Version 8 of Tcl Interface to WinPCAP

Updated 2006-03-08 14:41:34

I am interested in starting an effort to create an interface between TCL and WinPCAP.

First off, does anyone know of anything done in this area so far.

SS 9Dec2004: You may want to check hping3 at .

Thanks for the link SS. Very interesting package.

Craig French has decided to work on creating a Tcl Interface to WinPCAP in a windows environment. It is very much in an alpha state right now so check back to this page if you are interested.

JN 12Feb2005: Jose Nazario has written a simple Tcl-pcap interface (dubbed tcap). It's written for UNIX but should be extendable to any POSIX pcap implementation. Tcap is a very minimal interface to pcap(3) for Tclers.

[MJ] I am currently implementing a binding to WinPcap. Currently the extension can open network interfaces and dump files, receive packets and apply filters. It is functional enough to implement a tcpdump clone. Things to be done are cleanup of the code, testing on different Windows platforms and implementing packet transmission functionality.