Version 0 of Tcl2002 programming contest: solutions to problem 3

Updated 2002-09-21 22:21:46

The primary purpose of this problem was to expose the new trace execution command that was added in Tcl 8.4. Andrej Vckovski took the laurels on this problem, with the following solution, which even favored us with a test harness to demonstrate its execution:

 # display a call graph of the passed command line
 # AVckovski, 2002-11-20

 proc callGraph {cmdLine} {

     proc ::_myEnterstep {cmdString ops} {

         set cmdName [lindex $cmdString 0]
             if {[string length [info proc $cmdName]]} {
                 if {![info exists ::_traces($cmdName)]} {
                 trace add execution $cmdName enterstep ::_myEnterstep
                 # lazy cleanup; just remember all traces instead of using trace info
                         set ::_traces($cmdName) ::_myEnterstep
          # display command word, indented
          # if more than one line, just 1st, and limit line length
          set cmdString [lindex [split $cmdString \n] 0]
          if {[string length $cmdString]>40} {
              set cmdString "[string range $cmdString 0 40] ..."
          puts "[string repeat -- [info level]] $cmdString"

     # init some state
     #set ::_traces {}

     # setup and start
     set cmdName [lindex $cmdLine 0]
     uplevel [list ::_myEnterstep $cmdLine enterfirst]
     uplevel $cmdLine

     # cleanup our recorded traces
     foreach cmdName [array names ::_traces] {
        trace remove execution $cmdName enterstep $::_traces($cmdName)

     # cleanup state
     rename ::_myEnterstep ""
     unset ::_traces

 # test case
 proc sum {a b} {
    return [expr $a + $b]

 proc z {} {return [sum [sum [sum [sum 5 6] 7] 8] [sum 11 22]]}

 proc fac {n} {
   if {$n==1} {
      return 1
   } else {
      return [expr $n*[fac [expr $n-1]]]

 callGraph z
 callGraph {fac 8}

which produces output that looks like:

 -- z
 ---- sum 5 6
 ------ expr 5 + 6
 ------ expr 5 + 6
 ------ return 11
 ------ return 11
 ---- sum 11 7
 ------ expr 11 + 7
 ------ expr 11 + 7
 ------ return 18
 ------ return 18
 ---- sum 18 8
 ------ expr 18 + 8
 ------ expr 18 + 8
 ------ return 26
 ------ return 26
    . . .

In preparation for the contest, KBK had developed the following solution:

 proc K { x y } { return $x }
 proc doit { command } {
     uplevel 1 $command
 proc callgraph { command } {
     variable context
     variable children
     variable did
     set context {}
     trace add execution doit enterstep enter
     trace add execution doit leavestep leave
     uplevel 1 [list doit $command]
     trace remove execution doit enterstep enter
     trace remove execution doit leavestep leave
     display uplevel
     catch { unset children }
     catch { unset did }
 proc enter { commandStr op } {
     variable context
     variable children
     set command [lindex $commandStr 0]
     set children([lindex $context end],$command) {}
     lappend context $command
 proc leave { commandStr code result op } {
     variable context
     # There's a Tcl bug where we get extra 'leave' traces. Work around it.
     if { [info level] < [llength $context] } {
         set context [lreplace [K $context [set context {}]] [info level] end]
 proc display { context { level 0 } } {
     variable children
     variable did
     set last [lindex $context end]
     if { [info exists did($last)] } {
         if { [llength [array names children $context,*]] > 0 } {
             puts [format %*s... [expr { 4 * $level}] {}]
     } else {
         set did($last) {}
         foreach child [lsort [array names children $context,*]] {
             foreach { - childproc } [split $child ,] break
             puts [format %*s%s [expr { 4 * $level}] {} $childproc]
             display $childproc [expr { $level + 1 }]

which produces rather more compact output; on Andrej's test case, it shows

 % callgraph z
 % callgraph {fac 8}

Tcl2002 programming contest: problem 3

The Great Canadian Tcl/Tk Programming Contest, eh?