[Sarnold]: I created a Tcl implementation in [JavaScript]. The idea came from the need I felt to process documentation in wiki form in a browser - i.e., store manuals as wiki markup ''directly'' on the server, and let some JavaScript code process it. This idea is not new; many AJAX applications already do it. But remember, Tcl was created as a configuration language, and I need this type of language. But I wonder if I will ever have the time to finish it. '''JsTcl''' - this implementation is far from being complete. I began it by looking at [Picol]'s parser code, and converting it into JavaScript. '''Downloads''' You will need: * [http://sarnold.free.fr/pub/jstcl/tcl02.js], the Tcl implementation. * wiki-resident copy: [tcl.js], [tcl.js 0.2] * [http://sarnold.free.fr/pub/jstcl/jstcl.html], an on-line demo with the official test suite (download the test suite at [http://sarnold.free.fr/pub/jstcl/testsuite.tcl]). '''Supported platforms (browsers?)''' This implementation was tested with Firefox and IE 7.0 on [Microsoft Windows] XP. puts {Really, Tcl runs everywhere!} '''Differences with standard Tcl''' Like in [Picol], we have no [expr]. Instead, we have: + - * / % = != which operate on integers/reals, and not and or which operate on booleans (there *is* a boolean type in this implementation). ---- [RS]: [tcl.js] is indeed a lovely baby, though so far poorly equipped (e.g., no loop commands like [for], [foreach], [while]...). I had to add this.registerEasyCommand("<", function (interp, args) { this.requireExactArgc(args, 3); var a = args[1].getNumber(); var b = args[2].getNumber(); return (a < b); }); or, simpler, this.registerEasyCommand("<", function (interp, args) { this.requireExactArgc(args, 3); return (args[1].getNumber() < args[2].getNumber()); }); to get one of my favorite test cases through (ignore the backslash before * - Wiki is over-aggressive with that): proc fac x { if [< $x 2] {return 1} \* $x [fac [- $x 1]] } puts "fac 5 = [fac 5]" But it wasn't hard - just a matter of copy'n'paste :^) On IE 5.50, the demo page didn't work, but it did in Opera 7.54 (except for [source].. which lacked a good treatment for XMLHTTP). In any case, putting the test code right into jstcl.html works fine. Or using IE 6 on Win XP :^) My latest version is [tcl.js 0.2] ---- [RS]: Playing more with Javascript, it's fun to see how similar it is to Tcl in spirit, even though different. For instance, to roughly approximate the [clock] command, it just took these few lines of wrapping code: this.registerSubCommand("clock", "format", function (interp, args) { var now = new Date(); now.setTime(args[1]); return now.toString(); }); this.registerSubCommand("clock", "scan", function (interp, args) { return Date.parse(args[1]); }); this.registerSubCommand("clock", "seconds", function (interp, args) { return (new Date()).valueOf(); }); or this, one up the meta ladder: JS evaluates Tcl that evaluates JS: this.registerCommand("jseval", function (interp, args) { return eval(args[1].toString()); }); A language that has [eval] can't be all bad :^) Testing: puts [jseval "6 * 7 + Math.min(2,1,0);" ] 42 This allows us to add Tcl commands as [proc]s which probably aren't even so inefficient, as ultimately the JS interpreter eats its own food: proc sqrt x {jseval "Math.sqrt($x);"} ---- [LV] 2007 Nov 14 Note that I ran the jstcl.html test suite using Windows IE 6 and Windows Firefox 2.0 and the tcl.js 0.2 worked fine with the test suite there. ---- [CMcC] 16Nov07 added a "dom" command which implements a half-assed interface to http://jquery.com/ giving a DOM interface. By including the jquery script, it allows stuff like this: dom "


" appendTo body; dom #fred css border "1px solid gray" which adds a paragraph to the end of the document and puts a gray border around it. this.registerCommand("dom", function (interp, args) { var selector = args[1].toString(); var fn = args[2].toString(); args = args.slice(3); for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) args[i] = args[i].toString(); if (args.length == 1) var code = args[0]; else var code = args.join("\",\""); var script="$(\"" + selector + "\")." + fn + "(\"" + code + "\")"; //alert(script); eval(script).toString(); return "dom " + selector; }); So cool. Note: if you need to quote something in one of the args, best to use js's apostrophe quoting. The choice of jquery as a target library to wrap was guided by the fact that jquery uses string 'selectors' to choose javascript dom objects, which makes it easy to use within tcl in that you don't need to wrap raw javascript objects. This package allows one access to the html dom from tcl.js, and permits dhtml and ajax from tcl.js. ---- [RS]: Cool indeed! It helped me top get a better implementation of [puts] (that is, no more ''alert()'' popups), provided that jQuery is loaded: if(jQuery) { this.eval("proc puts s {dom \"
\" appendTo body}"); } The same check could be put around the "dom" definition above. JBR: Better you can use any dom id to "puts" to different "streams". ---- See also: [Picol] ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Language] | [Category Tcl Implementations] |% !!!!!!