How to market [Tcl] to make it more appealing to: * software development business users * inhouse business users * freelance programmers * science and engineering users * application and desktop end users * non-programmers of all kinds (that often make decisions ''for'' programmers ;-) ) General things to work on: * Show that it's possible to design complex applications in Tcl that don't get too hairy. * Show that it's possible to design serious applications that have a [GUI separate from the backend code] (no [Tk] spaghetti!). * When someone says that XYZ language is better - ask them why they think that, and how they arrived at that conclusion. Try and determine what factors (peers, press, job pressure) are most responsible for their state of mind. Then convince them Tcl is better:-) And report back to "The Borg" so that these concerns can be better addressed. Concrete things to do: * [Tile] * Tcl Tutorial: * Create "one object system to rule them all" or at least make a ''final'' decision about what will be done. * Update the web site. Rather, it needs a facelift + regular content updates with eye-catching differences. As it stands now, it gives the impression that the Tcl community is one large corporate Borg. * Contact 3rd party webmasters for Tcl related sites, extension authors etc. and get them to update their website. At the very least to reflect accurate information about the current state of Tcl and Tk and how their offering fits into the picture. Too many stale extensions still claim to work with a "current" version of Tcl or Tk. Too much stale information exists on the web, and any effort in this area is better then no effort. Even people that don't have the time are more likely to find it if asked politely, and in some tough cases, handed the html for the appropriate changes. * Expunge as many as possible of the 8 million mentions of now-defunct or completely uninvolved companies associated with Tcl on the web. Mention of companies such as Scriptics, Sun and Ajuba should relate only to copyright discussions or a larger historical context. These are used as contemporary references in too many places, causing vast amounts of confusion and making Tcl and Tk appear to be like some technological hot-potato/black widow. This is a ''real problem''. * Consistent, easily available packages, both pure Tcl and C code. Consistent documentation as well. * Give talks. This goes double for the core team, because being "core team" is something that will get you in doors to give the talks in the first place. This is a good way to chat with potential Tcl users, see what they're interested in, what their conceptions are, what they're using now, and so on - getting a feel for the market, in short. * Tcl 9. Perl is blowing it, how will Tcl handle this transition. What new excitement will be offered? How will it answer the questions "Why upgrade?" and "What's new?" Tcl 9 will either be a major lever for Tcl and the future or it will be a major setback. Having it be vaporware will certainly guarantee that it is indeed a setback. ---- Random thoughts: * Don't name your applications 'tk*'. Focus on what it does, so that people will take a look even if they aren't tk fans, or have preconceptions about projects that use it. However, ''do'' showcase the use of Tcl and Tcl-related technologies like starkits in your documentation and "About..." sections. * Show how easy it is to build applications, and how, with a smaller amount of code, it is easier to maintain and extend. In most cases, the code will speak for itself. But an effort must be made to enlist closed source users to at least mention Tcl or Tk in the docs. * Demonstrate cross-platform usability without modification. ([RS]) A cross-platform binary extension library would be a major plus here. * Show how much smaller similar applications are when implemented in [Tcl/Tk] than in other languages. ([escargo], 18 Aug 2003) * Reach out to users of the Tk toolkit via bindings from other languages. Some success might be made "roping them in" from their other language if they are shown how Tcl can give them additional power over Tk and their applications. * Reach out to users who ''do not'' like the editor/terminal combo. Some effort has been made, but a unified "reeducation" of longtime users must take place. Instead of "we do it this way", questions about GUI editors and [IDE]s must meet with meaningful answers. Again, this has gotten better, but I still see hints of a provincial attitude pop up in various forums I monitor. * [MSW]: Show how many professional tools use tcl as their scripting plugin making it possible to write applications which either run in a standalone tclsh/wish or be loaded directly onto tools from which you can gain additional information for your own application. Discussion moved to [Tcl Marketing discussion] ---- '''Why Marketing Matters''' When we talk about marketing, we don't mean used car advertising - trying to sell people junk they don't want or won't do the job for them. We mean increasing the appeal and perceptions of Tcl in order to effectively communicate its strengths to potential users. Some of this is just smoke and mirrors, and as such might be unappealing and counterintuitive to the programmers mind. But that marketing is unimportant could not be further from the truth. In order to understand why it's important to try and sell something that's free, some concepts from the field of economics are useful. First and foremost, "demand side economies of scale", or "positive network externalities". What these terms mean, basically, is that for some products, they become more valuable the more people use them. The classic example is a cell phone. It's worth nothing if you're the only one to have one, and is much more valuable to you if all your friends have one. Programming languages are not valuable only because of the 'networks' they belong to, but it is something that's