** Description ** The '''html''' module of [Tcllib] provides tools to generate [HTML] programmatically. Related modules are [ncgi], [javascript], and [htmlparse]. ** Documentation ** [http://core.tcl.tk/tcllib/doc/trunk/embedded/www/tcllib/files/modules/html/html.html%|%official reference]: ** See also ** * [HTML generator] * [jimhttp], which contains an HTML-generating [DSL] for Tcl 8.5+ and [Jim] * Template systems in [Template and Macro processing] * [xmlgen / htmlgen] ** Examples ** [https://groups.google.com/d/msg/comp.lang.tcl/TEY56tDYUvg/od4GW8PUsdcJ%|%Html Table], [comp.lang.tcl], 2002-04-06: a really small example using [tDOM] *** Basic Example *** Some example code from comp.lang.tcl : > Hi, > I'm just starting to work with the html generation package of tcllib (ver > 1.2.2). Can anyone point me to some examples of how the tcllib html > generation package is used? Quick taste, ======none (bin) 15 % package require html 1.1 (bin) 16 % html::textInput first_name (bin) 17 % html::textInputRow "MY LABEL" test_row MY LABEL (bin) 24 % set people {John Doe Mary Poppins Jack {B. Nimble}} John Doe Mary Poppins Jack {B. Nimble} (bin) 25 % html::tableFromList $people
John Doe
Mary Poppins
Jack B. Nimble
similarly there's html::tableFromArray, proc html::checkbox etc... Using the html package with tclhttpd templates makes form/page generation quite simple;-) ====== : - [https://groups.google.com/d/msg/comp.lang.tcl/rdxP05sureM/GKJ4VUj1B4kJ%|%HTML Generation From tcllib], [comp.lang.tcl], 2003-09-10 [RLH] 2006-02-20: It probably shouldn't spit out uppercase tags like . *** Example *** '''[booksandlibros] - 2010-01-16 02:44:20''' Using the '''html''' module in ''tcllib'' is not straight forward given the documentation. However, if you are familiar with HTML, and prehaps written your own HTMLizing modules, it will make more sense. The real shift in thinking is that Tcl is list-based, and HTML is stack-based; so it can be confusing. As such, the most important calls are ::html::openTag and ::html::closeTag - note the pairing, almost begging to be stacked. On closer examination of the library note - no calls for important HTML tags such as , ,
, or . Hopefully these examples will illuminate. ====== #!/usr/local/bin/tclsh8.4 # # package require html ::html::init puts [::html::openTag html] puts [::html::openTag body] puts [::html::openTag form [::html::formValue myform testvalue]] puts [::html::radioSet test1 "
\n" [list {number #1} value1 {test #2} value2 {yeah yeah} value3 ]] puts [::html::closeTag] puts [::html::closeTag] puts [::html::closeTag] puts [::html::tableFromList {test test1 test2 test3} ] array set testarray {test test1 test2 test3} puts [::html::tableFromArray testarray ] ====== '''Output:''' ====== number #1
test #2
yeah yeah
test test1
test2 test3
test test1
test2 test3
====== ---- '''[booksandlibros] - 2010-01-16 03:37:27''' ***A Simpler Example - The Minimum*** Oh, Geeezz. Hello World! ====== #!/usr/local/bin/tclsh8.4 # # package require html ::html::init # SEE, READ, Fill puts [::html::head {this is a test title}] puts [::html::bodyTag] puts {Hello World!} puts [::html::end] ====== '''Outputs''' ====== this is a test title Hello World! ====== ---- [LEG] 2016-12-09: The documentation talks about procedures being "called from an HTML template". It was mentioned above, that this can be used from tclhttpd. Here is the almost simplest approach I can imagine to do HTML templates with the '''html''' module. First step: A Tcl script to parse a HTML template, given as the first argument on its commandline (`html.tcl`). ====== #/bin/sh # the next line restarts using tclsh \ exec tclsh "$0" ${1+"$@"} interp create html html eval { package require html namespace eval ::html { init # add things here, you want to go into the header, # but not into the template. } } set fd [open [lindex $::argv 0]] html eval set template [list [read $fd]] close $fd puts -nonewline [html eval { namespace eval ::html { subst $template } }] ====== Things to note: * The template parser is just the `subst $template` line. The rest is setting things up. * We use a slave interpreter called '''html''' for parsing, the benefits are explained in [interp] and [Safe Interps]. For production use the latter, however it is not shown here how to do this. Second Step: The almost simplest template possible (`html.tpl`): ====== [head {Tcllibs html package demo}] [bodyTag] [h1 [getTitle]] Hello World! [end] ====== Third Step: Let's run it like this: ====== $ chmod +x html.tcl $ ./html.tcl html.tpl ====== And it will output: ====== Tcllibs html package demo

