Update: The teapot client - [teacup] - was shipped in ActiveTcl as well as Beta 6. 1. What is Teapot? 1. What is Teacup? 1. Who is allowed to use this? 1. Who is allowed to submit new entities to be placed within the repository? 1. How much does all this cost? ---- Page to collect issues with the beta teapot on the conference CD OSX The code to link the repo into the packaga mgmt is missing. The following is the code which has to go at the end of the relevant initi.tcl file. # -*- tcl -*- # @date@ # Copyright (C) 2006 ActiveState Software Inc. # TEAPOT LINKAGE BEGIN" # Standard code for setting up the default local TEAPOT repository in # use by this installation. if {![interp issafe] && ![catch {package require platform}]} { # Toplevel directory of the standard local per-user repository global __teapot set __teapot {~/Library/Application Support/ActiveState/Teapot/repository} # Make all repository subdirectories available which can contain # packages for the architecture currently executing this Tcl # script. This code assumes a directory structure as created by # 'repository::localma'. foreach __ [platform::patterns [platform::identify]] { set __ [file join $__teapot package $__] # The tm subdirectory contains Tcl Modules. This is relevant # only to a tcl shell which is able to handle such. # The lib subdirectory on the other hand contains regular # packages and can be used by all Tcl shells. lappend ::auto_path [file join $__ lib] catch {::tcl::tm::roots [list [file join $__ teapot]]} } unset __teapot __ } # TEAPOT LINKAGE END ---- [Category Repository]