#/bin/sh # \ exec tclsh "$0" ${1+"$@"} # --- server.tcl --- A server that does not do much # Configure a socket for use with a relay link proc ConfigureSocket { fd } { global Connections fconfigure $fd -blocking 0 -buffering $Connections(Buffering) -buffersize $Connections(BufSize) -translation binary return $fd } # Handle a new client connection proc HandleClientConnect { client address port } { global Connections ConfigureSocket $client fileevent $client readable "CopyClientData $client" puts stdout "server: Connected from $address on $port\n" set Connections($client,Start) [clock clicks -milliseconds] set Connections($client,Count) 0 } # Disconnect a link proc Disconnect { fd } { global Connections if { ![catch { fileevent $fd readable {} }] } { close $fd } } # Handle a disconnection proc HandleClientDisconnect { fd } { global Connections set Connections($fd,End) [clock clicks -milliseconds] set time [expr $Connections($fd,End) - $Connections($fd,Start)] set speed [expr $Connections($fd,Count)/$time] puts "Transferred $Connections($fd,Count) bytes in [expr $Connections($fd,End) - $Connections($fd,Start)] milliseconds." puts "Transfer rate is $speed KBytes/sec" Disconnect $fd } # Copy data between the source and destination channels proc CopyClientData { from } { global Connections set line [read $from 1500] if { ! [eof $from] } { if { [string range $line 0 3] == "mode" } { puts stdout [string range $line 0 32] } # puts stdout "server: $line" incr Connections($from,Count) [string length $line] } else { if [eof $from] { puts "server: $from Client disconnected!" HandleClientDisconnect $from } } } if { 0 } { wm title . "Server ..." catch { destroy .f } set f [frame .f] button $f.b -width 8 -text Quit -command exit pack $f.b -side left pack $f } # Some default options set Connections(Port) 14210 set Connections(Buffering) full set Connections(BufSize) 10000 # Process the parameter list foreach { key opt } $argv { switch -exact -- [string tolower $key] { "-p" - "-port" { set Connections(Port) $opt } "-b" - "-buffering" { set Connections(Buffering) $opt } "-s" - "-size" { set Connections(BufSize) $opt } default { puts stderr "Keyword $key is not supported!" exit } } } catch { close $Connections(Server) } set Connections(Server) [socket -server HandleClientConnect $Connections(Port)] set forever 1 vwait forever exit