Version 3 of Tcl Repository Wish List

Updated 2002-02-16 03:28:00

While discussing the need for a repository of tcl packages and code, and after Steve Cassidy had mentioned the availability of cantcl, LV said:

Is there a technical description of the functionality provided? Do people have ideas on what features is needed?

For instance, I'd like to have the ability to:

  • get a report on what extensions are in the repository but not installed
  • get a report on what extensions from the repository are installed
  • get a report on what extensions from the repository are newer than what I've installed
  • be able to full text search the docs from the extensions in the repository
  • be able to download source from the repository
  • be able to download binary from the repository if available
  • be able to support someone contributing binaries (recording info about options selected, who contributed it, staging area where binaries can be checked before releasing, etc.)
  • be able to support someone contributing new source code (recording info about options available, depedendecies, who contributed it, licensing issues, staging area where source can be checked before releasing, etc.)
  • private or public mirroring
  • new and updated contributions notification

MPJ A nice example of a working repository is the plugin extensions for the text editor jEdit The Plugin Manager list the currently installed plugins. It has a button to updates all the installed plugin. Another button to install new plugins.

When you go to the install new plugin page it download the list from the server and displays them as a checkbox list. When a plugin is selected the following information is avaliable: Name, Author, Latest Version, Last Upadated, Description. It also has some options as where to put the plugin (user directory, system directory). Finally, the source code can be downloaded and stored in the plugin directory (if box is checked).

I think we could learn (copy/steal) a lot from how jEdit handles these extensions to the base package. Just my $.02 worth...