Version 13 of Tclssg

Updated 2014-10-02 12:54:59 by dbohdan
What Tclssg
Description A Tcl static site generator that uses Markdown for content markup and HTML with embedded Tcl code for page templates. Supports Bootstrap themes. Can deploy websites over FTP, SCP, etc.
Platforms Linux, Windows XP/7/8.x, OS X, FreeBSD, OpenBSD.
Prerequisites Tcl 8.5 or newer, Tcllib, SQLite3 bindings for Tcl, Perl 5.6 or newer (for the default Markdown processor).
Updated 10/2014
License MIT
Screenshot Tclssg screenshot

escargo 2014-07-16: It would be nice if you described supported platforms and prerequisites here.

dbohdan 2014-07-17: Thanks for the suggestion! I added platforms and prerequisites to the project summary above. A more detailed guide on how to install Tclssg can be found in the "Getting started" section of the README.

APN Nice! How hard would it be to replace the Perl markdown with a Tcl extension?

dbohdan 2014-10-02: It shouldn't be hard at all; all Markdown-related functionality is isolated in the proc ::tclssg::templating::markdown-to-html that calls an external Markdown processor of your choice (set in ::tclssg::config(markdownProcessor)). Using a Tcl extension would be a matter of replacing this procedure. is included so that the generator can work out of the box on *nix without the user having to compile any C code.

See also