RC[-1]) C;Y9;X1;K3;ER[-1]C-1 C;X2;K8;ER[-1]C+1 C;X3;K1.21202565652432;EATAN2(RC[-2],RC[-1]) C;Y10;X1;K2;ER[-1]C-1 C;X2;K9;ER[-1]C+1 C;X3;K1.35212738092095;EATAN2(RC[-2],RC[-1]) C;Y11;X1;K1;ER[-1]C-1 C;X2;K10;ER[-1]C+1 C;X3;K1.47112767430373;EATAN2(RC[-2],RC[-1]) C;Y12;X1;K0;ER[-1]C-1 C;X2;K11;ER[-1]C+1 C;X3;K1.5707963267949;EATAN2(RC[-2],RC[-1]) C;Y13;X1;K-1;ER[-1]C-1 C;X2;K12;ER[-1]C+1 C;X3;K1.65393755868334;EATAN2(RC[-2],RC[-1]) C;Y14;X1;K-2;ER[-1]C-1 C;X2;K13;ER[-1]C+1 C;X3;K1.72344565519016;EATAN2(RC[-2],RC[-1]) C;Y15;X1;K-3;ER[-1]C-1 C;X2;K14;ER[-1]C+1 C;X3;K1.78188966001764;EATAN2(RC[-2],RC[-1]) C;Y16;X1;K-4;ER[-1]C-1 C;X2;K15;ER[-1]C+1 C;X3;K1.83139871854224;EATAN2(RC[-2],RC[-1]) E ====== ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Application] | [Category Desktop] |% !!!!!!