I'd like to take on the task of sorting through as many good Tcl Tutorials as we can find, and building clear way for someone who is not currently a Tcl'r to join us and find the information geared to their level of programming skill. It should be presented in a communicative, nurturing atmosphere that brings both the joy of Tcl and the fun of the community. To that end I have some questions for the existing Tcl community. Please e-mail your responses to me directly (leam at reuel dot net), I'll collate them and bring back whatever trends and thoughts seem to surface. Also, if you have a question you feel pertinent, please add it! Please note that references to "Tcl" include the core language and its extensions. * What drew you to Tcl? * What keeps you with Tcl? * Describe your current level of skill and amount of experience, both with Tcl and other programming languages. * When you first started with Tcl, what did you think best about it? What made you think, "Oi, that's weird!"? * What resources did you use to learn Tcl? What resources have you used to learn other languages? * What things draw you to learn another programming language? * What resources do you currently use to stay current with Tcl? I'll post updates and notes here as they come in.