helpful. Think about being able to ask questions on comp.lang.tcl, or the chat room. Or be able to easily hire someone to work with your Tcl code, or conversely, easily find jobs where your Tcl skills are valuable. Think of the group of all users of a language as a pyramid, with Dr. Ousterhout, or Larry Wall, or Guido van Rossum at the top. Those guys are brilliant, but think of all the value provided by successive layers down the pyramid. All the libraries, the QA work, the books, the documentation, the user group meetings, and so on. All those things happen because the language is widely used. But, you say, Tcl is widely used, why bother? [Cobol] and [Fortran] are still used well after their heyday, aren't they? Sure, that's true. Programming languages also have a lot of "lock-in". Switching costs are very expensive in some cases, meaning that once you've got a system up and running, redoing it is not going to be cheap. This is an incentive to keep maintaining and incrementally improving/upgrading existing systems, in whatever language they are written. Tcl is deployed widely enough that there are many existing users who will keep using it for years to come. However, if we only count on lock-in for Tcl users, we are looking at a long, steady decline. Sure it won't be gone tommorow, and there is money to be had riding it all the way down, but the size of the pie will continue to dwindle. What we'd like to see, instead, is Tcl gaining in popularity, and being used for new projects. New projects in Tcl will create new users and developers, some of whom will create more valuable projects. In short, there is positive feedback involved, which means that the strong get stronger, and the weak get weaker. I would like to see Tcl on the 'getting stronger' side of that equation! And one payoff of this increase in users and developers is a larger marketplace. A larger marketplace has many benefits: increased opportunities for paid work, increased need for support services, the ability to sustain multiple vendors, and not least more publicity and success stories to feed the monster. To bemoan the lack of these opportunities and payoffs is not productive; the productive course is to bring about the necessary conditions for them to exist. In an age where languages are a dime a dozen, and at a time when other languages are chipping away at Tcl's traditional niche areas, this work cannot be left to Activestate (no offense meant). The community must be mobilized as a whole as much as is possible and with as much united direction as is possible. ''See the book Information Rules for more information on the economic aspects of high-tech:'' ---- '''The Competition''' * [Perl] - still very popular, but dropping off in terms of new projects. Still have a very big library and system to access it - CPAN. There are lots of potential converts here, in terms of people who want GUIs, and a language that's simpler and cleaner. Even more converts are probably likely after the next version bump. * [PHP] - Tcl isn't likely to make a dent in PHP's primary market, web programming. Even though we were there first with systems like AOLserver, PHP has taken off, and has really captured this market, along with Java for more complex applications. Tcl needs to watch out for PHP trying to break out of the web niche and expand into Tcl's territory - graphical apps and system scripting. Currently however, PHP scripts are more much work than writing the same in [Python], [Perl] or [Ruby]. * [Python] - Probably Tcl's main competition right now. Python is going very strongly, and is seen as a good choice for many people who want to use a scripting language - it may not be the best choice for any given problem, but it's usually 'good enough'. Some changes occurred to Python rather recently (2.4) which made it simpler to write short programs, giving it the possibility to compete with [Ruby] successfully. What areas is Python dominant in that we can catch-up to? What strengths does Tcl have that we can use to our advantage? * [Ruby] - Still not all that popular compared with the other languages (a lot of development is done in japan, and the documentation is mostly only japanese there. You can read the source code, but it is an extra effort, taking some time so that translation is not that appealing because of extra costs), and probably more of a direct competitor to [Python], with a clear advantage on the OOP aspect due to its inherent structure. But then again Ruby's default GUI is the Tcl/Tk toolkit, which makes it really easy to use it from within Ruby. * [Lua] - Gaining ground amongst those who need a very small, simple language to embed in their apps. One way to fend off this challenge would be to modularize the Tcl core in order to make it more competitive in limited-resource environments. Tcl is more dynamic and more featureful than Lua, so for larger apps, Lua is not as competitive. ''([DKF]: Lua often crops up as a scripting language for configuring computer games, where virtually everything is in C/C++ anyway.)'' * [Java] - Primarily a competitor in the GUI space because it claims to be "cross platform". The main Java GUI toolkit suffers from the same problem that Tk does, in that it doesn't integrate perfectly in all desktop environments (Mac OS X, Windows, one of Gnome or KDE). It is currently quite successful among company usage, possibly because of advertising. * [Visual Basic] - Windows only, so we have a cross-platform advantage. * '''Unix shell languages''' - Perhaps not competition as such, since these are not languages anyone would suggest for even a medium size project, but their non-interactive use is certainly a market that Tcl could cut into: cleaner syntax, nowhere near the same [quoting hell]. ([RS]: ...and cross-platformity, same script runs on [Unix] and [Windows]... At my work, there is a trend to convert shell scripts to Tcl scripts.) ---- [Category Community]