Version 19 of TclBlend

Updated 2007-12-14 22:02:45 by dkf is the home of Tcl Blend. Tcl Blend is a Tcl package that provides access to Java classes from Tcl. Tcl Blend is implemented using JNI. Tcl Blend is production ready software, it is stable enough to be used in production systems on a daily basis.

Jacl and TclBlend are both implementations that make it easy to use Tcl scripting on the Java platform. The Tcl/Java project provides mailing lists [L1 ], online documentation [L2 ], and a bug reporting interface [L3 ].

Links to a number of Jacl and Tcl Blend related articles are also available [L4 ].

For help building Jacl under Windows, see Building TclBlend with msys_mingw.

LV The notes that reside in the tclblend cvs repository seem to indicate that the current incarnation of tclblend works with Tcl 8.4.13, Thread 2.6.3 or greater and JDK 1.4 .

See also