Tcllibs html package demo

Hello World! ====== ---- [mw] 2013-02-10: I suggest the following function: ====== proc % {args} { if {[llength $args]==0} { puts [html::closeTag] } else { puts [html::openTag {*}$args] } } ====== It makes generating HTML from e.g. a CGI script easy as pie: ======none % table % thead % tr % th puts "Description" % % th align='right' puts "Total" % % % % tbody % tr % td puts "Apple pie" % % th align='right' puts "500" % % % tr % td puts "Custard pie" % % th align='right' puts "12" % % % % ====== ** Historical ** [MHo]: Calling e.g. ====== ::html::textInput test1 value1 size="30" ====== leads to the following result: ======none ====== So the requested ''size''-specification does not take place (it seems here that the first parameter wins). I don't know why '''size="45"''' is included as a default. If I want to have the ability to specify '''size'''s with '''html::textInput''', I have to call ====== html::init {text.size ""} ====== first; then: ====== ::html::textInput test1 value1 size="30" ====== gives ======none ====== as expected. I don't know if and why this behaviour takes place... Can someone please tell me??? [schlenk]: Its a bug. See http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1230699&group_id=12883&atid=112883. It is fixed in CVS and will be included in the new [tcllib] version, which is currently in feature freeze mode, and should be released just before the Tcl conference in October. [Mho]: Thanx! Here's another one: '''html::checkbox''' uses '''html::checkValue''' to control the '''CHECKED'''-State. But '''html::radioValue''' 1) only formats one ''name value''-pair and 2) is not used by '''html::radioSet''' and therefore little of use and 3) shows an help text which does not match the online help: ======none % html::radioValue wrong # args: should be "html::radioValue name value ?defaultSelection?" ====== What's the meaning of ''?defaultSelection?'' here??? Also it seems that '''radioValue name value''' does not mark the element with ''CHECKED'' if a cgivar ''name'' exist with value ''value''.... Or did I missunderstand the whole stuff completely? Perhaps... However, I build myself some procs which do what I (perhaps by mistake) expected from the original routines. ====== proc radioSet2 {name current sep args} { foreach {lbl val} $args { append ret "$lbl$sep\n" } return $ret } proc checkSet2 {prefix sep args} { set ix 0 foreach {lbl val} $args { incr ix append ret "[html::checkbox $prefix$ix $val]$lbl$sep\n" } return $ret } ====== [schlenk] Please file a bug report at the tcllib bugtracker for this, so the issue is not forgotten. [MHo] 2009-10-09: From the description, I thought that '''::html::openTag''' brings the additional ''tag argument list'' into the proper format, that is '''keyword1="value1" keyword2="value2"''' and so on, but if I do, e.g. '''::html::openTag form {name test1 action abcd}''', the following is returned: '''
''' which is, of course, not what I want... So I had to code me the following trivial function: ====== proc nameValParms {args} { foreach {name val} $args { append ret "$name=\"$val\" " } return $ret } ====== which does the stupid work, but requires an additional step nearly each time ::html::openTag is used... The same applies to ::html::textInput. And, again (see below), I see '''size="45"''' if I don't specify additional tag parms with textInput... <> Tcllib | Library | HTML