[WJR] - There was a discussion on the [TclHttpd] mailing list about processing [RSS]. Here's a variant I came up with using [tDOM] and [The Tcler's Wiki] RSS feed (it should work with any RSS feed): [Doc_Dynamic] [ package require http package require tdom html::set token [http::geturl http://mini.net/tcl/rss.xml] html::set rss_xml [http::data $token] html::set doc [dom parse $rss_xml] html::set root [$doc documentElement] html::set stories [$root selectNodes /rss/channel/item] ] [html::head {RSS Example}] [html::bodyTag] [html::h1 {RSS Example}]
[html::foreach story $stories {
[[$story selectNodes title/text()] nodeValue] ([[$story selectNodes pubDate/text()] nodeValue])
[[$story selectNodes description/text()] nodeValue]
[html::end] [tDOM] and [TclHttpd] makes this pretty simple! ---- [DG] -- That little starter script got me going. I was messing with [TclXML] at first, but [tDOM] is a whole lot easier to use. See it in action [http://www.pobox.com/~davygrvy/news.tml] # tmlrss.tcl -- # # Process RSS (0.91, 0.92, 0.93, 1.0, 2.0) newsfeeds into # 4.01 HTML. For use in .tml templates with tclhttpd. # # http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2002/12/18/dive-into-xml.html # http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss # http://www.tdom.org/ # # Instructions: # 1) place this file in your tml library directory so # the server sources it automatically at startup. # 2) Call TmlRss_GenHTML with the url of the RSS feed # from your .tml file (set to dynamic generation). # This function returns the formatted HTML of the feed. # # By David Gravereaux # package provide tmlrss 0.2 package require httpd package require http package require html package require uri if {[catch {package require tdom} err]} { eval [subst {proc TmlRss_GenHTML {uri {attr {}}} { return "
[info script]: $err
"} }] return -code error $err } namespace eval tmlrss { variable rss_xml_cache array set rss_xml_cache {} } # TmlRss_GenHTML -- # # Generates 4.01 HTML given a URI to an RSS feed # # uri - uri of rss feed # attr - additional attributes for the table (optional) # proc TmlRss_GenHTML {uri {attr {}}} { append html "\n" if {[catch { set doc [tmlrss::GetDOM $uri] append html [tmlrss::genTitleBlock $doc] append html [tmlrss::genContent $doc] } err]} { append html "" } append html "
$uri[tmlrss::encTxt $err]
\n" catch {$doc delete} return $html } proc tmlrss::GetDOM {uri} { # Is it cached locally? if {[isCachedXMLExpired $uri]} { set doc [fetchXML $uri] } else { set doc [dom parse -baseurl [uriBase $uri] $rss_xml_cache($uri)] } return $doc } # returns the DOM object of the RSS feed. proc tmlrss::fetchXML {uri} { variable rss_xml_cache set token [http::geturl $uri] if {[http::status $token] != "ok" || [http::ncode $token] != 200} { set err [http::code $token] http::cleanup $token return -code error $err } set xml [http::data $token] upvar #0 $token state array set meta $state(meta) http::cleanup $token set doc [dom parse -baseurl [uriBase $uri] $xml] # Append a download time to the DOM as a comment. set comment [$doc createComment \ "downloaded: [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%a, %e %b %Y %T GMT} -gmt 1]"] [$doc documentElement] appendChild $comment # Append when the server considers it expired to the DOM. catch { set comment [$doc createComment "expires: $meta(Expires)"] [$doc documentElement] appendChild $comment } # Save it in the cache. set rss_xml_cache($uri) [$doc asXML -indent 4] return $doc } proc tmlrss::isCachedXMLExpired {uri} { variable rss_xml_cache #TODO: make this work if {[info exist rss_xml_cache($uri)]} { set xml $rss_xml_cache($uri) set doc [dom parse -baseurl [uriBase $uri] $xml] # TODO: Is it past the TTL (if supported)? # just return yes, for now. if {1} { $doc delete unset rss_xml_cache($uri) return true } return false } else { return true } } proc tmlrss::uriBase {uri} { array set info [uri::split $uri] set info(path) [file dirname $info(path)] return [eval uri::join [array get info]] } proc tmlrss::getRSSVersion {doc} { set root [$doc documentElement] switch [$root nodeName] { rss { if {[$root hasAttribute version]} { return [$root getAttribute version] } # Best guess as most stuff is optional... return 0.92 } rdf:RDF { return 1.0 } default { return 0 } } } proc tmlrss::genTitleBlock {doc} { set root [$doc documentElement] append html "\n\n" switch [getRSSVersion $doc] { 0.91 - 0.92 - 0.93 - 2.0 { set titleXpath {/rss/channel/title/text()} set linkXpath {/rss/channel/link/text()} set imgNodeXpath {/rss/channel/image/title} set imgTitleXpath {/rss/channel/image/title/text()} set imgLinkXpath {/rss/channel/image/url/text()} set imgWidthXpath {/rss/channel/image/width/text()} set imgHeightXpath {/rss/channel/image/height/text()} } 1.0 { set titleXpath {/rdf:RDF/*[local-name()='channel']/*[local-name()='title']/text()} set linkXpath {/rdf:RDF/*[local-name()='channel']/*[local-name()='link']/text()} set imgNodeXpath {/rdf:RDF/*[local-name()='image']} set imgTitleXpath {/rdf:RDF/*[local-name()='image']/*[local-name()='title']/text()} set imgLinkXpath {/rdf:RDF/*[local-name()='image']/*[local-name()='url']/text()} set imgWidthXpath {/rdf:RDF/*[local-name()='image']/*[local-name()='width']/text()} set imgHeightXpath {/rdf:RDF/*[local-name()='image']/*[local-name()='height']/text()} } } append html "[nodeTxt $root $titleXpath]\n" if {[$root selectNode $imgNodeXpath] != ""} { append html "\n" } append html "\n\n" return $html } proc tmlrss::genContent {doc} { set root [$doc documentElement] append html "\n" switch [getRSSVersion $doc] { 0.91 - 0.92 - 0.93 - 2.0 { set storiesXpath {/rss/channel/item} set titleXpath {title/text()} set linkXpath {link/text()} set pubDateXpath {pubDate/text()} set descXpath {description/text()} } 1.0 { set storiesXpath {/rdf:RDF/*[local-name()='item']} set titleXpath {*[local-name()='title']/text()} set linkXpath {*[local-name()='link']/text()} set pubDateXpath {*[local-name()='pubDate']/text()} set descXpath {*[local-name()='description']/text()} } } set stories [$root selectNodes $storiesXpath] append html [html::foreach story $stories {
[nodeTxt $story $titleXpath][expr \ {[$story selectNodes $pubDateXpath] != "" ? " ([nodeTxt \ $story $pubDateXpath])" : ""}]
[nodeTxt $story $descXpath]
}] append html "\n" return $html } proc tmlrss::encUri {uri} { return [string map { & %26 } $uri] } proc tmlrss::encTxt {txt} { return [string map { & & < < > > } $txt] } proc tmlrss::nodeUri {node xpath} { if {[$node selectNode $xpath] != ""} { # Only if there is a lonely &, quote it back to an entity. return [encUri [[$node selectNode $xpath] nodeValue]] } else { return "" } } # TODO: there's a big problem here... Sometimes feeds include entities (ie. &#151;) # that are outside the range of the claimed charset. Sometimes feeds include # URIs, but they aren't properly encoded.. # # I tried ::htmlparse::mapEscapes, but for lonely ampersands that aren't encoded # to entities ('&' not '&'), ::htmlparse::mapEscapes mangles them and the four # chars that follow. # # TODO: possible solution would be to pre encode lonely ampersands, then # ::htmlparse::mapEscapes ??? But how to fix the bad cp1252 entities when the # charset is being claimed as iso8859-1 in the XML header? # http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/www/windows-chars.html#list # proc tmlrss::nodeTxt {node xpath} { if {[$node selectNode $xpath] != ""} { return [[$node selectNode $xpath] nodeValue] } else { return "" } } proc tmlrss::ShutDown {} { } Httpd_RegisterShutdown tmlrss::ShutDown A .tml file to call it would look something like this: [Doc_Dynamic] SNews, you lose! [html::foreach rss_source { http://www.npr.org/rss/rss.php?topicId=2 http://rss.news.yahoo.com/rss/highestrated http://mini.net/tcl/rss.xml http://sourceforge.net/export/rss2_projsummary.php?group_id=10894 http://dwlt.net/tapestry/dilbert.rdf } {[TmlRss_GenHTML $rss_source "border=1"]

}] Valid HTML 4.01! Valid CSS! [WJR] - Nice, works great on my system! You should consider making this one of TclHttpd's sample apps (a number of apps come with the distribution in the sampleapp subdir). [DG] ''Thanks..'' It's almost done. I had some problems with RSS v1.0, but just got them fixed. XML namespaces are no fun. [Carsten Zerbst] I have problems with encoding with some malformed files, e.g. by the main german tv magazin http://www.tagesschau.de/newsticker.rdf. I got rid off this changing the code a bit # write to an temporary file set fd [ open tmp.xml w] puts $fd [http::data $token] close $fd upvar #0 $token state array set meta $state(meta) http::cleanup $token set doc [ dom parse -baseurl [uriBase $uri] -channel [tDOM::xmlOpenFile tmp.xml] ] file delete tmp.xml It works, but has the disadvantage of needing a temporary file. But it was too late to modify tDOM:xmlOpenFile to work on strings. [DG] -- See [XML/tDOM encoding issues with the http package] ---- [XO] - As pointed out by [Keith Vetter] in [Following Redirects], "One feature lacking in the http package is the ability to automatically handle redirects". A '''geturl_followRedirects''' routine was used to solve the issue. As of now (2006/03/04), the first (NPR) & the last (Dilbert) RSS feed in the above sample template have been redirected. Replacing '''''http::geturl $uri''''' in line#4 of tmlrss::fetchXML routine, by '''''geturl_followRedirects $uri''''' will fix the problem. BTW, when I ran the script, I got an error on the second (Yahoo News) & the 4th (SourceForge) RSS feed, the error says something like ... ''error "syntax error" at line 1 character 0 "1 <--Error-- a7f