**Tcl Documentation on Stackoverflow** This page is for discussion and planning of the Stackoverflow documentation. http://stackoverflow.com/documentation/tcl/topics%|%Stackoverflow Tcl Documentation%|% Even if you don't use Stackoverflow, please feel free to add your comments. [bll] 2016-7-29: Stackoverflow has added a documentation section that be associated with a tag on Stackoverflow. It is organized as a series of topics with a multitude of examples within each topic. The examples can include both text and code. There are also syntax, parameters and remarks sections. The remarks section is free-form, so anything can go there. The parameters section expects some particular format, so it doesn't seem to be useful. The syntax section expects a list of one-liners. ****Plan**** * '''String Operations''' ** string useful/common string manipulation ** format ** scan ** file tail ** file rootname (and the other useful file operations that are specialized string commands) * '''Regular Expressions''' * '''File Operations''' ** file ** chan ** fconfigure ** zlib Make sure all topics and examples have links to the manual pages and cross reference links to other relevant stackoverflow documentation. For manual page links, remove the version number from the link so that it points at the current version: Before: http://tcl.tk/man/tcl8.6/TclCmd/lrepeat.htm After: http://tcl.tk/man/tcl/TclCmd/lrepeat.htm ****Discussion**** [bll] 2016-7-29: Obviously we don't want to re-create the manual pages, but we can add discussion and examples of common usage, common questions and common problems. At this time, there are five or six people who have signed up to work on the Stackoverflow documentation. Not enough people have signed up to start the Tk documentation on Stackoverflow. It just got started so don't expect too much :-). The introduction topic sucks. [bll] 2016-7-29: I don't know if it's better to put the links to manual pages in the topic level (remarks section), example level, or both. ****Links**** http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/tcl%|%Tcl tag on Stackoverflow%|% http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/tk%|%Tk tag on Stackoverflow%|% http://stackoverflow.com/documentation/tcl/topics%|%Stackoverflow Tcl Documentation%|% http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/118649/tcl-documentation-discussion%|%Tcl Documentation Chat room on Stackoverflow%|% <>Documentation