While discussing the need for a repository of tcl packages and code, and after [SC] had mentioned the availability of [cantcl], [LV] said: Is there a technical description of the functionality provided? Do people have ideas on what features is needed? For instance, I'd like to have the ability to: * get a report on what extensions are in the repository but not installed * get a report on what extensions from the repository are installed * get a report on what extensions from the repository are newer than what I've installed * be able to full text search the docs from the extensions in the repository * be able to download source from the repository * be able to download binary from the repository if available * be able to support someone contributing binaries (recording info about options selected, who contributed it, staging area where binaries can be checked before releasing, etc.) * be able to support someone contributing new source code (recording info about options available, depedendecies, who contributed it, licensing issues, staging area where source can be checked before releasing, etc.) * private or public mirroring (perhaps with the CPAN redirection to ''nearest'' location for the user * new and updated contributions notification (email, interactive, other) * ability to express dependencies in a way that one could, if so desired, say ''build for me the source for BLT 2.6 and any missing dependencies'' and get back the proper versions that version of BLT requires that I am missing. Some of the above wishes come from interacting with Perl's CPAN repository, some come from a partial understanding of [ActiveState]'s Perl extension manager, and some come from listening to what the users have requested on clt. ---- [MPJ] A nice example of a working repository is the plugin extensions for the text editor '''jEdit''' [http://www.jedit.org/]. The ''Plugin Manager'' lists the currently installed plugins. It has a button to updates all the installed plugin. Another button to install new plugins. When you go to the install new plugin page it download the list from the server and displays them as a checkbox list. When a plugin is selected the following information is avaliable: Name, Author, Latest Version, Last Upadated, Description. It also has some options as where to put the plugin (user directory, system directory). Finally, the source code can be downloaded and stored in the plugin directory (if box is checked). I think we could learn (copy/steal) a lot from how jEdit handles these extensions to the base package. Just my $.02 worth... ---- [SC] there are other auto-plugin downloaders, xemacs [http://www.xemacs.org/] can retrieve package lists and tell you what you have installed and what's new that's available. None of this is new or even difficult, it just needs designing and doing! [LV] And of course Firefox at http://mozilla.org/ has such capability for plugins, extensions, and themes. It also supposedly supports a ''check for me on some regular interval whether this is the latest, and if not, notify the user'' type functionality. [schlenk] And especially for Firefox this feature was so buggy at first (they had XML/RDF descriptions of the updates but parsed them with some PHP regexps instead of a real XML parser), that we could easily do at least that good. ---- [MG] April 9th 2005 - Is there any kind of repository for Tcl code, at present? If not, would there by any interest in me trying to set one up? It certainly wouldn't have all the features mentioned above at first, and might never get some of 'em, but it might at least help to stop some of the broken links, to code/packages that aren't stored on the Wiki... [RS]: The closest I can think of at the moment is [sdarchive]. [LV] [CANTCL] is a nice start - but the creator might very well be wanting some help, or perhaps someone with whom he would share the code to get you started. Also take a look at the [tcl modules] tip. [MG] will read up on all the TIPs mentioned through those pages over the next couple of days. [SC] All of the [CANTCL] code is on Sourceforge, you're free to get it and work with it. I'll add anyone as a developer on that project. I don't have any time to spend on CANTCL at the moment but I'd still like to see a working repository. [AF] I am working on a repo but I have temporarily been pulled away by work and a project for my own business. here is some info on what i was working towards [http://crack.lighter.net/~rox/repo.txt] ---- [SYStems] Okay, I never used CPAN, but if I understand corectly, it removes a perl package from the OS domain, meaning, if I want XOTcl on debian, I won't need a debian package, but a Tcl-CPAN package which as I can see will make life easier, as it can unify and formilize Tcl packages amongts linux distros, so even I am not competant enough to implement such a solution, I will shamelessly cheerlead it. For starter I think if the solution will be implemented as a web-service, web site admins a-la forums admins can be a good enough solution for spam. I imagine a solution like this apt-get tcl-can apt-cache info search tcl tcl-can - Tcl comprehensive archive network # hint, tcl-cpan is the only thing I need to get tcl, tcl-can cannot depend on tcl tcl-can install XOTcl You will need to download 2 new packages tcl, xotcl Continue yes or no? # and so on, # tcl-can search ''pattern'' # tcl-can info ''name'' -- shows package info # tcl-can policy ''name'' -- same idea as debian, tell what I have and what I could have # tcl-can download ''name'' -- download package only, no deps necessary # tcl-can install ''name'' -- download and install with dependencies # tcl-can files ''name'' -- list files in package, wether the package is installed or not # tcl-can remove ''name'' # tcl-can add ''name.tp'' -- upload a tp (tcl package) to the rep, should be availble for anyone # of course we should find a way to deal with names conflicts, # I suggest that like webmails, first come, first take # popular packages can be added before this rep be made public # tcl-can delete ''name.tp'' -- remove package fro repository admins only, require pass # tcl-can login ''admin'' -- asks for a password, of course can be hacked, but other admin ca # recover the site from damage # etc ... Of course, Tk and webmin front ends can be made availble later, a port to windows, etc ... This will definitely be cool and I think it removes a huge load from linux distribution makers the package format (i.e. the file that contain the depencies list and much more) must be easily prepared and made, debian packaging manual is a ciptic 40 pages long monster Also ideas to consider, running multiple versions concurently, also some obvious issues, how to deal with tcl extensions writen in other langs, mostly c, and what tcl packages who are just wrappers as this imagination seems to only work for pure tcl packages, and honestly I dont even have the knowledge to think about solving this. ---- [PWQ] ''15 May 05'', One drawback I see in the ''central'' repository is just that. The TCL community is very decentralised. I would propose using a distributed archive. Each server maintains a server list that details how each server can be queried (URI) for information on available packages. Setting the minimum standard of having urls for server and package lists, allows serving packages without having to have access to CGI and database backends. Rationale: It is easy for a developer to maintain his own work and control the distribution. Every developer has at least access to a public web server serving static pages (A personal home page). Rather than having to conform to a dictated regeme and package format, each developer only needs to elicite the support of another developer to add in their server details (three url's) for their package/application to become part of the archive network. Another advantage is that there can be multiple archives serving the same package, automatically building redundancy into the archive network. [escargo] - I could see where packages might need to be cryptographically signed to ensure that they have not been tampered with (or just modified without changing the version number). It's one thing to have data distributed, but having executable code requires a signficant '''web of trust.''' [LES] on May 16, 2005: [PWQ]: But decentralization is what I most (if anything else) would like to see. The Tcl community is very decentralised, indeed, and I see that as a problem. As to the security aspect, ask the [BSD] guys, or follow their example. They handle it well. ---- [Category Distribution] | [Category Suggestions]